If you Jblew "professionals" spent half as much time getting other skills as you spend defending ADD Dave, you wouldn't have to be selling out a profession.
FWIW, Many of us told you a couple of years ago that the stock options wouldn't be worth crap for the new guys.... We were right. (how's your ESOP options?) Many of us told you that despite all the hype about how ADD Dave had cracked the code and had some secret way to get every jet out on time, that as you grew, your performance would deteriorate......We were right. (where does UAL vs B6 on DOT STATS?) And many of us told you that as the "creative accounting" had to start "accounting" for something it should have from day one (mx), you'd suddenly have "profitablity issues"....and we were right. (157% increase in jetfuel nor 75% increase in jetfuel consumption has nothing to do with it) Now we are telling you that EMB made jets are royal POS's, and you are forever establishing bargain basement rates for the jet, because ADD DAVE will likely buy all of the ones he ordered, then use the excuse that it isn't performing as planned, so the rates must stay very low, or Blew will be BK, and you will crumble and give him just what he wants. (no comment, no expericence with EMB jets)
And BTW, 'How can just little ol me affect the rates pilots at those darned big airlines get paid' is a SCAB response. (B6 rates are going up, UAL/DAL/LCC/CAL/NWAC rates are coming down both will find equlibrium, that is basic economic theory not union vs non union) It's the same quibbling they did when they crossed the picket line. "I'm just one guy" "I just need a job" "I have to do this for my family" (you got a star on your alpa pin? a 10, 15 or 20 year pin?? enough said) Funny, the ret of the non-pilot familys in the U.S. do just fine without lining up to support ADD Daves social experiment of rock bottom Pilot rates. Disgusting. (if the other "alpa" majors never furloughed, we wouldnt be having this discussion??? guess maybe junior alpa birdmen and women should have been treated better? then they wouldnt be applying their trade elsewhere?? oh i would add your not a real airline pilot until your furloughed 2 times? to your just one man./woman comment)