It may end up a package deal whereby you'll be able to get better language in Scope and the Pension in exchange for the Medical. The Association could drag things along in order to reach Section 6 and Mediation, but I believe that's why the NMB is already there and they would suggest things will not get better in a few years.
It may be presented as, "things may get worse later so why don't you grab onto what you can today." That would be especially true, Tim, if your suggestions of the IAM Pension Plan making changes over the next several months. Your assertion on that point seems to contradict the ability to hold things off for several years.
my immediate response to that question would be:
Please Mr. NMB, explain why this group of workers need to "grab what they can today" when it is decidedly Below industry leading,
When this group of workers:
Has waited the longest under BK language, while the company has enjoyed 4 years of
unprecedented profits,
of which, this group has gotten none of until last August with the raise and then a small profit sharing this year.
This group never got the 4% bump every other AA employee got 3+ years ago.
This group has toiled along with the industries
worst benefits (save LUS health insurance) for 14+ years
This group was hurried to the table in 2003 to re write their contract and forced to take what the company wanted them to take and in record time
56 days.
No Mr. NMB, it's not incumbent on this group to "grab what they can today"
Your Question Mr. NMB should be directed at one person,
Doug Parker and it should be:
Why is this group of workers
still waiting for you to present them the industry leading contract you promised and can no doubt afford, or else how were you able to come up with an additional $900 million for 2 workgroups totally outside of contract language?