Yes, the initial vote was NO! Since our former union President John Waard, reopened the vote it passed. Now, since he screwed us, he is being looked at to be brought up on racketeering charges. Juan Johnson our former Treasurer has already been brought up on racketeering.
You think the AFA is strong? Hmm, maybe you should ask the United and US Airways flight attendants. AFA is a huge ripoff and all Pat Friend is interested in, is collecting your $39 per month. AFA is a HUGE JOKE!
hey, I never said AFA was strong. my union involvement was just a way to stay home nights and go to grad school.
i flew for TWA from 78-79, met a guy there who today is my best friend . he rode TWA out to the end. So, I give you credit for recognizing that John Ward was corrupt. He is the single reason the TWA FAs lost all of their seniority (and their severence pay when they were eventually furloughed) He had a personal "hard-on" for seniority because of what happened to him with the "B-scale" during the early 80s, and had a chance for personal (and irrational revenge) by screwing the TWA mamas. Adhesion to the contract had nothing to do with the staple job; a token seniority bone could have been thrown to TWA without hurting the AA rank and file. John Ward refused to even talk to the IAM reps.
enough said about that..........i left UA two years ago, now fly alot on both jBlue and AA with my new job. the jBlue FAS are a hard-working, enthusiastic bunch who give that airline a personality. Your jB bashing is what prompted me to respond here...........but, I'm over that.
so, Good Luck, i wish you well, hope you have a long and prosperous career.
but one more thing...........
I hate to burst you little bubble but, if AA asks again for concessions, it will not pass!