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JCBA Negotiations and updates for AA Fleet

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I love you Weez but your AMT brothers don't give a chit about you especially you . Heck the line guys don't like the hangar guys WTF. I also think they will be fine

The lack of solidarity is evident.
The lack of solidarity is evident.

Not from what I'm seeing currently in the TWU. If 141 and 142 "chose" to not at least show even a letter of support, there's not much I can do obviously.

Sorry ograc that not everyone agrees with sitting on their hands for eternity or worrying about disturbing the status quo (The Company, or Jerry)

Hi Jerry BTW. Heard you're still out there reading the old boards. Cool.
Is that a shot at the TWU, P.REZ? Just curious...


No, just a little pissed because the company reads social media and comments are being made about what and what not to fight for in this contract. I don't get it.

P. Rez

Can we please stop telling the company what we are not going to fight for?Social media has its downside when we are fighting each other, sheesh.

P. Rez


No, just a little pissed because the company reads social media and comments are being made about what and what not to fight for in this contract. I don't get it.

P. Rez

I'll accept this as a hit on me because I very recently posted that I can't fight for the LUS health insurance when , for me, the difference is literally 14 cents an hour.
That and the known fact that the company will have everyone on LAA health insurance at the end of the day.

I don't get what you don't get about that Prez. It's pretty black and white.
I've seen everyone on the LUS side jumping up and down and throwing themselves on the floor about how LAA health insurance sucks donkey balls compared to LUS health insurance, so I opened the floor for the real numbers, you know, so we could examine what the actual difference is.

I found a pretty close match to me on the LUS side, the difference is not even worth having a cup of coffee over.

I'm not seeing how it's way way way better than LAA. It's marginally cheaper, and I'm sure your financial experts on the NC (God I hope we have some) can lay out those numbers between the 2 plans and negotiate accordingly. But my math tells me LUS was pretty much made whole with their recent raise.
You see Prez, the dirty little secret to the fantastic, almost free and survived numerous BK's health insurance is, it was paid for by your Industry low wages for all those years, which, btw, no longer exist.

So Whoos Zoomin Who?
I prefer to plant my flag on hill I can win on.
An industry leading 401K Contribution to make up for all of us that had our pension frozen will give the vast majority of us a chance to sock away a nice stash in our final 5, 8 10 years.
Much more money at stake with this than a health insurance that really, when examined closely, is not that different.
I'll accept this as a hit on me because I very recently posted that I can't fight for the LUS health insurance when , for me, the difference is literally 14 cents an hour.
That and the known fact that the company will have everyone on LAA health insurance at the end of the day.

I don't get what you don't get about that Prez. It's pretty black and white.
I've seen everyone on the LUS side jumping up and down and throwing themselves on the floor about how LAA health insurance sucks donkey balls compared to LUS health insurance, so I opened the floor for the real numbers, you know, so we could examine what the actual difference is.

I found a pretty close match to me on the LUS side, the difference is not even worth having a cup of coffee over.

I'm not seeing how it's way way way better than LAA. It's marginally cheaper, and I'm sure your financial experts on the NC (God I hope we have some) can lay out those numbers between the 2 plans and negotiate accordingly. But my math tells me LUS was pretty much made whole with their recent raise.
You see Prez, the dirty little secret to the fantastic, almost free and survived numerous BK's health insurance is, it was paid for by your Industry low wages for all those years, which, btw, no longer exist.

So Whoos Zoomin Who?


Not shocked to see you post this wrong info on difference in costs of LAA vs. LUS insurance after your complete disregard for my math on IAMNPF. Your blatant disregard for math is puzzling.

P. Rez
Damaged good?
US AIRWAYS made millions before it nabbed American Airlines and took it off life support. Sorry but Horton was a complete disaster and you guys were soon to be in selloff mode (See Pan Am) if US AIRWAYS Parker didn't 'rescue' your airline. Whatever the case, who cares? We are here and now.

And of course, the IAM took FULL advantage of the merger. No way would any of us have what we have now without it. You might be working for Delta Global now if Horton had to piecemeal the airline, and I'd prolly still be stuck at $24.

The foundation of taking advantage of the merger, for the IAM, was to install "Great Fear" upon Chicken Little to join the IAM ranks and sign over your majority rule to the trumped up Association. Amazingly, it worked and Little signed over all rights and told the NMB he will release the 70 year TWU certification at American Airlines. So, don't blame the IAM for protecting its interest, blame your own leaders. Little became bitter knowing his own Eboard was planning a coup. I supported Sito big league on him hoodwinking the TWU on this. Now Sito sits in the command seat.
Are you talking of the sham aa bk. Us air would of went under if they had not merged with aa .aa could of survived with out the crap of us air. As far as I’m concerned you and Parker can take your airplanes and go paint them back to us air and give us back the old aa . Take sito and the iam with you also. aa was not going to be sold off . As bad as Horton was he did not lie like Doug Parker did . Let’s see dl-ua plus 7 . We have a industry leading contract for mtc and related just need the Association to get in negotiatings etc etc etc. so get over yourself Tim most aa people do not like Parker are the us air management team.
Are you talking of the sham aa bk. Us air would of went under if they had not merged with aa .aa could of survived with out the crap of us air. As far as I’m concerned you and Parker can take your airplanes and go paint them back to us air and give us back the old aa . Take sito and the iam with you also. aa was not going to be sold off . As bad as Horton was he did not lie like Doug Parker did . Let’s see dl-ua plus 7 . We have a industry leading contract for mtc and related just need the Association to get in negotiatings etc etc etc. so get over yourself Tim most aa people do not like Parker are the us air management team.
Who cares? This isnt any merit system. Time for lus to bunker down and embrace section 6 until twu can listen and embrace our lus healthcare unless traymark can get parker to understand that his Teamster math projects our health care at 2 nickels worth.
I would think overall the PT work group is a much younger age than the FT workgroup also. Maybe there is a middle ground on this issue concerning JCBA negotiations.

I will throw this out here, and prepared to get flamed by various parties. As much as it is "ironic" as I said that those who are taking home the least (based upon scheduled hours and hourly pay) are the ones paying the most because of their part-time status. Much like poor people who pay the highest interest rates and can least afford it (usually because they are more likely to default on credit).

I can understand the Company's point-of-view that health insurance to be a fixed cost and the productivity would be less with a part-time person, thus the per unit cost of health insurance would be higher and the need for a higher employee contributions.

However, I also realize there are plenty of "part-time" people who work over 40 hours a week too! Thus, the per unit cost of health insurance is on par with a full-time person. Conversely, there are a fair number of "full-time" people who barely make 20 hours a week too, so the productivity of them becomes questionable against the fixed costs of insurance.

Maybe a "floating" premium based upon the prior six months of average weekly hours worked? Usually "full-time" in this nation was around 30-32 hours per week. If someone works over minimum (regardless of "part-time" or "full-time" status) that person would pay the lower health insurance rate and if less than the minimum regardless of classification that person would pay the higher rate?

I think it would discourage "ghost employees" who benefit from the same health insurance premiums as the full-time who works their scheduled hours, while it would encourage part-time people to pick-up additional hours to reduce their premiums. For the Company it would reduced the unitized fixed costs of operations.

Okay, flame away!
Music to my ears.
8% Contribution = industry leading

No it does not. Where do you get that 8% is industry leading? It's only 4.5% for all and only the added 3.5% for those at 25 years plus. Now that may be you, but not all. Why the A B scale for the 401K? Industry leading, I believe would be us at SWA with 9.3% dollar for dollar match, AND, our nego's are currently asking for a 15% match as our Pilots just recently got. So where do you get that 4.5% and the 3.5% only for 25 years plus is industry leading sir?
No it does not. Where do you get that 8% is industry leading? It's only 4.5% for all and only the added 3.5% for those at 25 years plus. Now that may be you, but not all. Why the A B scale for the 401K? Industry leading, I believe would be us at SWA with 9.3% dollar for dollar match, AND, our nego's are currently asking for a 15% match as our Pilots just recently got. So where do you get that 4.5% and the 3.5% only for 25 years plus is industry leading sir?

Right now, at this moment, 8% contribution ~ not a match, would be industry leading for ground workers. You guys can ask for 15% till the cows come home, doesn't mean you'll get it.
And for those with over 25 years, dude, thats like 90% of us. I would consider that a win.
However, I also realize there are plenty of "part-time" people who work over 40 hours a week too! Thus, the per unit cost of health insurance is on par with a full-time person. Conversely, there are a fair number of "full-time" people who barely make 20 hours a week too, so the productivity of them becomes questionable against the fixed costs of insurance.

Maybe a "floating" premium based upon the prior six months of average weekly hours worked? Usually "full-time" in this nation was around 30-32 hours per week. If someone works over minimum (regardless of "part-time" or "full-time" status) that person would pay the lower health insurance rate and if less than the minimum regardless of classification that person would pay the higher rate?

I think it would discourage "ghost employees" who benefit from the same health insurance premiums as the full-time who works their scheduled hours, while it would encourage part-time people to pick-up additional hours to reduce their premiums. For the Company it would reduced the unitized fixed costs of operations.

Good post.
I agree with you. And it wouldn't be difficult to do that.
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