Tim, part of this process that most people forget or may not have been aware of is that before this process began it was the IAM that sat on the sidelines to wait for their Section 6 negotiations to resume after a hiatus due to the AMR BK and merger.
As LUS management was trying to get the LAA unions on board, the negotiations between the IAM and US Airways was stalled as their attention was given to the merger process. In that time, the LAA unions received enhancements from the LUS management team in the form of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). After that had taken place, the priority for the LUS management team turned towards the JCBA negotiations.
As a manner to get the JCBA going the IAM, at the time, fast-tracked the negotiations on the IAM standalone CBA while agreeing on placeholders to get the CBA passed with the understanding some of the IAM issues would be addressed during the JCBA.
And here we are.