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JCBA Negotiations and updates for AA Fleet

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So we get a TWU message today about informational picketing at DFW , not a peep from the IAM.
Why isn't this both unions across the system calling out the company?

Association=Total Fail.

Your correct the IAM NEEDS to be involved too. If not the company will see this as a big time division between the 2 ranks and that is bad. The IAM should be setting up a picket in one of their biggest cities as well. Man I know this will sound like a broken record but holy shite this is exactly what most of us out here saw coming with this dum-a$$ 2 party union becoming and asso. This is more than likely exactly what the company wants. It's only gonna get worse. Let's see, when in the next time the leader changes at the top over who controls the asso.? This is just ridiculous.

I am leading, IAM peeps are ok with the progress, if TWU peeps were ready to picket, they could have communicated that fact. What am I supposed to be, a mind reader? Lol.

P. Rez

Rez why are IAM peeps ok with the progress? Which IAM peeps are you talking about? Negotiators or member peeps?

As a TWU peep I honestly do find the progress lacking. I feel one side of this Association is getting the short end of the stick while "individuals" on the other side have a huge chuckle about it.

I am leading, IAM peeps are ok with the progress, if TWU peeps were ready to picket, they could have communicated that fact. What am I supposed to be, a mind reader? Lol.

P. Rez
It has been communicated by the membership. Besides that, apparently the NC thinks the pace is just fine? If that is the case maybe it's time to replace the entire NC? Why does it or would it take THE membership to say lets do info picketing. Our NC, Locals and National all agreed and said we will do info picketing. Stop pushing every little detail to the membership Rez. Don't you think it's a good time for someone in a "LEADERSHIP" position to step up and take control? Someone like you Rez? Why not? If you are leading then prove it, take the reigns and go with it. If not then let someone else get in there and do the job right like the membership wants. Rez, your membership was screaming (at least on here) about how they should be doing what we did when we had our huge ones all over the places and in several different cities with full support from Pilots, F/A's, rampers, stores, appearance techs, provisioning etc. In your statement you say, "IAM peeps are ok with the progress." So if the IAM is ok with it, all is okie-dokie huh? Now you guys really know how this asso. will be ran, all around the IAM guys--period. And you all just heard it from one of the "LEADERS" who claims he is "LEADING"
You ask what am I suppose to be a mind reader? And then laugh about it with lol at the end. That was so disrespectful it's pathetic. You don't have to be a mind reader when the guys are out here screaming "why aren't we doing what the AMFA guys are doing at SWA? There are several postings about it. I also know some mechanics that did in fact tell the TWU they wanted to do some picketing to get more media coverage and all. So don't sit there and say the membership never spoke up cuz they did. I heard them, AA mechanics heard them, TWU union members heard them, now why is it no one at the top (in leadership positions leading) has heard them. Hmmmm. Because as you made very clear because the IAM boys are perfectly happy with the way nego's are going. Now the real reasons are out in the open. So there you have it TWU'ers, as long as the IAM side is happy NOTHING will happen for the TWU'ers. As just spoken by one of your leaders LEADING...

I've heard some of you on this site and heard from TWU guys in negotiations some frustrations, but not one asked for a meeting of the minds to discuss any plans for anything. I saw on this site about picketing, take that to the bank, reality.

P. Rez
You posted this before I got done with my last post above. But it just confirms what I went off on you about in stone. First you say no one said anything. Now you come back saying uh, well some guys did speak up on here and heard some guys speak up in negotiations. Cmon man pull the "leadership" trigger and make the suggestion yourself. Why do you industrial union leaders always want the membership to do everything for you. Hell, do your jobs or step down so someone will. Pathetic man.

I've heard some of you on this site and heard from TWU guys in negotiations some frustrations, but not one asked for a meeting of the minds to discuss any plans for anything. I saw on this site about picketing, take that to the bank, reality.

P. Rez

If you're saying that the IAM side is satisfied with progress maybe your TWU partners felt there was no need in discussing any picketing with you guys? Maybe they feel like they would just be blown off?

Rez there's nothing stopping any of you from having your own picketing in Stations you represent and where you have the extreme majority?

Like I said I'd LOVE to see CLT/PHX and PHL get something going to show me we really are One Union/ One Voice?

Any chance?
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It has been communicated by the membership. Besides that, apparently the NC thinks the pace is just fine? If that is the case maybe it's time to replace the entire NC? Why does it or would it take THE membership to say lets do info picketing. Our NC, Locals and National all agreed and said we will do info picketing. Stop pushing every little detail to the membership Rez. Don't you think it's a good time for someone in a "LEADERSHIP" position to step up and take control? Someone like you Rez? Why not? If you are leading then prove it, take the reigns and go with it. If not then let someone else get in there and do the job right like the membership wants. Rez, your membership was screaming (at least on here) about how they should be doing what we did when we had our huge ones all over the places and in several different cities with full support from Pilots, F/A's, rampers, stores, appearance techs, provisioning etc. In your statement you say, "IAM peeps are ok with the progress." So if the IAM is ok with it, all is okie-dokie huh? Now you guys really know how this asso. will be ran, all around the IAM guys--period. And you all just heard it from one of the "LEADERS" who claims he is "LEADING"
You ask what am I suppose to be a mind reader? And then laugh about it with lol at the end. That was so disrespectful it's pathetic. You don't have to be a mind reader when the guys are out here screaming "why aren't we doing what the AMFA guys are doing at SWA? There are several postings about it. I also know some mechanics that did in fact tell the TWU they wanted to do some picketing to get more media coverage and all. So don't sit there and say the membership never spoke up cuz they did. I heard them, AA mechanics heard them, TWU union members heard them, now why is it no one at the top (in leadership positions leading) has heard them. Hmmmm. Because as you made very clear because the IAM boys are perfectly happy with the way nego's are going. Now the real reasons are out in the open. So there you have it TWU'ers, as long as the IAM side is happy NOTHING will happen for the TWU'ers. As just spoken by one of your leaders LEADING...

I'm sorry. We here work for American Airlines, are represented by the TWU and IAM and this is a Fleet Service/Ramp Agent thread.

This is not Southwest Airlines or AMFA here.

But thank you for your unwanted two cents here anyway.

I am leading, IAM peeps are ok with the progress, if TWU peeps were ready to picket, they could have communicated that fact. What am I supposed to be, a mind reader? Lol.

P. Rez
So you are saying the IAM is satisfied (ok) with the progress of talks, and the TWU wants to picket over the progress. Boy, do we have a mess on our hands as predicted from day one. The Association is pure and simple a scam and needs to be treated and dealt with that way. Something tells me Parker knew this from day one and is enjoying having the largest union on the property still working under a BK contract.

I am leading, IAM peeps are ok with the progress, if TWU peeps were ready to picket, they could have communicated that fact. What am I supposed to be, a mind reader? Lol.

P. Rez
Well, you arent reading my mind or others because i know no iam members, other than our leadership, that is fine with what the company has done thus far. Iam members i talk to all want a jcba and to finally participate in this $$$ merger. And that doesnt mean to cough up medical for PDO. This isnt a cost neutral situation.

The twu is right. And it makes us look bad, standing down instead of unifying on picket lines. The company is eating popcorn watching this. Sad.
Well, you arent reading my mind or others because i know no iam members, other than our leadership, that is fine with what the company has done thus far. Iam members i talk to all want a jcba and to finally participate in this $$$ merger. And that doesnt mean to cough up medical for PDO. This isnt a cost neutral situation.

The twu is right. And it makes us look bad, standing down instead of unifying on picket lines. The company is eating popcorn watching this. Sad.

Tim, this guy is so far disconnected it's pathetic, he really needs to be removed. Just his comments here are enough for the top leadership to shut him down or at best remove him all together. Very unprofessional and out of touch completely with BOTH sides of the membership. Even Peterson and a lot of other leadership members have said they too are sick and tired of how the nego's are going. I did not read one in 7 pages that said, oh yea, we are very pleased with the pace of nego's, not one. Rez seems to be the one ok with the pace and ok with it so he says all should be ok with it. He needs to go...
Tim, this guy is so far disconnected it's pathetic, he really needs to be removed. Just his comments here are enough for the top leadership to shut him down or at best remove him all together. Very unprofessional and out of touch completely with BOTH sides of the membership. Even Peterson and a lot of other leadership members have said they too are sick and tired of how the nego's are going. I did not read one in 7 pages that said, oh yea, we are very pleased with the pace of nego's, not one. Rez seems to be the one ok with the pace and ok with it so he says all should be ok with it. He needs to go...
Prez is bright even if I disagree with him. We want a jcba and we are simply not pleased with the company's seemingly comatose stance. We should be picketing. Im not always right but im certain of this. Even if we didnt want to, the TWU forced our hand. It makes no sense to stand down at this point, but it is the exact sorta thing the company loves. Disappointing.

Prez is actually one of the better agcs (charlie brown is better) although i disagree with him often.
So you are saying the IAM is satisfied (ok) with the progress of talks, and the TWU wants to picket over the progress. Boy, do we have a mess on our hands as predicted from day one. The Association is pure and simple a scam and needs to be treated and dealt with that way. Something tells me Parker knew this from day one and is enjoying having the largest union on the property still working under a BK contract.


The IAM side wants a contract, I guess we are looking at it different based on past experience with this management. I will contact some TWU NC members and discuss the situation.

P. Rez
Rez maybe it is and maybe it's not? How long do we (The members) sit on our hands waiting for it to come and or hoping it will be acceptable?

I'm personally glad to see the members get to at least relieve a little pressure finally. And Rez this doesn't have to be a big complication (Even with the permits involved) You guys know each other. Just call and say you want to join in whenever and wherever, and wear an IAM shirt and hat.
Im here at mia, you working?
Tim, this guy is so far disconnected it's pathetic, he really needs to be removed. Just his comments here are enough for the top leadership to shut him down or at best remove him all together. Very unprofessional and out of touch completely with BOTH sides of the membership. Even Peterson and a lot of other leadership members have said they too are sick and tired of how the nego's are going. I did not read one in 7 pages that said, oh yea, we are very pleased with the pace of nego's, not one. Rez seems to be the one ok with the pace and ok with it so he says all should be ok with it. He needs to go...


Aren't you a WN mechanic? Find one IAM employee post on here saying they are fed up with progress. What I see is a few AA fleet posts and a few more AA MX posts on frustration with the process. A total of 10-15 employees posting their frustrations isn't very telling. I am not saying a picket shouldn't occur, I am saying I learned of it on here. Not very good that I find out on here as opposed to someone reaching out to me. As for the pace, a lot has been accomplished since the executive NC came in and I expect a comprehensive package soon.

P. Rez
Prez is bright even if I disagree with him. We want a jcba and we are simply not pleased with the company's seemingly comatose stance. We should be picketing. Im not always right but im certain of this. Even if we didnt want to, the TWU forced our hand. It makes no sense to stand down at this point, but it is the exact sorta thing the company loves. Disappointing.

Prez is actually one of the better agcs (charlie brown is better) although i disagree with him often.


I have simply stated that I found out about a picket on this site. I will contact TWU NC members to discuss. As for what I hear in my stations and from other IAM stations, yes we want a contract, but I haven't heard of any pissed off employees. I'm not denying it, I just haven't heard.

P. Rez
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