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JCBA Negotiations and updates for AA Fleet

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The IAM. Or maybe specifically IAM Districts 141 and 142 have shown by their actions so far, zero emphasis or motivation to apply any pressure against AA Management to even try to come to a deal.

It does seem like it's being completely left up to the TWU side of this "Association" to really want to reach JCBA's showing that maybe the IAM side is content (fine and dandy) with what they currently have and dragging this out as long as necessary to keep/get what "THEY" want out of these talks?

The perceptions just aren't telling me anything different that I can see?

63 cents in September Weez, enjoy.
sounds great to picket, but here lies the problem. 1.Unions are mismanaged and disliked by the majority of their membership now. 2. skilled tech workers software engineers live in a bubble world have no idea about real labor. those are the people jumping on airplanes, and generally are thinking of ways to outsource your labor. 3. afl cio are run by globalists, and are for importing labor. 4. in our industry the unions have helped outsource our jobs, and there is now a cottage industry of outsourced companies who use imported labor and aren't union. Can't wait in 20 years to hear unions complain about that. 5. people on vacation, flying on our planes, last thing they to deal with it, is any kind of work/discourse/concern. 6. yes the iam and its size, the pension and its officer salaries are more important than its membership. 7. the ave iam ramper/mechanic is ecstatic with what they have now.8. some of union leaders on both sides have already told their membership, last thing any of us should be hoping for is a new contract. so these scheduled meeting right now are just meet and teets.
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Peterson fa and reaves have to start organizing/tampering iam membership but that membership too, just want their last 10 years to go without hitch at this point. Challenges ahead for these guys, but they really need to think outside the box, not picketing.
Wouldn't it be better to wait until October when it is cooler? Also the AA Crew Chiefs need not attend considering they make 50 cents more an hour then their LUS counterparts, a true travesty. How about we go to LUS work rules and lay 20% of LAA off

If you don't enjoy the disparity of items on your side of the fence Al, maybe you should inform your Union to get off their "Ass" and start some informational picketing of their own? (Or join the TWU)
Wouldn't it be better to wait until October when it is cooler? Also the AA Crew Chiefs need not attend considering they make 50 cents more an hour then their LUS counterparts, a true travesty. How about we go to LUS work rules and lay 20% of LAA off
thats what iam would like for sure.
Peterson fa and reaves have to start organizing/tampering iam membership but that membership too, just want their last 10 years to go without hitch at this point. Challenges ahead for these guys, but they really need to think outside the box, not picketing.

Add to the mix President Dale Danker of TWU TUL 514.

Who will be next? Tick Tock?

Informational Picketing

Brothers and Sisters,

I have raised my voice for Tulsa for exactly 2 years on July 6th about the need to get a contract. The time has come to take action publicly. It is pathetic that American Airlines profits are not considered by them to be high enough that they can actually do the very thing that has come out of their mouths in town halls with you across the nation. Give you an industry leading contract. Had they kept their word by now you wouldn’t be today taking only your second holiday off of the year.

Myself along with the International and all Air Division TWU Locals have been working on a plan to do informational picketing in cities across the nation.

Today I received a text from the President of TWU Local 567 Rollie Reaves stating that the Dallas area locals put out a letter that stated they will picket the Dallas area on July 26th. (Which I already knew from our conference call with all the presidents last week).

Tulsa will be in the mix to do informational picketing just like all the other US cities. Local 514 Officer Terry Buck will be our point man for organizing Tulsa dates as well as trips to help other local walk the picket line.

One Voice, UNION!!!!!!!!

Enjoy your 2nd holiday
Happy 4th
Weez you know how I feel, "Taurus and my name is Al ,Float On" Bob I'll understand if you skip it because it's laundry day
There's only one thing that works, and its not picketing. and on the fleet side, nothing works.
Grapevine news:
More TWU Locals WILL be joining these protests.

Will IAM Union or IAM Members join in?
Grapevine news:
More TWU Locals WILL be joining these protests.

Will IAM Union or IAM Members join in?


I haven't heard anything about a picket until reading these posts. I think too much autonomy is occurring right now.

P. Rez

I haven't heard anything about a picket until reading these posts. I think too much autonomy is occurring right now.

P. Rez

Rez sometimes you have to shake it up a little or someone is going to point a finger at you and say "I think you might be shystering me?"

Honestly my man, I haven't seen even one real tiny grumble "officially" on the IAM side that this timeliness has become unacceptable? No pressure whatsoever?

Rez if you guys are serious, when do we see the IAM bear their teeth?
Rez sometimes you have to shake it up a little or someone is going to point a finger at you and say "I think you might be shystering me?"

Honestly my man, I haven't seen even one real tiny grumble "officially" on the IAM side that this timeliness has become unacceptable? No pressure whatsoever?

Rez if you guys are serious, when do we see the IAM bear their teeth?


Not one TWU guy has come to me or anybody else that I know of, and said why don't we do this or that. We were in negotiations 3 years ago and know this style the Company uses. We know a comprehensive proposal is coming in the near future.

P. Rez
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