I can assure you unless you choose not to.believe, that the company is basically balking on all remaining issues. It is definitely not a leading industry contract with their latest offer. Maybe 3rd best. I know many are hung up on the pension vs 401, but it goes far beyond that.
I think almost everyone on here, whether they are LAA or LUS believe you and Prez want an industry leading contract.
Where you have lost people, not losing, but lost, myself included, is with the lack of effort in scheduling negotiations. After a while it makes many wonder how hard the committee is fighting in negotiations, when you have been meeting 2 weeks a month or less.
I don't see anyone from the IAM or TWU complaining about it and it has been this way for a year and a half. Your lack of effort has lost me and many others I know.
Although I think you do care about what Association members think, I question how that is possible when you have shown you don't care if you go a month without talking.
It is unacceptable and I will not vote for anyone who is on the committee now in the next election because of this. The committee has let this happen because you have been quiet about it imo.
Association members deserve better. I don't think there is anyone on here, if there is please let me know, who thinks your meeting schedule is acceptable. It's pathetic. If it's the company's fault then you have failed to hold them publicly accountable. Start now. Start today. Call them out every chance you get.
I am not one of the people on here who says meet 24/7. That is not realistic. I do think 3 weeks on 1 week off is. Even 2 weeks on 1 week off would be better than what we are getting.
How can we have faith that you are fighting when you won't even fight for more meetings?
The current meeting schedule is pathetic and the committee is at least 50% responsible for it. You have lost support because of it.