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Jetblue To Reconsider E190 Order

Actually it was great! The snow was great and so was the weather.

How was being forced to work on Christmas?

Didn't work but thanks for the concern. You must have been at AA for 25 years in order to get Christmas off. Are you on reserve this month or will it be next month?
Didn't work but thanks for the concern. You must have been at AA for 25 years in order to get Christmas off. Are you on reserve this month or will it be next month?

Not on reserve, so that doesn't apply to me :up: !

Flying LAX transcons in January, with New Years Day off! I fly these transcons on a real airplane...Boeing 767! Not a Tonka Toy called an Airbus, like yourself.
Not on reserve, so that doesn't apply to me :up: !

Flying LAX transcons in January, with New Years Day off! I fly these transcons on a real airplane...Boeing 767! Not a Tonka Toy called an Airbus, like yourself.
Hey B.O.B,

I guess you forgot your company has some Tonka Toys !!
Not on reserve, so that doesn't apply to me :up: !

Flying LAX transcons in January, with New Years Day off! I fly these transcons on a real airplane...Boeing 767! Not a Tonka Toy called an Airbus, like yourself.

I'll just let the above toolish quote stand on it's own.

I'll agree with 767. Got better things to do than to argue with someone with the blinders on so tight that they still raise the "Dave is Great!!" flag despite collapsing operational and financial permance, even with industry basement compensation. Then if I dare question it, one of your cheerleaders attacks my wife. I'm trying to avoid the High School boards..... 🙄

Let me help you out old friend. First, you're not successfully avoiding the "high school boards" based on your 1900+ posts.
Second, you've attacked everything, and everyone, so spare us the drivel about your wife.
And third, United's pay is worse than ours, as is everyting about it.
Finally, Dave is a good guy. I'm sorry Goodwin didn't work out for you geniuses.
I'll just let the above toolish quote stand on it's own.
Let me help you out old friend. First, you're not successfully avoiding the "high school boards" based on your 1900+ posts.
Second, you've attacked everything, and everyone, so spare us the drivel about your wife.
And third, United's pay is worse than ours, as is everyting about it.
Finally, Dave is a good guy. I'm sorry Goodwin didn't work out for you geniuses.

OK Mr. Furley, oops I meant Farley.
I'll just let the above toolish quote stand on it's own.
Let me help you out old friend. First, you're not successfully avoiding the "high school boards" based on your 1900+ posts.
Second, you've attacked everything, and everyone, so spare us the drivel about your wife.
And third, United's pay is worse than ours, as is everyting about it.
Finally, Dave is a good guy. I'm sorry Goodwin didn't work out for you geniuses.

Uh, Wrong. The highest paid Blu Capt gets paid $126 an hour, unless of course he wh0res himself out with overtime. The LOWEST paid A320 Capt at UAL gets $145 an hour (of course there is no additional pay to wh0re oneself out). Meanwhile, UAL pays it's most junior 100 seat Capt $145 an hour, vs around $75 an hour for the MOST SENIOR 100 seat Capt at Jblu.

So what I think you are saying is that Jblu pays the SAME base rate as UAL pays for an aircraft that is the largest in the lowest payband at UAL. If you go to the next larger jet at UAL, then you would see higher base rates than at Blu. I also think you meant to say that you plan on dying long before retirement because YOUR calculations that imply high pay at blu neglect the 15% in retirement (this time in a pilot controlled account) that UAL pays, vs a "match" for Jblu. So in the future, please be more specific, when you say Blu pays better, what fleet and seat are you refering to, and what are you leaving out?

What UAL 100 seat rate are you referring to?

If you consider someone who flies 85 hours a month a "whore", you need to look in the mirror. Just about everyone flies 85 now.


What UAL 100 seat rate are you referring to?

If you consider someone who flies 85 hours a month a "whore", you need to look in the mirror. Just about everyone flies 85 now.


I've never in my life "willingly" flown 85 hours in a month (had to a few times when at war). I'm pretty lazy though 😛 . The UAL 100 seat rate is for the 737-500 configured for 8F 96Y seating (you got me, make that the 104 seat rate...)

Have a happy new year! 😉 :up:
I've never in my life "willingly" flown 85 hours in a month (had to a few times when at war). I'm pretty lazy though 😛 . The UAL 100 seat rate is for the 737-500 configured for 8F 96Y seating (you got me, make that the 104 seat rate...)

Have a happy new year! 😉 :up:

What was the UAL monthly flying average in 2002 (disclosed in the initial BK filings)? Wasn't it about 36 hours a month? No matter how you slice it - THAT is Lazy (with a capital L). It's not just you, it was every pilot at UAL. No wonder UAL was forced to file Ch 11 in 2002.
What was the UAL monthly flying average in 2002 (disclosed in the initial BK filings)? Wasn't it about 36 hours a month? No matter how you slice it - THAT is Lazy (with a capital L). It's not just you, it was every pilot at UAL. No wonder UAL was forced to file Ch 11 in 2002.

That was prior to the massive furloughs, but after the grounding of 2 fleets. UAL parked all 77 727's and all twenty something 737-200's. It took almost a year to get all those flight crews retrained. Then of course, that caused a huge ripple effect, and unfortunately, the entire process was not managed very well, so there were people who would come out of training only to find out they'd been bumped again within a month or so. Add to that a HUGE problem we had with herpes buring sick leave on fleets we no longer even flew, and the numbers got WAY skewed. In that case it wasn't the pilots, it was a VERY poorly managed airline. In my case, I almost ALWAYS dropped at least a week to do reserve duty, and NEVER once picked up any open flying. I's rather the company hire another pilot below me instead. He gets a job, and I get seniority. :up: 😉
Uh, Wrong. The highest paid Blu Capt gets paid $126 an hour, unless of course he wh0res himself out with overtime. The LOWEST paid A320 Capt at UAL gets $145 an hour (of course there is no additional pay to wh0re oneself out). Meanwhile, UAL pays it's most junior 100 seat Capt $145 an hour, vs around $75 an hour for the MOST SENIOR 100 seat Capt at Jblu.

So what I think you are saying is that Jblu pays the SAME base rate as UAL pays for an aircraft that is the largest in the lowest payband at UAL. If you go to the next larger jet at UAL, then you would see higher base rates than at Blu. I also think you meant to say that you plan on dying long before retirement because YOUR calculations that imply high pay at blu neglect the 15% in retirement (this time in a pilot controlled account) that UAL pays, vs a "match" for Jblu. So in the future, please be more specific, when you say Blu pays better, what fleet and seat are you refering to, and what are you leaving out?

Nice try. 7th year Jetblue A-320 pay is $126., United $122. And it's not "overtime" as you try to characterize it, it is premium time. By the way, that put you over 1990 posts, but who's counting?
Nice try. 7th year Jetblue A-320 pay is $126., United $122. And it's not "overtime" as you try to characterize it, it is premium time. By the way, that put you over 1990 posts, but who's counting?

Nice try. How many 7th year A320 Capts does UAL have? I clearly compared the HIGHEST paid Blu Capt, to the LOWEST paid UAL Capt. Additonally, if I say "I'll pay you $50 in cash, and put another $20 dollars into a Schwab account that belongs to you that I can't touch" then how much did I offer to pay you? Is math this difficult for you?

Calling maxing out your time to limit the number of pilots Davy has to hire "premium time" is like calling a Scab a "salary arbitrageur".

As to my number of post, I guess you're too busy, what with all that "premium time" you're picking up... A punks a punk no matter what he calls himself.
Uh, Wrong. The highest paid Blu Capt gets paid $126 an hour, unless of course he wh0res himself out with overtime. The LOWEST paid A320 Capt at UAL gets $145 an hour (of course there is no additional pay to wh0re oneself out).

Is overtime beyond those 95 hour lines they can build over at UAL? Most of the UAL guys I know get lines over 90 hours.
Whoring is above 70 hours? Man you are one lazy dude.

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