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JCBA Negotiations and updates for AA Fleet

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Sorry that e190 is a commuter jet, and if it finds its way to DFW, it will park at the envoy gates. Why are you and other on the LUS side convinced, and I say that word strongly! Convinced beyond all belief. that LUS will not walk over to our Health plan. You say I'm foolish for even thinking such a absurd idea. Is it foolish to think that LAA has the plan now that cost AA less, even though it cost the employees more. You have the plan that you have because before we even thought of BK you the employees of LUS were not making nearly the kind of money you do now. All for you were paid diddly squat, which in turn left more money for the better plan by the company. Listen up little falla, the raises you all got, are going to cost you, in one way or another, Health Ins. is one way, the other way is scope. I say this because we have already took a hair cut, your is coming. Don't be fooled by others saying, "it won't be that bad" , from what I learned through others from the last merger, it's going to be brutal.
I don't really care where the E190 parks if it comes to DFW, as it's considered a ML flight when it comes to the weekly fight totals. On the healthcare comment, I meant that it won't transition from one to another mid point of the calendar year. I doubt that the company is going to force everyone on the LUS side to select a new plan option for a 4 month period. Most likely will take effect with the open enrollment for the new year. As far as taking a haircut, I've been around a bit longer that you there Sonny Boy. Been thru 2 BK'S, had my station outsourced, and spent a few years on the outside looking in. I doubt that you can match that Haircut. From what I recall, LAA fleet wasn't making what we all are now either. I think that it's pretty safe to say that neither side would be making what we are without the merger. I believe that we were pretty close on wages prior to the merger. And of course, far ahead of the medical plan that were getting dragged into. While I care very much about scope language concerning the number of station departures, I'm not in a position where it affects me. I've been there and done that once, and prefer not to work and live worrying about when the hammer will drop.
My wife is lucky to be married to me. Looking at hers, I could not believe it...
Same with my wife. It was almost as if she would be working for insurance.
Thank Obamacare.

Instead of the government doing something to control these outrageous cost and actually make healthcare affordable they just socialize the cost and price even more people out of having decent insurance.

Obamacare was never about providing Americans affordable insurance.
Obamacare was certainly not perfect, but anyone who thinks that the AHCA proposed by trump and Congress will lower costs should read what Congress's own analysts said which is

"The CBO’s initial score of the American Health Care Act (AHCA) showed that older Americans would face higher premiums, an unacceptable fact for many senators.

For example, a 64-year-old making $26,500 a year would pay $1,700 in premiums under the Affordable Care Act but $14,600 under the AHCA."

Trumpcare as it now stands would cost a 64 year old 8.5 times more than Obamacare. Again that number is from the CBO analysts in Congress.

And that is for someone making $26,500! More than half their gross annual salary would be used to pay for health insurance under the AHCA. How can a 64 year old live on $11,900 per year?

Anyone upset about health insurance costs through Obamacare should be very upset about proposed increases in the new plan. And for those workers without union contracts, the GOP is trying to change overtime rules to make it easier to force comp time in lieu of paid overtime. They are no friends to working class Americans. The only think standing between these proposed healthcare and overtime changes are Senate Democrats.

We are lucky we have a union contract to negotiate and the protections that come with union contracts. I think my union dues are a bargain for the representation I receive.

Here is a link to the article on the CBO AHCA analysis.

Obamacare was certainly not perfect, but anyone who thinks that the AHCA proposed by trump and Congress will lower costs should read what Congress's own analysts said which is

"The CBO’s initial score of the American Health Care Act (AHCA) showed that older Americans would face higher premiums, an unacceptable fact for many senators.

For example, a 64-year-old making $26,500 a year would pay $1,700 in premiums under the Affordable Care Act but $14,600 under the AHCA."

Trumpcare as it now stands would cost a 64 year old 8.5 times more than Obamacare. Again that number is from the CBO analysts in Congress.

And that is for someone making $26,500! More than half their gross annual salary would be used to pay for health insurance under the AHCA. How can a 64 year old live on $11,900 per year?

Anyone upset about health insurance costs through Obamacare should be very upset about proposed increases in the new plan. And for those workers without union contracts, the GOP is trying to change overtime rules to make it easier to force comp time in lieu of paid overtime. They are no friends to working class Americans. The only think standing between these proposed healthcare and overtime changes are Senate Democrats.

We are lucky we have a union contract to negotiate and the protections that come with union contracts. I think my union dues are a bargain for the representation I receive.

Here is a link to the article on the CBO AHCA analysis.


The same CBO that said OBAMAscare was going to lower healthcare premiums for all.
I do not believe hardly anything that comes out of Washington.
Lets get the term limits and watch how things change.
Now under the BK agreement we moved up to having to cover 21% of AA's projected cost for Medical expenditures. Our plan is not a Grandfathered plan. Who's to say that we can't join in under the Grandfathered plan or that we have to continue to be required to pay 21% of the cost? What if that cost was lowered to 10 or 15%

Not to mention again if costs are lower more Association members will participate and AA's expenditures will be reduced. New hires (younger people) also use the Medical much less than us old foggies and we have been transitioning out.

http://c.hub.aa.com/images/my/2017PPO 100 Plan SBC-FINAL.pdf
From what I recall, LAA fleet wasn't making what we all are now either. I think that it's pretty safe to say that neither side would be making what we are without the merger. I believe that we were pretty close on wages prior to the merger.

i don't think this is true. this was talked about months ago and other lus guys insisted the same.

as laa, i can tell you that:

aa was paying me $24+/hr along with differential & longevity pay from 2001-2003. nearly $25/hr.

in the spring of 2003. laa threatened the unions with bk and asked for concessions to avoid bk and 'save your pension' & 'save your smalll station', ala lus, ua. the unions agreed to present work groups with a vote. there was a telephone vote and the next thing i know, i was down to $19+/hr, nearly $20/hr.

8-9 years later, laa fsc had climbed back to $24+/hr.

when aa filed for bk in 2011, they did not touch our pay. maybe you assume they did, but our wages were already hit by the 2003 concessions.

from what i was told by other lus, they were earning $19+/hr after the merger was announced. eventually, you were brought up to our wages, prior to the august 2016 raises. at the same time, we were not brought up to your holiday levels/lower cost health plan.

i remember weasles had posted the iam document of lus wages.

i do agree that the merger has helped all, workers and actual company in terms of money. i do say, aa's former route structure will guarantee us making industry leading wages and hopefully, industry leading compensation.

i already feel that the twu bent over for the iam by ignoring twu seniority issues to form the association. i can see the argument from laa that the twu part of the association will be weak and allow the iam part of the association to stall progress making a stand on lus medical benefits.
Obamacare was certainly not perfect, but anyone who thinks that the AHCA proposed by trump and Congress will lower costs should read what Congress's own analysts said which is

"The CBO’s initial score of the American Health Care Act (AHCA) showed that older Americans would face higher premiums, an unacceptable fact for many senators.

For example, a 64-year-old making $26,500 a year would pay $1,700 in premiums under the Affordable Care Act but $14,600 under the AHCA."

Trumpcare as it now stands would cost a 64 year old 8.5 times more than Obamacare. Again that number is from the CBO analysts in Congress.

People need to understand what Obamacare was designed to do.
It's sole purpose was to collapse the private insurance of healthcare. Then the government could come in with full throated Government run single payer = a total disaster anywhere else it's tried, but it strengthens the governments hold on the people and gives politicians even more power.

The problem for the statists that want single payer, Obamacare didn't collapse the system fast enough, and Hillary didn't win ( they would have already had single payer in place by now if she was elected).

The only "true" fix would be to fully repeal O-care, and move back to market based choices.
That won't happen and the now that the seal has been broken on government run healthcare, there enough lemmings in the country that crave free stuff and at some point, when enough Dems get elected, we will have full throated government run healthcare, Trump can only delay it, but it's coming.

To me the healthcare part of the contract is the least of the remaining issues. If they let us keep the LAA plans, I'm fine with it. At some point down the road, we are all losing any control over whatever healthcare we have, it isn't worth fighting over now to the point of holding up a contract now.
Obamacare was certainly not perfect, but anyone who thinks that the AHCA proposed by trump and Congress will lower costs should read what Congress's own analysts said which is

The only think standing between these proposed healthcare and overtime changes are Senate Democrats.
Democrats are the ones who opened Pandora's Box.

Democrats are the ones that created this mess because they were trying to scam the American people.

Now own it.

Don't try to blame shift now because you realize you were taken for a fool.

People need to understand what Obamacare was designed to do.
It's sole purpose was to collapse the private insurance of healthcare. Then the government could come in with full throated Government run single payer = a total disaster anywhere else it's tried, but it strengthens the governments hold on the people and gives politicians even more power.

The problem for the statists that want single payer, Obamacare didn't collapse the system fast enough, and Hillary didn't win ( they would have already had single payer in place by now if she was elected).

The only "true" fix would be to fully repeal O-care, and move back to market based choices.
That won't happen and the now that the seal has been broken on government run healthcare, there enough lemmings in the country that crave free stuff and at some point, when enough Dems get elected, we will have full throated government run healthcare, Trump can only delay it, but it's coming.

To me the healthcare part of the contract is the least of the remaining issues. If they let us keep the LAA plans, I'm fine with it. At some point down the road, we are all losing any control over whatever healthcare we have, it isn't worth fighting over now to the point of holding up a contract now.
What you are saying is the absolute truth and it has been said 1000 times.

These Democrat fools think single payer is going to solve all the healthcare problems in this country. A poster on this forum provided a list of countries pointing to them as successful examples of single payer. I took that list and showed him every single country he listed cut their healthcare budget by BILLIONS.

He still thinks single payer is the answer.

These people are so conditioned by nonstop media propaganda no proof you could every supply would satisfy them.

Take gulfcoast1 for instance.

The only think standing between these proposed healthcare and overtime changes are Senate Democrats.

I mean you have to laugh. From reading his post you would think the Democrats were really looking out for him instead of trying to subjugate him.

It's true. You really can't fix stupid.
And this why LUS will lose their premium hot property healthcare

To many LAA
and, the majority of their members aren't less than 15 dollars an hour anymore. Hopefully. the short sided lobbyists and insurance companies that wrote the law, give us your young and healthy, and stick it your old and in firmed, do what's right for the Country. Follow the marketticker.org guy, he's probably the biggest bulldog on how to get the best reform for the country.
Bob, sometimes you post decent information, and at others you tend to talk out of your backside. One that comes to mind was your claim about the E190 not being Mainline. On the topic of scope, LUS did have one station come back from being outsourced, ATL. The language in the LUS contract sucks when it comes to getting outsourced stations back. You have to reach 91 weekly fights, which is far above the number that we lose the work. If the medical plan changes, I seriously doubt that it will take place during the calendar year. To say that LUS will move to your plan by fall, is a foolish assumption. I agree with others that paying more for a lesser plan, is a concession for the LUS people. I will be the first to say that LUS went cheap on everything that they could, but yet somehow we have a far better plan the LAA. I find it hard to belive that AA can,t negotiate a decent medical plan with over 100k people in it.,
Also Minneapolis and Baltimore if I'm not mistaken. Minneapolis was Envoy on the ramp.
Any rational person considering fighting for scope that is 5 and medical that is sooo good that only a small population can benefit from, should calculate the over all probability of wining that fight. The odds are better fraught for the pension. Just saying.

Since nobody bothered to correct you on LUS scope I will. Our scope is currently at 7 ML flights per week, or 1 ML a day. Not the 5 you state.
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