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JCBA Negotiations and updates for AA Fleet

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Well, you arent reading my mind or others because i know no iam members, other than our leadership, that is fine with what the company has done thus far. Iam members i talk to all want a jcba and to finally participate in this $$$ merger. And that doesnt mean to cough up medical for PDO. This isnt a cost neutral situation.

The twu is right. And it makes us look bad, standing down instead of unifying on picket lines. The company is eating popcorn watching this. Sad.

If you are an iampf officer, do you really care if there's a new contract? You're getting good vacations and dinners at these meetings. Some of these guys have gained 50 pounds, and its not from stress. If you are fleet service guy, and you were making 15 bucks an hour 5 years ago, do you care if there's a new contract? especially with iam's medical. Fleet service even on the twu side, isn't really upset right now except for the guy's who thought they'd be getting home/ scope issues, but even that's more a trivial issue on the whole right now. Hopefully the company gives the twu the holidays and sick time you guy have, and everyone just calls it a day. Just renew what we have. Just don't bring up the iampf.
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I have simply stated that I found out about a picket on this site. I will contact TWU NC members to discuss. As for what I hear in my stations and from other IAM stations, yes we want a contract, but I haven't heard of any pissed off employees. I'm not denying it, I just haven't heard.

P. Rez
yeah, there's really no need for a new contract for you guys. exactly. Anything for you guys would probably be concessionary for the majority of your members at this point. And the tone of the post, proves my previous post as far as the stress of the meetings and urgency of any agreement.
. P.Rez:

"As for the pace, a lot has been accomplished since the executive NC came in and I expect a comprehensive package soon."

Please define, in detail "soon".
A week, a month, 3 months, 6 months?

Because at this point , anything more than a week
Is Not Soon.

Let me explain
Rewriting 3 different work groups all at the same time in 56 days from start to finish is "soon".
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Even with free pizza, members don't go to union meetings. 80 percent of mx, don't feel represented by twu, do you really think they are going to picket? damn i've turned into Albert.
Rez what happens if the Company never does present that final (acceptable) comprehensive package/proposal?

Wouldn't that kind of flip that "We know this Management team, you guys don't" line upside down on its ear?

You shouldn't underestimate any opponent when you play chess or they just might surprise you with an unexpected move.
yeah, there's really no need for a new contract for you guys. exactly. Anything for you guys would probably be concessionary for the majority of your members at this point. And the tone of the post, proves my previous post as far as the stress of the meetings and urgency of any agreement.
Why would anything at all be concessionary unless the iam sought a cost neutral jcba in the midst of billion dollar profits? The association, and prez stated that they want the best of both contracts. Plus not 1 member proposed a reduction in health benefits so there is no evidence or logic to support a cost neutral or concessionary jcba.
That said, im not comfortable with the progress and neither should anyone be. It seems to me that management has dropped the ball and that the iam better follow the twu lead in expressing that.
Rez what happens if the Company never does present that final (acceptable) comprehensive package/proposal?

I will admit that the longer these negotiations become, the more I am expecting by way of any proposal. Company with these levels of profits shouldn't be looking for much in the way of concessions or downgrades-- scope, sick, vacation, medical, recall rights, pay, 401k/pension option, etc. if ANY of them are inadequate, then I am already a "No" vote. I would compromise on productivity and need for greater efficiencies by way of crew chief/lead responsibilities or annual physicals, but otherwise I am not interested about giving-in on much.

Right now I am fat, stupid and happy with what I have presently, so I can wait a LONG time for something exceptional. By the way... what's the AA/TWU agreement or deadline for a JCBA by the end of the year (?) as it relates to station protections?
thank you for your unwanted two cents here anyway.



Who are you to say that to ANYONE. You are the forums answer to the question nobody asked.

I can't count how many times I have seen people on this forum tell you your opinion was unwanted and unsolicited. You have never listened so why should you expect someone to listen to you?
Even with free pizza, members don't go to union meetings. 80 percent of mx, don't feel represented by twu, do you really think they are going to picket? damn i've turned into Albert.
You express yourself so eloquently, I don't have to post anymore. more so I'll be watching from a cool food court while you are out there in the extremes picketing.


Who are you to say that to ANYONE. You are the forums answer to the question nobody asked.

I can't count how many times I have seen people on this forum tell you your opinion was unwanted and unsolicited. You have never listened so why should you expect someone to listen to you?
And this topic had a good, smooth flow to it. If you can't contribute, please stay away.
Probably won't admit it but you are dreading the day. Much rather go about your daily business because you know it will accomplish nothing other than you having to buy sunscreen
Probably won't admit it but you are dreading the day. Much rather go about your daily business because you know it will accomplish nothing other than you having to buy sunscreen
I have no problem admitting it Al. All you stated above is correct.I actually think picketing can cause more harm than good. A. many passengers couldn't give a rats ass about our plight and may actually be turned off. B. If you do not have enough folks join the line, the lack of unity may even be more evident to the company. While I don't have the answer to what would be more productive in our push to get a contract, again, I don't have a problem with what you said.
It wouldn't be a problem if the unions had gotten parity on other issues when we received the raise. All these issues were obvious when the Association started and the TWU dropped the ball. I would think the company does not want the US Air scope or medical with the large merged airline and can't blame the LUS people for not wanting to concede it. What a **** sandwich we have on the plate.
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