JCBA Negotiations and updates for AA Fleet

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Tim stated he came to the conclusion that they were stalling because they "haven't fought alongside" I'm pretty sure they were alongside one another at the negotiation table. We've discussed this before I don't understand your frustration for 2 more holidays and 30 cents more an hour. You don't seem to be the type that would have sour grapes over LUS having better medical. I feel here on the fleet side we pretty much got what we are going to get and there might be something in the new contract that you won't like

Al for some of us it really isn’t about the extra gains more so than it’s about closure. This would be for many of us finally the clouds of 2003 parting.

The frustration is not so much the Suits stalling because that’s the expectation but “thinking” that maybe it’s your dance partner who’s stalling you from getting to the floor for a nice Tango.

Here’s a question quite simple to answer. Do the TWU and IAM Fleet Negotiators go to lunch together or is it usually separate checks in separate dining areas?

It’s obviously an issue not seeing or really feeling support from the IAM for our pickets. You almost feel like maybe we’re being mocked and snickered at for them? As if we’re really the only ones taking any of this seriously?

I hope that’s not true.
Al, no sour grapes here and I like ya Al, so I'm not really meaning to snap at you. What I was doing was disagreeing about the long road life, the tremendous amount of time they can't kiss their wives or even hug their children. I just don't think the facts bare that out. As for holidays, you may only have two more, heck I don't even know, but all the ones we and you have are compensated differently. Those were my points. No biggie, AL.
Al, no sour grapes here and I like ya Al, so I'm not really meaning to snap at you. What I was doing was disagreeing about the long road life, the tremendous amount of time they can't kiss their wives or even hug their children. I just don't think the facts bare that out. As for holidays, you may only have two more, heck I don't even know, but all the ones we and you have are compensated differently. Those were my points. No biggie, AL.
????? we get 8hrs regular + 8 hours holiday both on straight time so 16 hrs for one day
Al for some of us it really isn’t about the extra gains more so than it’s about closure. This would be for many of us finally the clouds of 2003 parting.

The frustration is not so much the Suits stalling because that’s the expectation but “thinking” that maybe it’s your dance partner who’s stalling you from getting to the floor for a nice Tango.

Here’s a question quite simple to answer. Do the TWU and IAM Fleet Negotiators go to lunch together or is it usually separate checks in separate dining areas?

It’s obviously an issue not seeing or really feeling support from the IAM for our pickets. You almost feel like maybe we’re being mocked and snickered at for them? As if we’re really the only ones taking any of this seriously?

I hope that’s not true.
Weez you know why I'm not looking forward to a joint contract and it has nothing to do with money
Al for some of us it really isn’t about the extra gains more so than it’s about closure. This would be for many of us finally the clouds of 2003 parting.

The frustration is not so much the Suits stalling because that’s the expectation but “thinking” that maybe it’s your dance partner who’s stalling you from getting to the floor for a nice Tango.

Here’s a question quite simple to answer. Do the TWU and IAM Fleet Negotiators go to lunch together or is it usually separate checks in separate dining areas?

It’s obviously an issue not seeing or really feeling support from the IAM for our pickets. You almost feel like maybe we’re being mocked and snickered at for them? As if we’re really the only ones taking any of this seriously?

I hope that’s not true.
If it was reversed I might start getting antsy next September when a raise would be due
Weez you know why I'm not looking forward to a joint contract and it has nothing to do with money

Al thanks for being honest on it. But hey for you at least (Joe Super Senior Guy) it’s not going to have any effect at all. They’re going to have a number of positions where you won’t be rotating and if no LAA guy can bump you from your box (Any box you like) I promise to get the word out over there to leave favorite gig alone.

Besides maybe you can win the vote since you got a heads up about it? Win the argument bro.
Al thanks for being honest on it. But hey for you at least (Joe Super Senior Guy) it’s not going to have any effect at all. They’re going to have a number of positions where you won’t be rotating and if no LAA guy can bump you from your box (Any box you like) I promise to get the word out over there to leave favorite gig alone.

Besides maybe you can win the vote since you got a heads up about it? Win the argument bro.
I might need some of those hanging chads you have down there in Fla
If it was reversed I might start getting antsy next September when a raise would be due

I’m not antsy bro. More so disappointed in lots of different people with lots of different agendas and far too much crapola for my tastes. And no ones getting off without a little finger pointing in their direction.

Like it always does though eventually it will have a conclusion.
Not sure why you had to go political, but...
Was it a Democrat "gimmick" to start methadone clinics because it only benefitted a limited group of people?
And what is this "limited" group of people that benefits from HSA's?
Dude, anyone can get an HSA.
And btw, it is a huge break through in providing healthcare access. So many are just looking short term and not big picture.
Over time, if more people go to the low cost- High deductible plans and fund their HSA's, the cost of health plans could actually drop on the lower deductible plans to attract more people in them.
In the mean time, those that do fund their HSA's will have the money to stay in the lower cost plans with high deductibles , hence , making healthcare more accessible and prevent medical related BK's.

Just to explain myself... I went "political" because it adds to my bona fidas as I am a conservative, but I disagree as conservatives' support of HSAs as being some great healthcare coverage panacea. HSAs have been a gimmick (and one of the few healthcare related changes backed by the GOP) to make it appear as if the GOP has been making huge steps in healthcare reform because so few will actually benefit from their creation. How would a single parent with a couple of kids earning around $25,000 a year save enough to fund the HSA while making frequent visits to doctor's offices? So they can "save" on the high deductible plan monthly premiums $150/month, but then pay for frequent doctor's visits from an HSA account they cannot fund? What would then be the TRUE costs of insurance (and healthcare) when accounting for premiums and out-of-pocket expenses?

It is pretty obvious that the narrative "If-Only-People-Used-Healthcare-Less-Often-Then-Insurance-Premiums-would-Decline" works well into the meme of HSA acceptance, but darn those ill and sickly people who run-up the costs for everyone else, right?
Have you been pushing the issue Al? Seriously.
No there's going to be a vote,can't ask for much more than that even though we are out numbered. There are those that are however. We are going to co-locate in December so we'll see how that goes at least the bagroom will be heated. That terminal is a friggin dump
Al thanks for being honest on it. But hey for you at least (Joe Super Senior Guy) it’s not going to have any effect at all. They’re going to have a number of positions where you won’t be rotating and if no LAA guy can bump you from your box (Any box you like) I promise to get the word out over there to leave favorite gig alone.

Besides maybe you can win the vote since you got a heads up about it? Win the argument bro.
Weez looking at the HDQ protest how would I get from Times Square to Bear Creek?
No there's going to be a vote,can't ask for much more than that even though we are out numbered. There are those that are however. We are going to co-locate in December so we'll see how that goes at least the bagroom will be heated. That terminal is a friggin dump

Well if it’s any consolation I’d be advocating with the side that doesn’t want to rotate. It’s anti Seniority and anti Union IMO. (Think I’ve said that before?)
Can you explain the alleged change?
Referring to our current contract language signed in 1999 regarding back to back. We won grievances and had to have at least 2 hours in between. I was a Local Chairman in 1999 and worked with my agc miklavic and there wasnt any back to back. Fairbanks reinterpreted the language even though him and mark were even on a committee back then.
I wasnt referring to any jcba. Now, clt has 0515-1015, 1015-1645, 1645-2315.
These guys dont know what they are doing or dont fight.
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