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JCBA Negotiations and updates for AA Fleet

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If the roles were reversed, the TWU would be doing the same thing.

We have 3 entities trying to get a JCBA. The TWU, the IAM and the Association. Acting separately is just counterproductive.

The travesty is the Association not sharing the challenges they face. That void only increases the frustrations and injures the unity.

I would go out on a limb and predict the JCBA will be soundly panned. Those that want progress will be the loudest yelling for a "no" vote in the hope to send the NC back to the table.
If the roles were reversed, the TWU would be doing the same thing.

We have 3 entities trying to get a JCBA. The TWU, the IAM and the Association. Acting separately is just counterproductive.

The travesty is the Association not sharing the challenges they face. That void only increases the frustrations and injures the unity.

I would go out on a limb and predict the JCBA will be soundly panned. Those that want progress will be the loudest yelling for a "no" vote in the hope to send the NC back to the table.[/QUOT. you talk like you crystal ball
do you have a crystal ball
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If the roles were reversed, the TWU would be doing the same thing.

We have 3 entities trying to get a JCBA. The TWU, the IAM and the Association. Acting separately is just counterproductive.

The travesty is the Association not sharing the challenges they face. That void only increases the frustrations and injures the unity.

I would go out on a limb and predict the JCBA will be soundly panned. Those that want progress will be the loudest yelling for a "no" vote in the hope to send the NC back to the table.

Zoltar speaks.

I am leading, IAM peeps are ok with the progress, if TWU peeps were ready to picket, they could have communicated that fact. What am I supposed to be, a mind reader? Lol.

P. Rez
That shows me right there why things are going slow. You sit with the twu during negotiations and you guys do not talk. Yes the twu is ready to get out of a bk contract. Of course your iam are happy with the progress they get better holidays overtime pay etc etc lower price insurance. After the wage increase of course the iam peeps can be patient. My patience has ran out. With this pos association especially you pos iam peeps holding up our contract to force us twu peeps into the iampf. After what the iam did to the Boeing people I do not want no part of the iam . Allowing Boeing to freeze the pension without being in bk. The Boeing guys turned it down the first vote but sito had another vote it passed . I know why he did it he didn’t care about the members but his 250000 plus salary
If the roles were reversed, the TWU would be doing the same thing.

Interesting that you bring up "Roles".
Lets drill down on that just a bit.

If both of these unions exercised their proper roles at the very beginning of this merger,
I would submit that these things currently happening would have lived a very short shelf life if at all.

The Proper roles of these unions at the outset was the IAM stepping aside, and the TWU taking over representation of the ground workers as the majority union.
That shows me right there why things are going slow. You sit with the twu during negotiations and you guys do not talk. Yes the twu is ready to get out of a bk contract. Of course your iam are happy with the progress they get better holidays overtime pay etc etc lower price insurance. After the wage increase of course the iam peeps can be patient. My patience has ran out. With this pos association especially you pos iam peeps holding up our contract to force us twu peeps into the iampf. After what the iam did to the Boeing people I do not want no part of the iam . Allowing Boeing to freeze the pension without being in bk. The Boeing guys turned it down the first vote but sito had another vote it passed . I know why he did it he didn’t care about the members but his 250000 plus salary
I'm sorry but that is not true. IAM people, all of the ones I talk to, are NOT HAPPY with the progress. We want to finally participate in the $$ Merger. We lack many things. Also, our compensation is last of all major airlines when you measure total compensation as profit sharing and wage. Delta leads the pack in that category, followed by Southwest, then United and we bring up the rear. I know peeps like the $30 and very small profit sharing but if we are in negotiations then we need to hold Parker to his words and get frame our compensation as he did [wage + profit sharing] and make it the best.

Our language in our contract blows bad. Who knows when we can get a lunch? There is more gray in our contract than what exist on a USS Battleship. Poorly worded. Collectively, we have less days off than any other airline as well. Our double time is skewed and almost never comes into play, so that needs to be fixed. Our overtime bypass language says "See management". No shift differ, an awful retirement amount. and the list goes on. So, don't take our IAM reps, including Prez, as speaking for all of us. I am not satisfied with the progress after 5 years of the merger completion. We want a solid contract and plenty quick. We deserve it.
The name of my crystal ball is history.
actually, you are correct. Not sure why people are busting on some of your comments. Specifically, you hit the nail on the head that there are 3 interest, i.e., TWU, IAM, Association. It's been plain to see with Prez comments along with William Fa's, and the thorough lack of communication from the Association other than to say they are disappointed in talks. WTF?

3 languages need to be reduced down to 1 language pretty damn fast otherwise we risk scrapping these talks and falling into a long extended section 6 negotiation period.

That said, I heard from someone inside Sito's office that he will turn over the LUS health care after the enrollment period has been determined for 2018, and if this is true, a TA should happen around October. Effectively, what that means is that the LUS members will fall into LAA health care in 2019 as a concession but will keep the present health care for one more year.

Obviously, I disagree that LUS has to lose their current health care cost premiums as it survived 2 bankruptices and there is no convincing reason to me to lose it in the midst of billion dollar profits and an expected relaxation of the excise taxes.
Interesting that you bring up "Roles".
Lets drill down on that just a bit.

If both of these unions exercised their proper roles at the very beginning of this merger,
I would submit that these things currently happening would have lived a very short shelf life if at all.

The Proper roles of these unions at the outset was the IAM stepping aside, and the TWU taking over representation of the ground workers as the majority union.

Acquiescence is not the role of any union.
actually, you are correct. Not sure why people are busting on some of your comments. Specifically, you hit the nail on the head that there are 3 interest, i.e., TWU, IAM, Association. It's been plain to see with Prez comments along with William Fa's, and the thorough lack of communication from the Association other than to say they are disappointed in talks. WTF?

3 languages need to be reduced down to 1 language pretty damn fast otherwise we risk scrapping these talks and falling into a long extended section 6 negotiation period.

That said, I heard from someone inside Sito's office that he will turn over the LUS health care after the enrollment period has been determined for 2018, and if this is true, a TA should happen around October. Effectively, what that means is that the LUS members will fall into LAA health care in 2019 as a concession but will keep the present health care for one more year.

Obviously, I disagree that LUS has to lose their current health care cost premiums as it survived 2 bankruptices and there is no convincing reason to me to lose it in the midst of billion dollar profits and an expected relaxation of the excise taxes.

In the BK, LAA was able to get several negotiated medical plans into one large all-encompassing plan. By allowing the last group to keep their plan will only open the door for other unions to demand they also are allowed to leave the LAA plan especially since it was made very clear to us that this is one of the ultimate goals of the BK.

For the LAA Fleet side, going into Section 6 negotiations only leaves the door open for some of the currently protected stations to be able to be outsourced. As of the January numbers that means ATL, SAT, SJU and TPA are in jeopardy.

Aren't you a WN mechanic? Find one IAM employee post on here saying they are fed up with progress. What I see is a few AA fleet posts and a few more AA MX posts on frustration with the process. A total of 10-15 employees posting their frustrations isn't very telling. I am not saying a picket shouldn't occur, I am saying I learned of it on here. Not very good that I find out on here as opposed to someone reaching out to me. As for the pace, a lot has been accomplished since the executive NC came in and I expect a comprehensive package soon.

P. Rez
Yes. And why does that matter? You have many IAM employees complaining in the past. One of them is in my quote below, as well as others but I will not take the time to hunt them out. Tim can also confirm others on the IAM side that has complained BOTH here and to the asso. so don't give me that line that there are no body on the IAM side pissed off because you know dam well there is. The reason you found out on here (internet sites) is because this asso. is so lacking communication skills it's pathetic.

I'm sorry but that is not true. IAM people, all of the ones I talk to, are NOT HAPPY with the progress. We want to finally participate in the $$ Merger. We lack many things. Also, our compensation is last of all major airlines when you measure total compensation as profit sharing and wage. Delta leads the pack in that category, followed by Southwest, then United and we bring up the rear. I know peeps like the $30 and very small profit sharing but if we are in negotiations then we need to hold Parker to his words and get frame our compensation as he did [wage + profit sharing] and make it the best.

Our language in our contract blows bad. Who knows when we can get a lunch? There is more gray in our contract than what exist on a USS Battleship. Poorly worded. Collectively, we have less days off than any other airline as well. Our double time is skewed and almost never comes into play, so that needs to be fixed. Our overtime bypass language says "See management". No shift differ, an awful retirement amount. and the list goes on. So, don't take our IAM reps, including Prez, as speaking for all of us. I am not satisfied with the progress after 5 years of the merger completion. We want a solid contract and plenty quick. We deserve it.

I have tried explaining to him but he wants to dodge my postings because I am from another airline, speaks volumes. Sorry Tim, but if he's a union leader he needs to be removed. I know more than he does about how the membership (majority) feels and as he says, I am not even a member of the same union, pretty dam sad there...
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