Take DFW's advise he is 110 % correct . AAL/DP is playing you/us . Events will drive our Ass. JCBN's and CBA's not you or those who continually speculate on forums. IRMA is a killer event !!! My bet MIA closes and Members prioritiy's should be their Health, Safety, and Family . Good Luck !you post like you still believe they give a **** about you and yours.let me help you out a little. they dont. you me and all of us are just bricks in the backpack. you know what a brick in the back pack does? it takes up space that they could be stuffing stocks and bonuses in to. get it thru your head "they simply do not care".they will not give you anything unless they have to. if they cared they would have done what they said they would in a timely manner. instead they throw useless town hall meetings to tell you what they want you to hear, then laugh all the way to the bank. my advice to you? evacuate make sure you and yours are safe and get back to work when you can. at your convenience and safety. i would not/will not go out of my way and/or sacrifice anymore for this company. i have missed to many birthdays,anniversary,holidays and family milestones my loyalty was there, theirs IS NOT. they dont deserve the loyalty and sacrifices over the last 28 years.