Southwest AMFA Aircraft Mechanic who doesn’t work for AA but wishes he did, let’s see if you care for at least a little clarity here?
NO there has not been any “official” engagement besides a few letters of support from IAM.
But also remember and especially more so in the AMT ranks there are not as many IAM people compared to TWU. AND the cities that have been picketed are MAJOR LAA Hubs for the most part and again just do have more TWU people period.
To be fair though even if you seem to be a purveyor of fake news and painting everything as rosy in your house and terrible in ours (False narratives) I wish there had been more IAM in Times Square. TWU Home Base NYC though again let’s remind you.
BTW did you read the AA Mechanic on the other AA Mechanic thread who asked you to go back to your threads? I thought you respected them? I guess not.