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JCBA Negotiations and updates for AA Fleet

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LAA was Envoy on the ramp until after the merger with US We have few LAA folks who would like to transfer but they cannot as theyre blocked from being able to do so until a JCBA
In the mean time Bob our list of people just keeps on shrinking as 1 guy was fired and 1 lead is stepping down and 1 FT is dropping down to PT and 2 PT are transferring to SEA We just keep on getting shorter and shorter All our station manager does when a shift comes up she screws it up to cover for our losses
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People need to understand what Obamacare was designed to do.
It's sole purpose was to collapse the private insurance of healthcare. Then the government could come in with full throated Government run single payer = a total disaster anywhere else it's tried, but it strengthens the governments hold on the people and gives politicians even more power.

The problem for the statists that want single payer, Obamacare didn't collapse the system fast enough, and Hillary didn't win ( they would have already had single payer in place by now if she was elected).

The only "true" fix would be to fully repeal O-care, and move back to market based choices.
That won't happen and the now that the seal has been broken on government run healthcare, there enough lemmings in the country that crave free stuff and at some point, when enough Dems get elected, we will have full throated government run healthcare, Trump can only delay it, but it's coming.

To me the healthcare part of the contract is the least of the remaining issues. If they let us keep the LAA plans, I'm fine with it. At some point down the road, we are all losing any control over whatever healthcare we have, it isn't worth fighting over now to the point of holding up a contract now.

Are you saying you would rather pay $14600 in premiums than $1700 when you are 64? I would rather pay $1700 if I had to choose.

I would also rather not be forced to take comp time instead of overtime and not have the union that protects my job and the job of my co-workers busted up.

One of the many great things about Unions is that they work to protect the jobs and the financial gain of all Members. They even work to protect the jobs and the financial gain of their members who vote for politicians who would weaken or destroy their union and their contracts.

Speaking of contracts, I hope the negotiations next week go well and that CB and PRez have some good updates for us next week.
I realize LAA will not get Holiday Pay for Memorial Day, and LUS will, but I cannot remember what the Holiday Pay Rate is for LUS Ramp Agents for holidays. Does LUS get Doubletime or Doubletime and a half? Thank you in advance for the information. Good weekend to all.
I realize LAA will not get Holiday Pay for Memorial Day, and LUS will, but I cannot remember what the Holiday Pay Rate is for LUS Ramp Agents for holidays. Does LUS get Doubletime or Doubletime and a half? Thank you in advance for the information. Good weekend to all.
LUS gets the 8 hours of straight time for working the day, and another 8 of straight time for the holiday whether you work or not. At one time we got double time and a half for working on a holiday. We also can choose to turn the 8 hours of holiday pay into comp days for a max of 5 of the 7 holidays. This is a good option, as it basically gives you an extra week of vacation, or it can be used as a single day of your choice.
LUS gets the 8 hours of straight time for working the day, and another 8 of straight time for the holiday whether you work or not. At one time we got double time and a half for working on a holiday. We also can choose to turn the 8 hours of holiday pay into comp days for a max of 5 of the 7 holidays. This is a good option, as it basically gives you an extra week of vacation, or it can be used as a single day of your choice.


We can actually save up to 80 hours comp as of last CBA.

P. Rez
TWU folks can't even join in this conversation (Wings & P. Rez), we have nothing to compare...thanks Parker...
TWU folks can't even join in this conversation (Wings & P. Rez), we have nothing to compare...thanks Parker...
Plus Parker took our flex week away from us and didn't give what the people at us had . Parker taking care of his own and dose not like Laa people
Plus Parker took our flex week away from us and didn't give what the people at us had . Parker taking care of his own and dose not like Laa people
He does not give a damn about LUS or LAA. He has other people to please besides the rank and file.

Don't fall into the trap of being jealous of your LUS peers. That game is called divide and conquer. It is a fools game and the only way to win is not to play.
Sorry that e190 is a commuter jet, and if it finds its way to DFW, it will park at the envoy gates. Why are you and other on the LUS side convinced, and I say that word strongly! Convinced beyond all belief. that LUS will not walk over to our Health plan. You say I'm foolish for even thinking such a absurd idea. Is it foolish to think that LAA has the plan now that cost AA less, even though it cost the employees more. You have the plan that you have because before we even thought of BK you the employees of LUS were not making nearly the kind of money you do now. All for you were paid diddly squat, which in turn left more money for the better plan by the company. Listen up little falla, the raises you all got, are going to cost you, in one way or another, Health Ins. is one way, the other way is scope. I say this because we have already took a hair cut, your is coming. Don't be fooled by others saying, "it won't be that bad" , from what I learned through others from the last merger, it's going to be brutal.
Bob what was the deductible for that lobotomy you had? Was the doctor who administered the shock therapy after considered a specialist with a $40 copay?
Bob what was the deductible for that lobotomy you had? Was the doctor who administered the shock therapy after considered a specialist with a $40 copay?
I didn't think he could be so clueless however I can unlike him admit being wrong
You expect me to read this crap, I was referring to the new JCBA, will dismiss any word or phrase that suggests the grandfathered.
Bob pull up Saturdays RGG PHL/DFW/ PHL a/c 951 it's an E-190 flight 1776. Did you refuse to work the flight and eat a 3 egg omelette instead? They don't use Eggland at the airport by the way
Have a question here a few weeks ago in our station we had a small scratch put into a 738 took a 2 plus hr delay to MIA No discipline was ever taken. then almost 2 weeks later an RJ was cancelled after part of the air stair on door was damaged. I truly thought any and all aircraft damage was an automatic 5 days off druggie test but in my station that is definitely not the case. in the 2nd case the employee was fired

there is helluva lot of favoritism going on in my station plus the mgmt. teams plays the conquer and divide case big time
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