I think the picket was needed but a failure insomuch that the company secured Sito's non support of the picket. Which was amazing for the company to pull off since even AMFA offered support. I mean, think about it, management had the co chairman withhold support. Not to rain on your picket but your picket became less meaningful, unfortunately, when Sito chose not to endorse it. There are 2 things that are driving negotiations. Politics and Politics.
We were on the fast track and expediting things and nailing 2 TA's a session and most likely would have had a TA by May, including the loss of the LUS heath care UNTIL things came to a halt after I C Blocked the last election and forced a new vote. No longer were our Union bosses guaranteed to stay in office for 4 years as they became subject to a vote next February. Mind you, the company always wanted a JCBA but the IAM Union bosses were never going to hand over the LUS after they found out they would have to run for office again. The political compromise for them became to wait until re-enrollment. Then at least our members won't feel the concession in their pay checks until after a officer election.
As far as the LUS, I disagree with your thinking on that. You use hypothetical situations and say "If not then then not that". Sorry but just because we maintained our LUS health benefits in 2014 doesn't mean that we simply borrowed our benefits to be dissolved with a new contract. That's not what the contract reads.
The contract reads that we have these benefits until at least another year and then thereafter until a new section 6 contract is achieved. Kindly review the duration article. So, we don't owe the TWU or the company anything. We already have. Logically it makes no sense to give up our LUS healthcare since we have it for the foreseeable future. It survived 2 bankruptcies as well so it can't be said that the TWU brought it to us. We owe the TWU nothing.
The pilots were in the same boat. DP made a play for their health care. They were willing to walk from their LUS healthcare after securing a 16% 401k.
Unfortunately, what I think is going to happen is that the IAM will cash in our LUS healthcare to try to horde more money into the failing IAMNPF. Don't be surprised if the IAM gets $2 from the company into the IAM hands....not the members hands....the IAM Pension bosses. They did the same thing with the IAM Motor City Pension. Cashed in some benefits in return to have the auto dealers put big increases into the pension fund ($2.50 per hour0. Then as the fund continued to dwindle, the auto makers agreed to toss in $3 per hour into the fund. All along the IAM told the technicians that the increase will preserve their pension when the exact opposite happened., i.e., the IAM pension bosses just took the money, but wiped out the pension benefits. And today, you can prolly google it and see how 2 months ago the IAM Pension bosses asked the US Treasury to rob 50% of the checks of current retirees, and pretty much eliminate big chunks of active participants. If the US treasury approves, which it will, the IAM Motor City Pension will be back in the green.
Being in the green doesn't mean anything. The Motor City plan will prolly be overfunded after the Federal government approves the plan of action. After wiping away millions in liabilities the math won't lie and the plan will be overfunded. The same will happen with our pension. Sometime in the next 18 months, they will have to whack $3 billion of future liabilities. When they do, our pensions will look like they went through a war zone. But the IAM will proudly say "Hey, it's in the green zone and overfunded." Suckers will take the bait again as the cycle of ignorance never stops.