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JCBA Negotiations and updates for AA Fleet

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I was too and I brought in the IAMNPF. It's not a personal agenda. It's an agenda we all have. A personal agenda is when someone tries to limit information, not share and expand information.

Informed consent is what we should all be about.

He is speaking for his own wallet. I don't blame him, from his perspective. He wants that double time and holidays and a new week of vacation. Certainly he has no attachment to our LUS medical which he has already indicated has prevented him from getting his double time and holidays. Like I said, I like Weas, he is bold and a strong advocate for TWU peeps other than his support for the IAMNPF due to his detachment from his own Local.

Mo's be still a ramblin.
Holy Crap do you ramble too much. You're certainly a ramblin fool. (Can't read all that ramblin there man)

Weez, I don't mean this to be crude, but you are not an IAM member. Period. Your interest are TWU and your own predicament with your own contract. I give you that. But you have no credibility to speak on behalf of the LUS medical or the IAMNPF. Your necessarily biased. From your bias(ness) you believe that we owe our LUS and that it was simply borrowed a couple years with the 2014 but we must pay it back now. Really? So sad.
I too believe after re-enrollment. LUS gets a one year reprieve until eventually being put under LAA's plan. The membership numbers, regarding this issue, are unfortunately not there. Seems to be the big issue for the company. What do we get in return is the question.
You're probably right...
Weez, I don't mean this to be crude, but you are not an IAM member. Period. Your interest are TWU and your own predicament with your own contract. I give you that. But you have no credibility to speak on behalf of the LUS medical or the IAMNPF. Your necessarily biased. From your bias(ness) you believe that we owe our LUS and that it was simply borrowed a couple years with the 2014 but we must pay it back now. Really? So sad.

You seem to be just slightly paranoid there Johnny. BTW you are forgetting something Gipper. We are ALL part of the same Company albeit currently with a few competing ambitions and motivations. (Aw those little Baby agendas Waa Waa)

Eventually/Inevitably we will ALL be under one single Collective Bargaining Agreement the likes of which should not separate us on our representational pre-ferences/fences.

Run that up your flagpole and salute Bucko.
Not one mx twu mechanic is going to vote for anything to do with the iampf. Not one. Nelson and his voice keeping him informed has done the due diligence to bring the iam down if push comes to shove.
American Airline health insurance is pretty good. Is LUS that much better that it has to hold anything up, NO. Express Scripts is your friend. The leverage of we as 100000 employees have a lot of leverage too to help keep healthcare costs down too, is a major trump card. If there is one issue that could have 50,000 employees picketing in unison that would be it. Think strategically for now.
I'd prefer buyouts, lose catering, keep cargo and chit truck and reopen stations/better scope. In giving up catering, why not ask for overnight cleaning back at a lower scale for us. Scope should be strategic as well, and i say that in terms of making it so the company has the incentive to open up some stations.
I will say though according to a Bloomberg report, companies are saving money as many pensions such as gm, are having many participant depart the plane, at greater rate than the actuarial planned the past couple of years. probably from the cuts. so maybe between greater part time participation, and the grim reaper the plan will only take a 75 percent cut. yea actuarial tables.
Not one mx twu mechanic is going to vote for anything to do with the iampf. Not one. Nelson and his voice keeping him informed has done the due diligence to bring the iam down if push comes to shove.
American Airline health insurance is pretty good. Is LUS that much better that it has to hold anything up, NO. Express Scripts is your friend. The leverage of we as 100000 employees have a lot of leverage too to help keep healthcare costs down too, is a major trump card. If there is one issue that could have 50,000 employees picketing in unison that would be it. Think strategically for now.
I'd prefer buyouts, lose catering, keep cargo and chit truck and reopen stations/better scope. In giving up catering, why not ask for overnight cleaning back at a lower scale for us. Scope should be strategic as well, and i say that in terms of making it so the company has the incentive to open up some stations.

Bucko is ramblin here too. Boy has a weird shuffle when he's hitchhiking looking for a quick pickup.

Sorry man, your leg is hairy and ugly.
If the company wants a concession on health care for some employees, there should be a clear improvement somewhere else. I am inclined to vote no on anything concessionary for either side without a positive offset somewhere else.

And again, concerning Scope, I plan to vote no on any TA with a Scope Clause closer to LAA than to LUS. I never did get an answer on what the LUS Scope Clause is. Is it really 1 flight a day in some stations? Are those only current stations which have been grandfathered? LAA used to require 7 flights to keep TWU, now I think it is 15. I would like to see us return to 7 or less, especially if some LUS stations only require 1.

Being forced into the IAMPF, current LAA Scope, no reimbursement for LUS being forced into LAA healthcare, and wages that are not industry leading would all be a no vote from me.

Have a good weekend.
As far as the current US scope. It is 1 flight a day for all stations. And it remains 1 flight until a jcba. No drop dead date. The negative part of it, is we agreed that the company did not have to insource any new stations. We were concerned about protecting all current work and stations in the 2014 agreement, much more so than trying to grow or reopen stations.
As far as the current US scope. It is 1 flight a day for all stations. And it remains 1 flight until a jcba. No drop dead date. The negative part of it, is we agreed that the company did not have to insource any new stations. We were concerned about protecting all current work and stations in the 2014 agreement, much more so than trying to grow or reopen stations.

Thank you for the answer. I don't blame you for wanting to protect current jobs in the last agreement. I think we would all like to see stations with 1 flight a day insourced. Knowing that, I don't think I could vote yes on anything that was closer to LAA Scope than to LUS as I have mentioned before. Are you at all hopeful that Scope will be closer to LUS than LAA?
As far as the current US scope. It is 1 flight a day for all stations. And it remains 1 flight until a jcba. No drop dead date. The negative part of it, is we agreed that the company did not have to insource any new stations. We were concerned about protecting all current work and stations in the 2014 agreement, much more so than trying to grow or reopen stations.
And that was smart. Oftentimes union officers are too busy with those they don't represent while not representing the ones they do. It was wise to take care of those members we have while not addressing the potential unborn. Moving forward, I would like to have IAH, RSW, DTW, IND, etc but not at the cost of catering, lavs, and what we already have. Of course, both/and is the American way, 2 for 1, but negotiations don't always work that way, do they? lol
Not one mx twu mechanic is going to vote for anything to do with the iampf. Not one. Nelson and his voice keeping him informed has done the due diligence to bring the iam down if push comes to shove.
American Airline health insurance is pretty good. Is LUS that much better that it has to hold anything up, NO. Express Scripts is your friend. The leverage of we as 100000 employees have a lot of leverage too to help keep healthcare costs down too, is a major trump card. If there is one issue that could have 50,000 employees picketing in unison that would be it. Think strategically for now.
I'd prefer buyouts, lose catering, keep cargo and chit truck and reopen stations/better scope. In giving up catering, why not ask for overnight cleaning back at a lower scale for us. Scope should be strategic as well, and i say that in terms of making it so the company has the incentive to open up some stations.
I make no guarantees.lol. But it is most likely that I will have a educational pension video uploaded by Thursday evening. Bad things. The reason why I have to put this out is because the IAMNPF reps are going around various properties (not necessarily American) and lying out of their collective arses. Along the way, it will educate those at American as well. I talked to one Union Boss here at the IAM and he admits the IAMNPF sucks balls but he isn't at liberty to say anything otherwise Sito will fire him. Let's face it, if Sito would whack Atkinson, who did a lot of good work, he will whack any of the underlings. So, since I don't have a position (sito whacked my committee position as well) I'm free to really hammer this IAMNPF the way it needs to be hammered. I don't plan on leaving any stones unturned on the video but I promise it will be a professional video and all remarks will have references cited from the financial reports I attained ONLY after threatening the Plan administrator that I would sue this pension and I knew the fees against him if he didn't stop d*cking around and hand over the F*ing report to me.
I think the picket was needed but a failure insomuch that the company secured Sito's non support of the picket. Which was amazing for the company to pull off since even AMFA offered support. I mean, think about it, management had the co chairman withhold support. Not to rain on your picket but your picket became less meaningful, unfortunately, when Sito chose not to endorse it. There are 2 things that are driving negotiations. Politics and Politics.

We were on the fast track and expediting things and nailing 2 TA's a session and most likely would have had a TA by May, including the loss of the LUS heath care UNTIL things came to a halt after I C Blocked the last election and forced a new vote. No longer were our Union bosses guaranteed to stay in office for 4 years as they became subject to a vote next February. Mind you, the company always wanted a JCBA but the IAM Union bosses were never going to hand over the LUS after they found out they would have to run for office again. The political compromise for them became to wait until re-enrollment. Then at least our members won't feel the concession in their pay checks until after a officer election.

As far as the LUS, I disagree with your thinking on that. You use hypothetical situations and say "If not then then not that". Sorry but just because we maintained our LUS health benefits in 2014 doesn't mean that we simply borrowed our benefits to be dissolved with a new contract. That's not what the contract reads.

The contract reads that we have these benefits until at least another year and then thereafter until a new section 6 contract is achieved. Kindly review the duration article. So, we don't owe the TWU or the company anything. We already have. Logically it makes no sense to give up our LUS healthcare since we have it for the foreseeable future. It survived 2 bankruptcies as well so it can't be said that the TWU brought it to us. We owe the TWU nothing.

The pilots were in the same boat. DP made a play for their health care. They were willing to walk from their LUS healthcare after securing a 16% 401k.
Unfortunately, what I think is going to happen is that the IAM will cash in our LUS healthcare to try to horde more money into the failing IAMNPF. Don't be surprised if the IAM gets $2 from the company into the IAM hands....not the members hands....the IAM Pension bosses. They did the same thing with the IAM Motor City Pension. Cashed in some benefits in return to have the auto dealers put big increases into the pension fund ($2.50 per hour0. Then as the fund continued to dwindle, the auto makers agreed to toss in $3 per hour into the fund. All along the IAM told the technicians that the increase will preserve their pension when the exact opposite happened., i.e., the IAM pension bosses just took the money, but wiped out the pension benefits. And today, you can prolly google it and see how 2 months ago the IAM Pension bosses asked the US Treasury to rob 50% of the checks of current retirees, and pretty much eliminate big chunks of active participants. If the US treasury approves, which it will, the IAM Motor City Pension will be back in the green.

Being in the green doesn't mean anything. The Motor City plan will prolly be overfunded after the Federal government approves the plan of action. After wiping away millions in liabilities the math won't lie and the plan will be overfunded. The same will happen with our pension. Sometime in the next 18 months, they will have to whack $3 billion of future liabilities. When they do, our pensions will look like they went through a war zone. But the IAM will proudly say "Hey, it's in the green zone and overfunded." Suckers will take the bait again as the cycle of ignorance never stops.


Regarding the upcoming election, be honest, half the positions were up anyways. Sheesh.

P. Rez
Thank you for the answer. I don't blame you for wanting to protect current jobs in the last agreement. I think we would all like to see stations with 1 flight a day insourced. Knowing that, I don't think I could vote yes on anything that was closer to LAA Scope than to LUS as I have mentioned before. Are you at all hopeful that Scope will be closer to LUS than LAA?
Yes closer to LUS for sure. The key for scope, for me anyway, is to protect what we currently have, and then come to a fair flight threshold that will bring back some stations as Tim mentioned. If we can protect work we currently have, then we can bend a little bit off the 1 flight a day in order to bring back some stations once lost.
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