JCBA Negotiations and updates for AA Fleet

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700UW said:
It is not a new agreement, it was limited negotiations on Quality of Life issues, it was not and never was Section 6 negotiations.
It was a modification of their existing CBA, you can spin and post misinformation, myself and others will call you out, as you have your own personal agenda.
And the majority of your posts, shows your financial desperation.

You have to admit that at least on the surface it does very much come across across like desperation. :eek:
Here's the reality (Not looking up the exact timelines)

Keep this in mind. In the 2000's because of all the financial difficulties in the Airline industry many sub contracting companies were born to take advantage and give these airlines low cost opportunities to service them and try and transition out our better paying in house jobs.


CAL ramp only brought in a Union (IBT) to try and protect themselves from the organized UAL ramp. The IBT went in to negotiate bringing nothing to the table and of course "You don't get something for nothing" (RUSH band song) So CAL ramp agreed to get rid of the IBT and go with the IAM and handed them the little scrap of paper that the IBT had gotten for them. That's what the IAM had to try and work with. (Basically squat)


US Agents were represented by the CWA/IBT. They brought in a good contract. But they got saddled with a huge new workforce that joined them that brought "NO" little scrap of paper whatsoever. And that's why in going back I've said before and I think why the Union folded like a house of cards in the end. AA had the ability to implement a Nuclear option on the PMAA side of the fence. (ouch)

Now our story.

Back in the 90's (Before all the subcontracting companies popped up like a bunch of cockroaches) AWA was TWU. But TWU conceded to the IAM and the members decided by majority to stay UNION. IAM began working on contracts. So they were able to begin to build contracts and language to bring into that room with my Brothers, the TWU hand in hand. (If not a little trepidatiously to start)

Let me say now to those US peeps who were smart enough to vote in a Union when they did.

Thank You, Thank You, Thank You. Thank You very very much.

You absolutely saved us all you smart people.    
700UW said:
17 articles in five months is great progress considering most contracts take two to three years to settle.

HP and US merged in 2005 you didnt get a JCBA until 2008.

So what do you think about progress?
I think the unions shouldn't have bickered for 6 months and started negotiations with the company earlier so I wouldn't keep losing $1,000 a month. US and AW joint took three years and it took almost 5 years for us to get a contract when we first organized that may  reflect on the union. I was there for both don't let my experience get in your way.
See another one about the money.
You would have lost more, as you wouldnt have gotten the DL +14.5% nor the UA plus 3%.
I was there, I organized your group, and you voted down your first TA, dont forget that. You organized in 1995, voted down the first TA, when the mechanic and related formed our own district, your NC was replaced with ALL fleet from 141.
Shouldnt have taken several organizing campaigns to get your group unionized, still even took three years after the bloodbath of 1992, to get you all organized, and you expected the IAM to walk in and get you everything you let the company take from you when you were non-union.  And complain about maintenance having this and that, and you failed to realize the Mechanic and Related at US were union with the IAM since 1949.
Do you still have your quarter to call Ed Colodny so you didnt vote a union in 1989, with the PI merger?
I was the RS of 1725 during the fleet campaign.
So I believe I have a tad more experience than you do.
Were you ever an officer? Ever organized? Ever a shop steward or committeeman?
On any committees at your local?
I helped train the CLT Grievance Committee for Fleet, mentored several reps, and trained your shop stewards.
So dont let my experience get in the way.
You do know the company reads this board?
Keep posting about how you all want the money, and you are going to end up screwed, like UA did in the past.
700UW said:
See another one about the money.
You would have lost more, as you wouldnt have gotten the DL +14.5% nor the UA plus 3%.
I was there, I organized your group, and you voted down your first TA, dont forget that. You organized in 1995, voted down the first TA, when the mechanic and related formed our own district, your NC was replaced with ALL fleet from 141.
Shouldnt have taken several organizing campaigns to get your group unionized, still even took three years after the bloodbath of 1992, to get you all organized, and you expected the IAM to walk in and get you everything you let the company take from you when you were non-union.  And complain about maintenance having this and that, and you failed to realize the Mechanic and Related at US were union with the IAM since 1949.
Do you still have your quarter to call Ed Colodny so you didnt vote a union in 1989, with the PI merger?
I was the RS of 1725 during the fleet campaign.
So I believe I have a tad more experience than you do.
Were you ever an officer? Ever organized? Ever a shop steward or committeeman?
On any committees at your local?
I helped train the CLT Grievance Committee for Fleet, mentored several reps, and trained your shop stewards.
So dont let my experience get in the way.
You do know the company reads this board?
Keep posting about how you all want the money, and you are going to end up screwed, like UA did in the past.
Yes I'm sure the fate of 30,000 employees will decided by the 11 actual employees who post here. I know I'm not that full of myself
Worldport said:
Yes I'm sure the fate of 30,000 employees will decided by the 11 actual employees who post here. I know I'm not that full of myself
And yet you failed to respond to reality.

What have you done to make things better for yourself and your coworkers?
700UW said:
And yet you failed to respond to reality.

What have you done to make things better for yourself and your coworkers?
You are right,I'll start a drive to get rid of the association
bob@las-AA said:
Don't you have some stock boy stuff to do!
Simply amazing that you and others can't debate the facts nor hold a civil discussion.
Worldport said:
You are right,I'll start a drive to get rid of the association
That's good, delay a JCBA even more.

Go ask the PMUS Mechanic and related about how their last section 6 negotiations were tabled because of the IBT raid.

Then you can blame yourself for the $1,000 a month your losing.
Worldport said:
I think the unions shouldn't have bickered for 6 months and started negotiations with the company earlier so I wouldn't keep losing $1,000 a month. US and AW joint took three years and it took almost 5 years for us to get a contract when we first organized that may  reflect on the union. I was there for both don't let my experience get in your way.
I'm sure that all those people who felt like they were going to have no choice on the Association would have loved it if they had begun the process before the NMB ruled and had their suspicions confirmed.

Yes the IAM wanted to start that process at the time because they filed to the NMB with the argument that since the two Unions already held 95% of the members (Association) there was no need for a vote. And myself and 700UW kept saying that there wasn't going to be a vote but we got rocks thrown at us.

Plus there's a lot more to the story but I'd rather not dredge up the initial bad blood story again publicly. It may still be a sore subject to certain readers here?
700UW said:
Simply amazing that you and others can't debate the facts nor hold a civil discussion.
The fact is the Association got in without a vote. The fact is the IAM/TWU  d1cked around for six months.  The fact is  we the employees are getting screwed. Bob go rewire 700's house that will keep him busy with a fire extinguisher so we won't have to look at his pro IAM posts
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700UW said:
Simply amazing that you and others can't debate the facts nor hold a civil discussion.
If you would ever learn how condescending you are then you may get it.
More often than not, your facts are irrefutable, but the prick type tone you deliver them in is not.
Get a clue, then you may not be so amazed!!
700UW said:
Simply amazing that you and others can't debate the facts nor hold a civil discussion.
What I find amazing is you still pat yourself on the back for things you claim to have done 20 plus years ago. What have you done lately, licking stamps aside.
If you would ever learn how condescending you are then you may get it.
More often than not, your facts are irrefutable, but the prick type tone you deliver them in is not.
Get a clue, then you may not be so amazed!!
He has been improving but some people haven't been noticing. When was the last time you saw him use his tag lines?

You should give the guy a chance because he does know his chit very well and gives a good History lesson as well that we can learn from.
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