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JCBA Negotiations and updates for AA Fleet

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Not necessarily. Yes i did, and do...at this time because it offered unity and solidarity. From the creation, the TWU offered unconditioned solidarity and support to allow the iam to get a stand alone contract. But then the iam games started which have now manifested into the iam joining management and leaving the twu out in the cold. Im hoping our iam leaders learn from the errors of their way and join in solidarity. Its no less than shameful for all unions on the property, except the iam, to support the twu. If this is where things are then our iam leaders opened the door for the company to stick it to us. My support for the association will be lost if the iam continues to join in with management.
What do you expect management to offer when the twu puts its best foot forward yet the iam knifes them in the back.

Blame this update on the iam bosses who said publicly on this site "we fine with negotiation progress".
I just can't believe dues paying members can't see the minutes. what a club we're in.
So a week of negotiations and the company gave their proposal on the remaining articles. Was that proposal given today as talks were wrapping up. Was it given at the beginning of the week where there was time for discussion. Might seem trivial, but the timeline in talks and proposals is important when you are being deprived of information...I still think it's games being played within the Association and then with AA's unwillingness to negotiate something better than BK language, the members are screwed, especially the TWU...
I'll settle this contract right now. Come to an agreement on scope/grandfathered stations/which ones open up too.. then let the members decide what contract/ union they want to belong too.Done.
Blame this update on the iam bosses who said publicly on this site "we fine with negotiation progress".

blame it on the iampf , iam overhead trumka, and disregard of bond mckasgill.
the iampf will be the death of both unions....that said, Tim gave everyone the road map, with healthcare and the reelection . Throw in iam's contract is still in effect with no agreement come sept, as it becomes extended another year. I think everyone but Weassile saw this coming, because his lily livered opportunist useless tool personality blinds him. And that's being complementary too him. The question I have other than cost, why is iam's medical so much better that laa's?
Bingo except i dont believe weaasles knowingly knows he is being pimped cuz his disdain for NYer has gotten the best of him.

You guys will see. Its all about politics with them. Weaasles just doesnt listen.
Bingo except i dont believe weaasles knowingly knows he is being pimped cuz his disdain for NYer has gotten the best of him.

You guys will see. Its all about politics with them. Weaasles just doesnt listen.

Tim you're losing it. Reel it back in man. Take your pills.

Bingo except i dont believe weaasles knowingly knows he is being pimped cuz his disdain for NYer has gotten the best of him.

You guys will see. Its all about politics with them. Weaasles just doesnt listen.
its the politics of officer pension and officer salary thru our labor.
Another expected bogus update. This one mentioned extreme disappointment to describe the company's position. It really makes you wonder just what kind of crap the company put to the NC. Sounds like they want some take aways. You knew it would be hard with two unions and 2 different deals, and an Association where half the group pickets and the other half does not. Maybe the Association needs to wake up to the fact that they're not much of an Association.
There is no unity, either between the members or the leadership...I think that much is obvious.
This resembles a forced marriage instead of a unified partnership between two contract seeking unions.
There is no unity, either between the members or the leadership...I think that much is obvious.
This resembles a forced marriage instead of a unified partnership between two contract seeking unions.

its the politics of officer pension and officer salary thru our labor.
They will throw everyone under the bus for the $150,000+ compensation, free healthcare, short term disability, 15 weeks of convention/vacations, double pension, positive space. They think they are entitled and above so they could care less about letters of support to twu.
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