listen you, stop with all logic and reason, we're going to save my officer pension by increasing ready reserve part time ratios and increasing restrictions on how your service time is calculated c/s/o, demote to part time, raise your union dues. we going to cut 50 percent and another 50 percent. Prez is nuts if he thinks anyone is buying into it, but weasel.
If we get a 10 percent 401k match for 5 years on all hours work, people would be nuts not to take it and max out, and just put it a short term mmf. if you make 50k, thats 5k plus 5k. thats 50k that belongs you and its pretax which is probably is close to being even take home after taxes over that time period
I know, we're going to get accredited years of services, and a super special bonus to join the iam pension. I guess if they promise us an officer pension there might an incentive to screw my fellow brother, and/or future brother. F the iam and its hoodlum structure. How does a guy win his election Tim without his hub? did anyone complain to the dol about that? How corrupt are the iam elections?