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Jetblue To Reconsider E190 Order

Gee, nice comeback. 🙄

AA has lost tons of cash but, the stock has not dropped as fast as JBLU! Get that resume out because JB is going, going...GONE!

So how does it feel to go from the A330 at US to a cheesy EMB170? Are you making the same pay? NOT! Guess what? I make more then you do as an AA flight attendant!! Laughing all the way to the BANK! :lol:

You my friend are living in a diluted world if you think you are going to be making the same pay and you are not going to take a cut - I have about 15 friends that work for AA and I bet you that you do just more than take cuts your work rules etc will be changing... just a matter of time.
based on what you did to the TW people


I didn't do anything to the TWA people! The APFA CBA, Article 1 protects our seniority in the event of an acquisition/merger and that's what it did.

The TWA flight attendants only have one person they can blame..The IAM!

You my friend are living in a diluted world if you think you are going to be making the same pay and you are not going to take a cut - I have about 15 friends that work for AA and I bet you that you do just more than take cuts your work rules etc will be changing... just a matter of time.

In case you didn't know...

We at AA get to VOTE on any concession package the compAAny brings to us and if the union sends it to the membership. You will need to put your money where your mouth is. Concessions will not pass if they are brought to us this time.

Unlike your pals at Delta (except the pilots) or jetBlue, they don't get to vote. The company comes and takes what they want.
Thanks I thought it was a great comeback ...since I had nothing to come back from ....

Too bad I have never worked an EMB170 and probably never will in my Career. But I do know one thing ...I will NEVER have to work that tired old MD80.

Even after 3 paycuts USAIRWAYS still makes the same if not more than you !!!!
So you talk about lowering the bar ...you can look to AA do doing that years ago.

I started at 21.00 an hour but your counterparts at AA started at 17.80 .... AA payscale = sucks

After your paycheck is deposited you are still just a bitter ole F/A
Gee, nice comeback. 🙄

AA has lost tons of cash but, the stock has not dropped as fast as JBLU! Get that resume out because JB is going, going...GONE!

So how does it feel to go from the A330 at US to a cheesy EMB170? Are you making the same pay? NOT! Guess what? I make more then you do as an AA flight attendant!! Laughing all the way to the BANK! :lol:

I didn't do anything to the TWA people! The APFA CBA, Article 1 protects our seniority in the event of an acquisition/merger and that's what it did.

The TWA flight attendants only have one person they can blame..The IAM!
In case you didn't know...

We at AA get to VOTE on any concession package the compAAny brings to us and if the union sends it to the membership. You will need to put your money where your mouth is. Concessions will not pass if they are brought to us this time.

Unlike your pals at Delta (except the pilots) or jetBlue, they don't get to vote. The company comes and takes what they want.

hey BOB, how exactly did that concessionary vote in '03 go?
didn't the FA workgroup vote NO to the concessions initially (thanks to block voting by the TWA FAs on the property ) Then, didn't the APFA reopen the vote for a day or so and even allow people to change their votes. And wasn't that all because the company said AA would go banktupt if the FAs didn't come around?

I was a union rep at an AFA carrier when that all went down, and we watched you guys pretty closely. It's gonna happen again; your union's not strong enough.In fact, it's a joke.
hey BOB, how exactly did that concessionary vote in '03 go?
didn't the FA workgroup vote NO to the concessions initially (thanks to block voting by the TWA FAs on the property ) Then, didn't the APFA reopen the vote for a day or so and even allow people to change their votes. And wasn't that all because the company said AA would go banktupt if the FAs didn't come around?

I was a union rep at an AFA carrier when that all went down, and we watched you guys pretty closely. It's gonna happen again; your union's not strong enough.In fact, it's a joke.

Yes, the initial vote was NO! Since our former union President John Waard, reopened the vote it passed. Now, since he screwed us, he is being looked at to be brought up on racketeering charges. Juan Johnson our former Treasurer has already been brought up on racketeering.

You think the AFA is strong? Hmm, maybe you should ask the United and US Airways flight attendants. AFA is a huge ripoff and all Pat Friend is interested in, is collecting your $39 per month. AFA is a HUGE JOKE!

I hate to burst you little bubble but, if AA asks again for concessions, it will not pass!
Thanks I thought it was a great comeback ...since I had nothing to come back from ....

Too bad I have never worked an EMB170 and probably never will in my Career. But I do know one thing ...I will NEVER have to work that tired old MD80.

Even after 3 paycuts USAIRWAYS still makes the same if not more than you !!!!
So you talk about lowering the bar ...you can look to AA do doing that years ago.

I started at 21.00 an hour but your counterparts at AA started at 17.80 .... AA payscale = sucks

After your paycheck is deposited you are still just a bitter ole F/A

You should be a stand up comic! I make a whole lot more then you do at US. So do tell us what does a US f/a start at these days? Don't lie, because anyone can find out. Yes, I do make more then you do and I don't have to fly 100 hours to do it. Unlike you at US!

AA flight attendants didn't start at $17.80! In fact after the contract we ratified in 2001, new hires started at $21.61! After our concessions a new hire started at $19.36! With our incentive pay in 2001 a new hire made $24.85 and after concessions with incentive pay it is $22.60 per flight hour. So get of the high you're on because you make less then we do at AA!

I actually don't fly the MD80 anymore. My seniority is low enough to keep me off it.

You name is A330toEMB170...I think we all know you do fly that little piece of crap!

See you at the BANK! Oh wait, you don't make enough to deposit. :lol:
It sure is gonna be fun watching people like B.O.B. go through their next round of concessions (which will happen either through a Yes vote or through a BK judge) ...
Yes, the initial vote was NO! Since our former union President John Waard, reopened the vote it passed. Now, since he screwed us, he is being looked at to be brought up on racketeering charges. Juan Johnson our former Treasurer has already been brought up on racketeering.

You think the AFA is strong? Hmm, maybe you should ask the United and US Airways flight attendants. AFA is a huge ripoff and all Pat Friend is interested in, is collecting your $39 per month. AFA is a HUGE JOKE!

hey, I never said AFA was strong. my union involvement was just a way to stay home nights and go to grad school.

i flew for TWA from 78-79, met a guy there who today is my best friend . he rode TWA out to the end. So, I give you credit for recognizing that John Ward was corrupt. He is the single reason the TWA FAs lost all of their seniority (and their severence pay when they were eventually furloughed) He had a personal "hard-on" for seniority because of what happened to him with the "B-scale" during the early 80s, and had a chance for personal (and irrational revenge) by screwing the TWA mamas. Adhesion to the contract had nothing to do with the staple job; a token seniority bone could have been thrown to TWA without hurting the AA rank and file. John Ward refused to even talk to the IAM reps.

enough said about that..........i left UA two years ago, now fly alot on both jBlue and AA with my new job. the jBlue FAS are a hard-working, enthusiastic bunch who give that airline a personality. Your jB bashing is what prompted me to respond here...........but, I'm over that.

so, Good Luck, i wish you well, hope you have a long and prosperous career.

but one more thing...........

I hate to burst you little bubble but, if AA asks again for concessions, it will not pass!

are you saying I have a bubble-but?

What are you UAL apologists rationalizing now? Your totally absurd payscale? Your three year odyssey to boldly go where no airline has gone before? Your defense of it is a joke. I don't blame you for it, but please don't defend it. Please don't let Busdrvr rationalize it with his economic theorizing. (A power point presentation would have been nice). Just go back and get your own house in order, and we'll take care of ours. Also, try to remember all those years you were all trash-talking Southwest. They now make as much as your wide-body captains. Rationalize that!

Sorry Furley, I've come to realize you usually don't have the aptitude to understand too much on this board.... Daedalus just backed it up with his exhibited thorough understanding of BK law. 🙄

Let me address a few items that were mentioned while I vactioned with my family over the holidays.
Does Jetblue pay an a320 Capt more? Well we get the nice little 12 year to 12 comparison. But to be frank, that has no merit whatsoever. How many 12 year Capts you got? That's like negotiating A330 payrates. When you actually pay somebody that amount, you can cite the payscale. Dave will be off creating a new airline in Bolivia by then. Second, even if you want to use your advertised 12 year rates, you neglected to point out the 9% b-fund and the 6% c-fund at UAL. So any comparison would have to include those "plus-ups".

Daedalus, if you don't work for blu, then why are 2/3's of your posts here, and usual involve the symbolic licking of jetblu's nether parts? Trolling for a job? Just curious.

Back to the 190, how is the performance now? Did the holidays go well? Has it been through a snowstorm? It will interesting to see how it does when layers of snow get sprayed off with hot type 2.

Don't hurt yourself trying to figure out my reasons for posting on the B6 board. To soothe your concern, I am currently back in the miitary after having been furloughed from US Air after 9/11. If I could get out today I'd gladly work for B6 since I feel it is the best managed airline business outside of SWA. Now why do you feel compelled to spend your time taking cheap potshots at B6 when your beloved UAL quitely goes about its business trashing this industry...a la US Air. You'd have far more credibility if you stopped your defense of the indefensible actions at UAL.

Don't hurt yourself trying to figure out my reasons for posting on the B6 board. To soothe your concern, I am currently back in the miitary after having been furloughed from US Air after 9/11. If I could get out today I'd gladly work for B6 since I feel it is the best managed airline business outside of SWA. Now why do you feel compelled to spend your time taking cheap potshots at B6 when your beloved UAL quitely goes about its business trashing this industry...a la US Air. You'd have far more credibility if you stopped your defense of the indefensible actions at UAL.

So IOW, you are lining up to grovel for a job. Maybe Furley will recommend you. 🙄 While your previous posts exhibit a lack of competance WRT simple math and basic accounting, I will once again remind you that UAL pays MORE than Blu, DESPITE BK. The fact that you'd line up and salivate over one of those 190 jobs says a lot about you. I guess you are using the same logic you used when you lined up to go to U..... 🙄

But lets talk about the "best managed" part. Does picking an unproven jungle junk jet and asking the employees to finance it with extremely low pay good management? Are you referring to the inability to maintain a decent OT rate despite less than 100 jets and a very simply, minimal connecting traffic network? Or the ever increasing rate of lost bags? Or the genious in the fuel hedging strategy? Lets face it, "best managed" means getting employees to accept bargain basement pay. (Quick Daedalus, who said "get people to do things they don't want to do and like it") If choosing employees with no understanding of the long term costs in his "plan" makes him a good manager, then he did hire the right Huckelberrys.

As expected your response contains its usual caustic diatribe about how everyone is a naive fool when it comes to how B6 really is, and if it weren't for your superhuman insights and understanding of this business, and JetBlue specifically, we'd all be better off walking in front of a speeding train. Also, while it may be normal for you to stick your nose up somebody else's arse to get something, don't assume that the rest of us use the same playbook.

Son, you are so full of yourself its pouring out of your ears and piling up on the floor. You are a classic narcissicist and you repeatedly reinforce that dominant personality trait with your plethora of nasty posts and sophmoric spin of UAL's repeated dismal financial results. Meanwhile your ignorance of both the external and internal issues at B6 is typical of an arrogant putz who does all of his industry research on USA Today. Why don't you return to your formerly self-imposed exile of the JetBlue board and hang out with your ilk over at the UAL fantasyland?

Your weak attempt to flame me is not only laughable but shows how inept your are with people in general. What happened in your poor pathetic life that makes you the way you are? Was it some horrid childhood abuse you suffered? Or is it the simple fact that your significant other is tired of your sh!t and wont give it up anymore with you?

So you have decided to not come back to this business because it's professional standards and compensation levels are beneath your lofty minimums. While that is an admirable action it does not synch up with your continuing obsession with this business, as it is manifested through your postings on this board. If you're going to walk away from the business then do it 100% and move on with your grand life in whatever else you've chosen to do and STOP HANGING AROUND HERE! Anything less makes me suspect you're full of crap with regard to "walking away" from the business.

Despite my personal dislike for you, I will attempt to rise above your level of selfish, egotistical behavior and offer you some good cheer during this Christmas season. Let me be the first on this board to wish you have a happy holiday. You certainly need one to get that bug out of your scrawny arse, but I expect it be will be more like what Scrooge got in the end for the similar personality traits you both share...oh well I tried.

Bottomline, whatever sin JetBlue has committed against this business and the pilot profession, it pales in comparison to the actions committed by UAL over the last three years. To ignore that basic fact shows your ignorance of the industry and your lack of credibility as you continue to throw your figurative rocks at everyone else.

Are you serious???? You are going to gripe that JB doesn't have a 12 year pilot, therefore we can't compare payscales? That is the most moronic statement I think I have heard on this board in regards to comparing the pay of one carrier to another.

Back to the topic. The 190 performed well during the holidays. While I don't have specific numbers, every day we use the airplane we learn more and the operation gets better. We have a problem with on time departures and arrivals as the scheduled block time is often inadequate for even the nicest of days and the turns are too short as well. The December schedule has been adjusted accordingly. During the holiday, we used all 4 of the aircraft the whole day. To my knowledge, there were no cancellations and no substitutions. To my knowledge the aircraft hasn't been deiced, so I will let you know when it does.

Lets get back to the topic at hand and leave the other business off this thread and the boards while we're at it. This is the first and ONLY WARNING to those posting on this thread.

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