JCBA Negotiations and updates for AA Fleet

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Tim Nelson said:
I dont want to hear any union bull S. Sign the profit sharing freebie already. The union has all the info available but is d*ing around making this a negotiated item. Nuff said!
Have you heard that they haven't? And there is time still you know. We won't even get a payout till next year.
Tim Nelson said:
this is the second time i heard this in 24 hours after one negotiator told me now is the time to dig in.
Robbed, ill ask you the same thing I asked him, how long are you prepared to spend "getting it all" in non section 6 talks?
And are you prepared to apologize after such unacademic strategy destroys and damages our membership by striking out for the next 3 years and is forced into section 6 talks for an additionapl 3-5 years?
Im never amazed now exactly how moronic our leaders are, ie, giving up concessions at the wrong time, and now hardlining all items at the wrong time. Who will we have to blame if we end up around and sweating the small things, and as a result we find ourselves with less leverage in an industry downturn?
Tim your concerns are legitimate but maybe a little premature. And they also sound a little desperate to be honest.

Sit back and enjoy the ride for a little longer. I do believe it's going to be ok and you'll be able to take off your seatbelt soon enough.
WeAAsles said:
6 after 29 years. And they can also designate some of them to be used as DAT days instead of blocking all of them.
Passenger service has 5 weeks I doubt we will get more
WeAAsles said:
Tim your concerns are legitimate but maybe a little premature. And they also sound a little desperate to be honest.

Sit back and enjoy the ride for a little longer. I do believe it's going to be ok and you'll be able to take off your seatbelt soon enough.
Weez judging from people I talk to Tim is in the majority a lot of people were counting this money months ago. Its easy for us single,no children to tell people to wait
Worldport said:
Passenger service has 5 weeks I doubt we will get more

Don't mean to put our PSA peeps down, but we're not PSA. Although some similarities may exist from what we agree on at AA the Agents are no longer riding the coattails of the Ramp like they did for their entire existence.

Plus like I said before they caved in the end IMO. And I don't think it was totally for the better either.
T5towbar said:
6 weeks. (was 7, but lost one in the present contract). sCO lost the option to defer AND buy an extra week(s) at 2% of pay. Now you have the choice of one or the other, but not buy & defer.
Thanks, at the end of the day would you say you have a pretty good contract?
Worldport said:
Weez judging from people I talk too Tim is in the majority a lot of people were counting this money months ago. Its easy for us single,no children to tell people to wait
Absolutely when it comes to the $$Money$$ we ALL want, Tim is hugely in the majority.

It would be stupid of me to deny it. But I think we should give these guys a little bit of latitude to do the job we voted them in to do. I'm sure they have our best "long term" interests at heart.
WeAAsles said:
Don't mean to put our PSA peeps down, but we're not PSA. Although some similarities may exist from now on at AA the Agents are no longer riding the coattails of the Ramp like they did for their entire existence.

Plus like I said before they caved in the end IMO. And I don't think it was totally for the better either.
I distinctly remember CWA saying the company would not budge on the vacation issue
Worldport said:
I distinctly remember CWA saying the company would not budge on the vacation issue
CWA/IBT said a lot of things. And then they caved.

Will we cave too?
Tim  i dont want our nego team to rush and with the way things are going Im happy theyre settling in article by article  line by line  section by section    It was our nego team who came prepared in the very first meeting  not the company   The company claims they want to settle our contracts quickly yet they are proving otherwise.   MGMT is never to be trusted     as a parent to my boy  I just simply go payday to payday    Scope should be everyone's priortiy then wages and so forth down the line.   As of this week the company has failed to settle the sick....  why....    theyve failed to settle another article   again why    Why does the clowns representing the company want to continue with trying to get the Assoc to agree to subpar articles in the contract      This all tells me they are in no rush and DP cares more for investors than employees   yet its not the investors to make the airline fly day in day out   its the  front line employees that do
WeAAsles said:
I'm not going to classify anyone as being from "crazy town" While the term "everything back" doesn't exactly fit since it's impossible to get "everything" back, the expectations are that we should see "dramatic improvements" instead.

In some contracts out there I've seen flexibilities that I've never seen before. Like being able to convert hours into days off instead of pay. The best example of this is in the agents contract where they can convert their Holiday time into two extra weeks vacation if they want. I'd like the same option to come to us.

UAL ramp is receiving more in retirement capital than either one of us are currently now as well. I'd like to see that come to us too.

Getting "everything" back might mean getting back my old house in Arlington and my ex wife. I don't want my old house in Arlington and ex wife back actually. I like the direction I'm heading in now much more actually.

But Traymark just because we aren't again going to get "everything" back. I think it's 100% ok to expect some dramatically better times ahead then what we're leaving behind.
Brothers and Sisters. It's time to realize the past sacrifices and concessions, both LUS and AA, has taken, under the blanket of protection, provided by our current bankruptcy laws. We now face a merged operation that is making record profits while the current economic conditions exist. IMO... although, getting everything sacrificed back with this JCBA, is a just and noble cause, I believe it is unrealistic. The concessions of the past will take years and at least a couple of contracts to regain. The JCBA needs to jump start this recovery. Strike the iron while financial waters are favorable. Let's hang tough Brothers and Sisters!  
Haven't any of you learned from the UA fiasco?

It's not all about money.

Ok so you settle now with a five year duration and another two to three years for section 6 negotiations so your looking at eight years.

Time is now to get the best deal you can get not eight years from now.
700UW said:
Haven't any of you learned from the UA fiasco?

It's not all about money.

Ok so you settle now with a five year duration and another two to three years for section 6 negotiations so your looking at eight years.

Time is now to get the best deal you can get not eight years from now.
Agreed. The best deal you can get. This is a JCBA. Not Section 6 negotiations. Protect existing work. This should be the lesson from the UA fiasco. You're right. It's not just about the money. Learn from history or be destined to repeat it!
700UW said:
Haven't any of you learned from the UA fiasco?
It's not all about money.
Ok so you settle now with a five year duration and another two to three years for section 6 negotiations so your looking at eight years.
Time is now to get the best deal you can get not eight years from now.
Not the same set of circumstances in comparing the two. But a valid point anyway.
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