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JCBA Negotiations and updates for AA Fleet

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Not a new pension, an underfunded pension.

Hog, this is great unity. Love hearing this at your carrier. As you get more info can you find out if other mechanics from other airlines are welcome to help you guys show support? If they are, please get the word to our AMFA locals presidents and our National Director so they can get the word out, I'm am positive some of our local 11 members would be willing to help if you all want.

Thx for the support! I will check on it and let you know.
Looks like no JCBA until after September. 😵

Along with the announced July dates, they've added August 15th to the 18th and August 28th to August 31st.
I said a while back I thought this would be done by the end of October. I am not so sure now.
I said a while back I thought this would be done by the end of October. I am not so sure now.
I too had to change my predicted finish line in our contract talks 5 times now. I no longer predict a date, I now just predict to what year it will not happen in. So at this point we still will have nothing for the year 2017 even though the company VP of Labor Relations and our CFO has promised that we will be done by the end of this year. Not the way the maint. side of the company negotiating team is going. We believe nothing the company puts out anymore. The VP of LR no longer puts out memos and announcements, it looks like he passed that onto a PR person now, he must have gotten tired of looking so bad about saying we will have a T/A after the next nego sessions, twice now...
It may be.

Since vacations are station specific, is it possible there could be the ability to use the IAM methods in IAM represented stations and the TWU method in TWU stations?

In LAA Fleet, most have the same Occupational and Company time. If they go with the current IAM language the most negatively affected would the former TWA Members who could lose the use of decades of Company Seniority they were able to grandfather from their TWA careers.

In Maintenance, there would be many more affected since they have many that transfered into those classifications. Those transfers restarted their occupational seniority clocks while they're in maintenance, but they kept their Company seniority for vacation bidding.

Can you explain how vacations are "station specific"? If you are refering to the fact that the TWU CBA does it differently than the IAM CBA, you would be correct. However, I would venture to guess that once a JCBA is reached, we will all be doing it the EXACT same way, there will be no one way for TWU stations and one way for IAM stations.

Why would you try and harbor divisions between stations? Whether you like the Association or not, we are in it, and being in it means that once we get a JCBA, we will ALL have to abide by it. And I truly believe that there will be no "in TWU stations" or "in IAM stations". We are ALL the Association, not TWU or IAM, but the Association. You have to get that through your head. Just because you may be in a TWU represented station, or in an IAM represented station, you are still part of the Association. You do understand this right?
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if DP was truly wanting to get M&R and FSA industry leading contracts its very clear he has failed us and contradicted himself this should not surprise anyone those of us at LUS are used to this type crap He got J.G. why is that its not the time to have subcontracts esp when this airline is making billions of dollars in profits Industry leading contracts include highest wages above DL UA and SWA best scope LUS scope or better better and leading industry benefits. etc

Breaking News robbed:
Both the IAM and TWU are just as culpable as Parker on the delay to our contract.
Other than Peterson, there are nothing but crickets from the top of both unions.
It's really embarrassing.

You get the occasional "it's really complicated".
If that's the case, why aren't you at the table 6 or 7 days a week hashing it out?
It was really complicated in 2003 as well, it took 56 days to take away an unprecedented amount of wealth from us.

Right after I post this there will be the enablers explaining away, "that was different", ...
No , it really wasn't, but keep telling yourself that if it gives you a safe space.

The Association has zero motivation to get a contract any time in the foreseeable future.
Breaking News robbed:
Both the IAM and TWU are just as culpable as Parker on the delay to our contract.
Other than Peterson, there are nothing but crickets from the top of both unions.
It's really embarrassing.

You get the occasional "it's really complicated".
If that's the case, why aren't you at the table 6 or 7 days a week hashing it out?
It was really complicated in 2003 as well, it took 56 days to take away an unprecedented amount of wealth from us.

Right after I post this there will be the enablers explaining away, "that was different", ...
No , it really wasn't, but keep telling yourself that if it gives you a safe space.

The Association has zero motivation to get a contract any time in the foreseeable future.
I think it is the company at both AA and SWA that are doing all the stalling. Our union has repeatedly asked for more and more dates, more meetings than the typical once per month, AMFA has also asked for meetings with the company outside the arbitrators and it was blessed by the arbitrators and SWA still refused. SWA puts out that they will meet anywhere anytime even thru the weekends but never once have they said yes to AMFA's constant request to meet at least 3-4 times per month or outside of the arbitrators. Not sure if the asso. is requesting more meeting dates for you guys but it wouldn't hurt to try, right? We have one set of meetings set for mid to late July and that's it, once per month again. Southwest actions speaks volumes over what they say (lie) about.
If the asso is asking for more dates, they've not communicated that to the membership. There is no one at the very top of either union calling out the company, so with that, they are also complicit.
Breaking News robbed:
Both the IAM and TWU are just as culpable as Parker on the delay to our contract.
Other than Peterson, there are nothing but crickets from the top of both unions.
It's really embarrassing.

You get the occasional "it's really complicated".
If that's the case, why aren't you at the table 6 or 7 days a week hashing it out?
It was really complicated in 2003 as well, it took 56 days to take away an unprecedented amount of wealth from us.

Right after I post this there will be the enablers explaining away, "that was different", ...
No , it really wasn't, but keep telling yourself that if it gives you a safe space.

The Association has zero motivation to get a contract any time in the foreseeable future.
Why do you think this is not any more complicated than what happened in 2003? My take on 2003, and this is just my opinion since I am LUS, is that it was easier to take away what LAA "said" was needed absent a bankruptcy, than it is to add, enhance and blend 2 vastly different CBA's into 1. With that being said, I agree they could be trying harder than they are now to get this done. BOTH sides, but I also understand BOTH sides have to make time to do so. There is more to this airline that just Fleet and MTC at the negotiating table. In my opinion, I also don't believe we will have a JCBA this year. I say this because I think, and again this is just my opinion, that Scope and Insurance will be the biggest sticking points.
Breaking News robbed:
Both the IAM and TWU are just as culpable as Parker on the delay to our contract.
Other than Peterson, there are nothing but crickets from the top of both unions.
It's really embarrassing.

You get the occasional "it's really complicated".
If that's the case, why aren't you at the table 6 or 7 days a week hashing it out?
It was really complicated in 2003 as well, it took 56 days to take away an unprecedented amount of wealth from us.

Right after I post this there will be the enablers explaining away, "that was different", ...
No , it really wasn't, but keep telling yourself that if it gives you a safe space.

The Association has zero motivation to get a contract any time in the foreseeable future.
I found Peterson interesting as an independent leader and standing up against the Association even though I supported it. However, imo, Peterson's 'cheeseburger strike' is weak and senseless unless he truly appreciated his members and grilled out at the Local as a substitute to the company hot dogs and cheeseburgers.

At any rate, there is no leadership that has been shown within the Association Bosses since the announcement of the merger 5 years ago.

And LUS wants a contract just like everyone else. We want to participate in the merger as well but we don't want to cash in health care and catering for 8 or 9 more days off and an extra $1. Our health care survived 2 bankruptcies and there is no convincing reason to reduce it to LAA health care. I find it interesting that I haven't heard one single LAA member apply the "Best of both" to health care. I mean, if I were LAA, I would be encouraged to support LUS health care and move over to that. Right?
I found Peterson interesting as an independent leader and standing up against the Association even though I supported it. However, imo, Peterson's 'cheeseburger strike' is weak and senseless unless he truly appreciated his members and grilled out at the Local as a substitute to the company hot dogs and cheeseburgers.

At any rate, there is no leadership that has been shown within the Association Bosses since the announcement of the merger 5 years ago.

And LUS wants a contract just like everyone else. We want to participate in the merger as well but we don't want to cash in health care and catering for 8 or 9 more days off and an extra $1. Our health care survived 2 bankruptcies and there is no convincing reason to reduce it to LAA health care. I find it interesting that I haven't heard one single LAA member apply the "Best of both" to health care. I mean, if I were LAA, I would be encouraged to support LUS health care and move over to that. Right?
Call Guiness, I agree with you again tim.
If the asso is asking for more dates, they've not communicated that to the membership. There is no one at the very top of either union calling out the company, so with that, they are also complicit.
Since when has this asso. ever communicated with or to the membership? The fact that no one is calling out the company on these issues says a lot, apparently this asso. is just fine with the pace of negotiations, very different from how the membership feels. Did you expect anything different from a 2 party union?
Why do you think this is not any more complicated than what happened in 2003? My take on 2003, and this is just my opinion since I am LUS, is that it was easier to take away what LAA "said" was needed absent a bankruptcy, than it is to add, enhance and blend 2 vastly different CBA's into 1. With that being said, I agree they could be trying harder than they are now to get this done. BOTH sides, but I also understand BOTH sides have to make time to do so. There is more to this airline that just Fleet and MTC at the negotiating table. In my opinion, I also don't believe we will have a JCBA this year. I say this because I think, and again this is just my opinion, that Scope and Insurance will be the biggest sticking points.

You capitalized the problem. "BOTH". It should be "ONE." One Union, One Voice!

The smaller union should have bowed out. Granted I'm no fan of the TWU, but that is the way it should have happened. In my opinion!!

But in the end most of us know "It's all about the Benjamins!
So we get a TWU message today about informational picketing at DFW , not a peep from the IAM.
Why isn't this both unions across the system calling out the company?

Association=Total Fail.
So we get a TWU message today about informational picketing at DFW , not a peep from the IAM.
Why isn't this both unions across the system calling out the company?

Association=Total Fail.

The IAM. Or maybe specifically IAM Districts 141 and 142 have shown by their actions so far, zero emphasis or motivation to apply any pressure against AA Management to even try to come to a deal.

It does seem like it's being completely left up to the TWU side of this "Association" to really want to reach JCBA's showing that maybe the IAM side is content (fine and dandy) with what they currently have and dragging this out as long as necessary to keep/get what "THEY" want out of these talks?

The perceptions just aren't telling me anything different that I can see?

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