Brothers and Sisters,
It's become painfully clear that the company is in no hurry whatsoever to reach a tentative agreement that's fair and equitable to our membership. We've been working under a contract forced upon us in bankruptcy, and have been strung along in contract negotiations for a year and a half. All that and the company is still passing concessionary articles back to our negotiating committee. That's especially concerning since we're just now about to start negotiating on the most important and economical articles such as scope, compensation, benefits, holidays, etc...
It's also become very evident that the more AA makes, the more AA takes!
The divide between the executive level compensation and benefits, and our compensation and benefits grows more each passing day.
Had our negotiating team not held firm and agreed to accept concessionary articles, we could have had a tentative agreement months ago, but I can assure you it would have been far short of the "industry leading contract" that we've been promised. I applaud our negotiating team for not accepting the company's concessionary articles thus far!
Aside from the TWU, every workgroup on the property has post- bankruptcy contracts, with additional gains since the dates of signing those contracts. That includes our association counterparts of the IAM.
As we move into the last critical articles in negotiations, our negotiating team is now asking for our help. We need to send a clear and concise message to the company, and to our passengers, that it's well past time that our sacrifices be recognized.
We've gotten American Airlines to number one amongst their industry peers, now it's time they get us to number one amongst our industry peers as well.
With all that said, our negotiating team is now asking for our help. Starting in DFW on July 26th, 2017, we will kick off a system-wide campaign to expose the company's greed, and show our worth. Without the collective voice of the membership, our negotiating team is simply a few guys sitting at a table making arguments on our behalf. It's now our turn to get in the game!
We deserve the Industry's Best and Nothing Less!
Brian Parker
Strategic Action Coordinator
TWU Local 513