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JCBA Negotiations and updates for AA Fleet

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Past practice hasn't been too kind with other groups or unions coming into the twu as far as seniority goes. So the LUS folks even though they THINK they don't like the association. Hasn't considered the other option imo.

not being lus/iam, i pretty much agree with this.

when the combined seniorities are finally merged for bidding in stations, there will be many lus who acquired and will maintain seniority from non pure lus history, while many laa clerks DID NOT acquire seniority in the same mannner, let alone those that wore uniforms that said 'aa' on them.

i had a huge beef with this, but let it go.

if i can let that go, then i would expect some lus to let the insurance issue go - IF, the $$ is right.

- as far as twa seniority...if aa did not acquire twa, they would have been out on the street by christmas, 2001. twa fscs got a raw deal? i don't think so. got got to keep some seniority perks.

We meet in DCA for negotiations the weeks of 8/14 and 8/28. I expect we will counter their comprehensive proposal and let's hope several counters are made in these 2 weeks we have scheduled. The positive in all of this is that come Friday, September 1st, we should have a very good idea on how close or far we are apart from obtaining a JCBA.

P. Rez
And yet it's the IAM and TWU who are in search of a JCBA...THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!

We meet in DCA for negotiations the weeks of 8/14 and 8/28. I expect we will counter their comprehensive proposal and let's hope several counters are made in these 2 weeks we have scheduled. The positive in all of this is that come Friday, September 1st, we should have a very good idea on how close or far we are apart from obtaining a JCBA.

P. Rez
I am jealous, like I said this whole 5 years at SWA we have gotten 2 to 3 days a month for negotiations, even with the federal mediator, no one seems to be in a hurry, but now that have offered a med/ arbitration to try to come to a t/ A, don't think AMFA wants to persue it, we shall see !
I am jealous, like I said this whole 5 years at SWA we have gotten 2 to 3 days a month for negotiations, even with the federal mediator, no one seems to be in a hurry, but now that have offered a med/ arbitration to try to come to a t/ A, don't think AMFA wants to persue it, we shall see !

Federal Mediation isn't about a quick resolution, it is about simply about a resolution.

Some of the tactics they use is to shorten the negotiation sessions. At one point during the mediation at AAL prior to the BK, they purposefully didn't schedule any sessions for about a year. Their term was that we were "put on ice."

That happened because of our refusal to move on certain issues. They don't like when they're is little movement or when our demands don't fit the industry or national trends.

"We will "TRY" to provide"

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Just because we voted for the IAMNPF doesn't mean we wanted it. When we voted for it, we also voted for 2 weeks of less vacation, less sick time, less holidays, no double time, etc. In fact, the IAMNPF was the second single biggest concession as it was a $47 million concession. It was shoved down our throats and the only reason why the company got it at the time was because it was a money saver when compared to our up to 10% 401k. I was in the meetings back then and I even clarified with the attorneys the numbers.
At one point during the mediation at AAL prior to the BK, they purposefully didn't schedule any sessions for about a year. Their term was that we were "put on ice."

That happened because of our refusal to move on certain issues. They don't like when they're is little movement or when our demands don't fit the industry or national trends.

Serious question:
What do they do when the Companies demands don't fit the industry or national trends?
Industry and national trends are currently, record profits as far as the eye can see.
Shouldn't the company be leaned on by the mediators to cough up some real gains to the rank and file?
Because when the the industry and national trends were massive losses, we sure were given the riot act on coughing up years of language and compensation gains.
Seems to me this should be a 2 way street, not just , what makes management richer than they ever imagined only.

Edit to add:
Some defference should be given to the group that has waited and worked the longest under BK language, wage and benefits, while management did not suffer nearly as long.
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So apparently the TWU is now chairing the Association or soon will be, exactly what changes will we see, if any. What is the benefit of being the lead.
while I think a corporate campaign like the poster above is needed, it is too wordy and whoever did it is clueless. Need better pictures and less words. The TWU ought to let the IAM do those sorta things.
They IAM has the opportunity to do so but sits there on their collective asses (leadership) apparently completely content with the progress and direction of the negotiations. If not, they would show unity...meh!
while I think a corporate campaign like the poster above is needed, it is too wordy and whoever did it is clueless. Need better pictures and less words. The TWU ought to let the IAM do those sorta things.

I don't think they like to engage in those types of activities IMO?
They IAM has the opportunity to do so but sits there on their collective asses (leadership) apparently completely content with the progress and direction of the negotiations. If not, they would show unity...meh!
Of course. But that would assume that Management gave Sito the green light. That's quite a lofty assumption. Remember, management has teamed up with Sito and told Sito not to support unity. That's why we call the IAM the I'll Ask Management. Sito did ask, and management said no because....management is always the party of NO.
I think Parker and Isom are both either liars or have their own interpretation of things in their minds?

Don't recall exactly how he worded it but again you can't hold liars to their word anyway.

Both are liars! So let's disregard anything either one of them have said about contract negotiations at Town Hall meetings. They have their own interpretation of "industry leading" and obviously it conflicts with the interpretation of the employees. There is not a single proposal put on the table without their knowledge and blessing. Especially, the big $$$ issues and Articles. Their actions and proposals speak the truth. Their actions speak louder than their deceptive words.
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