It has been communicated by the membership. Besides that, apparently the NC thinks the pace is just fine? If that is the case maybe it's time to replace the entire NC? Why does it or would it take THE membership to say lets do info picketing. Our NC, Locals and National all agreed and said we will do info picketing. Stop pushing every little detail to the membership Rez. Don't you think it's a good time for someone in a "LEADERSHIP" position to step up and take control? Someone like you Rez? Why not? If you are leading then prove it, take the reigns and go with it. If not then let someone else get in there and do the job right like the membership wants. Rez, your membership was screaming (at least on here) about how they should be doing what we did when we had our huge ones all over the places and in several different cities with full support from Pilots, F/A's, rampers, stores, appearance techs, provisioning etc. In your statement you say, "IAM peeps are ok with the progress." So if the IAM is ok with it, all is okie-dokie huh? Now you guys really know how this asso. will be ran, all around the IAM guys--period. And you all just heard it from one of the "LEADERS" who claims he is "LEADING"
You ask what am I suppose to be a mind reader? And then laugh about it with lol at the end. That was so disrespectful it's pathetic. You don't have to be a mind reader when the guys are out here screaming "why aren't we doing what the AMFA guys are doing at SWA? There are several postings about it. I also know some mechanics that did in fact tell the TWU they wanted to do some picketing to get more media coverage and all. So don't sit there and say the membership never spoke up cuz they did. I heard them, AA mechanics heard them, TWU union members heard them, now why is it no one at the top (in leadership positions leading) has heard them. Hmmmm. Because as you made very clear because the IAM boys are perfectly happy with the way nego's are going. Now the real reasons are out in the open. So there you have it TWU'ers, as long as the IAM side is happy NOTHING will happen for the TWU'ers. As just spoken by one of your leaders LEADING...