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JCBA Negotiations and updates for AA Fleet

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WeAAsles said:
I'd rather we do all express work as well as mainline. UAL according to the contract I read does all of their express work in the hubs. I don't believe they have a lower tier wage scale for that but they do have a 12 year progression to top out like you do on your side.

To gain that work at least in the hubs I would be agreeable to the 12 year scale. (We have a 9 year scale on our side)

And if we did take over the express work I'd like to see an agreement where AA must take the unionized groups workers who are currently performing that work on the comparable level of the pay scale.
bob@las-AA said:
Commuters are going to exist whether we like it or not Bob. The company is trying to get the APA to raise the seat limit for what they can purchase as far as commuter aircraft and if they do that the effects on our headcount could be dramatic?

The company uses man hours to equate how many heads they need to effectively run their operation. IF the members are busting their collective arses to do the job then you know that those man hours are off. ORD also currently has a ton of commuters and if we took over that work out headcount there would grow.

You're in DFW. Go check out the AE operation there. Now imagine if all those jobs were ours to bid?
Oh and I would guess that 95% of those AE TWU employees there in DFW are below you in seniority. So now count how much you would move up if we were working all those gates and that added Bagroom.
The IAM has serious internal struggles right now. While this topic may bore many of you, the internal struggles have gotten political and have affected our negotiations. Below is International Grand Lodge Vice President Lynn Tucker, who just retired, but as he did, he hammered fellow Executive Board member, International President Bob Martinez. In the letter below, Lynn doesn't hold back and promises a split in the executive council that will lead to an international election. Below is the first, in a series of key documents, including emails, and plan documents, that will be coming my way to report to the membership.

Tim, it's a real mess over here. Here is the first email. Please get the word out to the members so that we can keep our union honest. I should have some good things for you to pass to our members over the next few months.

· gallen@iamaw.org
· mblondin@iamaw.org
· and 5 more...
I am sending you this email with a modified copy of the letter I drafted to the leadership of the IAMAW. The reason for this action is, I know you have a copy of the original letter that you seized through a questionable tactic. The letter has been modified to reflect your attempt to censor someone who disagrees with you. Your cowardly attempt shows that you lack the leadership to guide the IAMAW.
Your feeble attempt in some abstract way to justify your decision continues to feed the culture of favoritism. This type of behavior has to be stopped or it will lead to the demise of the IAM and the labor movement. Trusting you know where this will lead, I leave you with this, "Will your decision improve the lives of others?"
Letter to the Eastern Territory Leadership
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
It is with great regret that I feel compelled to respond to the special email of July 18, 2016, “Martinez Announces New GVP Assignments.” Our members and leadership need to know the truth on what happened to bring about this change.
The reason for the delay in you receiving this letter is a tactic of censorship ordered by Bob Martinez. I disagreed with him on the reason he used to destroy the lives of many for the benefit of one.
James Conigliaro, Sr. was selected to serve as the General Vice president assigned to the General Secretary Treasurer to help manage the Grand Lodge Pension Plan, the IAM National Pension Plan and the Benefit Trust Fund. His assignment would require him to move to Washington, DC in order for him to report directly to the International President. GVP Conigliaro became extremely frustrated because he felt the GST was not keeping him informed. In private, he complained about this to council members on a regular basis.
When GVP Conigliaro was the Director of District Lodge 15, he came to me and asked to be considered for my replacement as GVP. He wanted, if selected, to move the regional office to Brooklyn, NY and then line his son up as the next GVP.
In 2008 at the Grand Lodge Convention, Brother Conigliaro, as the Director of District Lodge 15, would not support a change to the Per Capita Tax. I scheduled a meeting with him to discuss his position. He stated to me that we are all negotiators and that he wanted something for his support. He wanted me to continue with the $9300.00 monthly servicing donation.
GVP Conigliaro missed three of the first six Trustee Meetings for the IAM National Pension Fund. The most notable one was the time he didn’t show, never told the co-chair (GVP Gruber) he wasn’t coming and never gave the co-chair his proxy vote. This is a $12 billion fund with over 100,000 participating members and he doesn’t show. I called the IP and asked if he knew where Jim was and the IP said he didn’t know. We heard the next day the IP and GVP Conigliaro were at a Guide Dogs of America fundraiser in Brooklyn, NY. This was a cigar and scotch event. The fundraiser was more important to the IP and GVP than the IAM National Pension Plan. This is the first lie by the IP with more to come.
General Vice President Brian Bryant moved his family from Maine to Cincinnati, OH and was selected to serve as the Chief of Staff. Brian has the ability and talent needed to manage the territory and I felt would be an excellent candidate as my replacement. In 2015, I recommended to the Executive Council that Brother Bryant be my replacement when I retire. The Executive Council voted and Brian was approved. In early 2016, Brian Bryant was announced by the IP that he would be my replacement and assigned to the Eastern Territory. Brian said he would like to hire Dave Sullivan, the Director of District Lodge 4 as a Special Representative and would be his Chief of Staff. The IP agreed and said send a letter making the request. It was sent and Brother Sullivan was hired.
In early 2016, I started hearing rumors that Brother Conigliaro was telling people he was going to be the next GVP of the Eastern Territory. I asked the IP if there was any truth to the rumors and he said no.
At the IAM National Staff Conference in Washington, DC, I had Eastern Territory DBR’s letting me know GVP Conigliaro was soliciting their support. He wanted them to recommend to the IP that he be selected as the GVP to the Eastern Territory because he had more experience than Brian. GVP Conigliaro was undermining my authority and the Executive Council’s decision. GVP Conigliaro also solicited council members for their support and he was told the decision was already made and approved.
On numerous occasions over a 3-month period, I spoke with the IP about what Conigliaro was doing. The IP stated he had no intentions of making Conigliaro the GVP of the Eastern Territory and it was just rumors.
The day after my retirement dinner on July 16, 2016, I received an email from the IP notifying me of GVP Conigliaro being assigned to the Eastern Territory. I found out within the next 24 hours the IP’s plan. The IP put together the entire plan and lied to me about what he was doing.
GVP Conigliaro and the GST not communicating with each other was the main reason the IP made the change. The IP asked GVP Bryant to work out a deal with GVP Conigliaro to make the assignment change. The IP was working on his plan months before I retired and wanted the change done by the end of 2016.
Here’s the IP’s plan:
· Conigliario would become the Eastern Territory GVP and would move the regional office to Brooklyn, NY and make his son the Chief of Staff.
· The lease for the current regional office expires in December 2016 and would not be renewed.
· Barbara Lindsey, 13 years of service, Cindy Hoelscher, 18 years of service, and Rachael Peters, 9 years of service would be laid off. Doug Sizemore, GLR NLRB Representative, Donna Perinetti, Educational Representative, and John Carr, Communications Representative, all would have to move to Brooklyn, NY. Jim Smith, GLR was suggested by the IP to be GVP Bryant’s Chief of Staff until January 1, 2017 , the day GLR Smith was to retire.
All the moves will cost the Union hundreds of thousands of dollars. The IP talks about the deficit the IAM has, but will add to it just to avoid conflict. The loss of three jobs (Barb, Cindy, Rachael) just so GVP Conigliaro can be home with his family.
I supported IP Martinez. I felt he would be the right person for our members’ future. I was wrong. The IP betrayed me and others. Lies to cover his ineffectiveness. He has now established a culture rewarding bad behavior and with no accountability. He is not the right person to lead the Machinist Union. We need a person with integrity, someone we can trust with our future.
2016 Grand Lodge Convention will follow the same path as did the 1976 Grand Lodge Convention “Program for Progress.” The delegates lost faith and trust in the chair resulting in chaos. IP Martinez will not be able to handle the controversy at this convention. The delegates will mandate a reduction of two General Vice Presidents and Brian Bryant will be the first to go. This is how the IP takes care of those who are loyal.
There is some hope; the Executive Council has some very talented and experienced members. The change will come from within, knowing those individuals will not allow our great union to back up.
Thank you for all you do. Let your voices be heard, don’t let this happen to our Union. This Union has given me everything I have. It saddens me to think IP Martinez and GVP Conigliaro take care of themselves at the demise of others. Please don’t let this happen. The only power I now have is the pen.
With best wishes, I remain fraternally yours.
Lynn Tucker
Tim Nelson said:
As far as the cwa, they got enhancements in every single article. Not sure who you are listening to or reading.
CWA/IBT negotiated a concessionary contract for the LUS airport agents The company needed this contract to complete the merger CWA/IBT had major leverage at the barging table with the Passenger System cutover as well as having some of the best scope in the industry only to be giving away with a letter of agreement with out a vote from membership while still in negotiations moreover CWA/IBT was the only union on the property to be in section 6 direct negotiations under the RLA unlike the rest of the employees groups in joint contract negotiations

CWA represented Piedmont Express and now Envoy getting CWA representation as well with this representation CWA/IBT is allowing the company to whipsaw the union work within the bargaining union as well as allowing the mainline work to go to express taking away from mainline employees. CWA/IBT Gave up scope by allowing up to 5 mainline jets a day to be outsourced CWA/IBT gave up 2 mainline jets a day scope,. Allowing a whole different work classification with lower pay to do Passenger Service Work. Allowing all baggage service to be outsourced. Allowing all wheelchairs and unaccompanied minors to be outsourced. Allowing all curbside to be outsourced. Allowing junior part-time employees to get fulltime jobs before senior full -timers. Leaving health care insurance cost at the company discretion. Allowing contracts to do core work and being able to direct mainline agent to do the work when directed .The company saw a hole and took advantage of it with home base reservations and office base reservations and LAA allowing the LUS airport agents contract to be Gutted of scope. The LUS airport agents were served up
The CWA/IBT leadership said this was the absolutely the best they could do. All airport CWA president east of the Mississippi were against this contract and were ignored
john john said:
CWA/IBT negotiated a concessionary contract for the LUS airport agents The company needed this contract to complete the merger CWA/IBT had major leverage at the barging table with the Passenger System cutover as well as having some of the best scope in the industry only to be giving away with a letter of agreement with out a vote from membership while still in negotiations moreover CWA/IBT was the only union on the property to be in section 6 direct negotiations under the RLA unlike the rest of the employees groups in joint contract negotiations

CWA represented Piedmont Express and now Envoy getting CWA representation as well with this representation CWA/IBT is allowing the company to whipsaw the union work within the bargaining union as well as allowing the mainline work to go to express taking away from mainline employees. CWA/IBT Gave up scope by allowing up to 5 mainline jets a day to be outsourced CWA/IBT gave up 2 mainline jets a day scope,. Allowing a whole different work classification with lower pay to do Passenger Service Work. Allowing all baggage service to be outsourced. Allowing all wheelchairs and unaccompanied minors to be outsourced. Allowing all curbside to be outsourced. Allowing junior part-time employees to get fulltime jobs before senior full -timers. Leaving health care insurance cost at the company discretion. Allowing contracts to do core work and being able to direct mainline agent to do the work when directed .The company saw a hole and took advantage of it with home base reservations and office base reservations and LAA allowing the LUS airport agents contract to be Gutted of scope. The LUS airport agents were served up
The CWA/IBT leadership said this was the absolutely the best they could do. All airport CWA president east of the Mississippi were against this contract and were ignored
This is the best breakdown of that contract I've seen. I read it much the same way and couldn't believe it passed.
It makes me think whatever comes down the pike for M&E and Fleet will pass also, sometime in 2017 or beyond.
john john said:
CWA/IBT negotiated a concessionary contract for the LUS airport agents The company needed this contract to complete the merger CWA/IBT had major leverage at the barging table with the Passenger System cutover as well as having some of the best scope in the industry only to be giving away with a letter of agreement with out a vote from membership while still in negotiations moreover CWA/IBT was the only union on the property to be in section 6 direct negotiations under the RLA unlike the rest of the employees groups in joint contract negotiationsCWA represented Piedmont Express and now Envoy getting CWA representation as well with this representation CWA/IBT is allowing the company to whipsaw the union work within the bargaining union as well as allowing the mainline work to go to express taking away from mainline employees. CWA/IBT Gave up scope by allowing up to 5 mainline jets a day to be outsourced CWA/IBT gave up 2 mainline jets a day scope,. Allowing a whole different work classification with lower pay to do Passenger Service Work. Allowing all baggage service to be outsourced. Allowing all wheelchairs and unaccompanied minors to be outsourced. Allowing all curbside to be outsourced. Allowing junior part-time employees to get fulltime jobs before senior full -timers. Leaving health care insurance cost at the company discretion. Allowing contracts to do core work and being able to direct mainline agent to do the work when directed .The company saw a hole and took advantage of it with home base reservations and office base reservations and LAA allowing the LUS airport agents contract to be Gutted of scope. The LUS airport agents were served upThe CWA/IBT leadership said this was the absolutely the best they could do. All airport CWA president east of the Mississippi were against this contract and were ignored
I can certainly see that from a lus perspective, but overall scope expanded due to bringing in work from another airline laa. I work in ord and these 1200 agents had no scope and only 5 sick days, etc. Most of my viewpoint is almost always a industry perspective and although i agree with you that the cwa had more leverage than your contract shows, your scope is far greater than United's which only names 28 stations and allows 5 foreign call centers to do res work.
The cwa wanted the dues money, bottom line. 8,000 more members. It isnt hard to imagine the complete cluster F that would have happened if the cwa dragged out talks and the company was hostage to two ticket areas and 2 gate areas, etc.
I appreciate your always well reasoned posts john john. Did you guys get a no layoff clause for dos?
Tim Nelson said:
I can certainly see that from a lus perspective, but overall scope expanded due to bringing in work from another airline laa. I work in ord and these 1200 agents had no scope and only 5 sick days, etc. Most of my viewpoint is almost always a industry perspective and although i agree with you that the cwa had more leverage than your contract shows, your scope is far greater than United's which only names 28 stations and allows 5 foreign call centers to do res work.
The cwa wanted the dues money, bottom line. 8,000 more members. It isnt hard to imagine the complete cluster F that would have happened if the cwa dragged out talks and the company was hostage to two ticket areas and 2 gate areas, etc.
I appreciate your always well reasoned posts john john. Did you guys get a no layoff clause for dos?

You have the ability to read the agreement for yourself.


As I understood it at the time it was being sold there is a no furlough agreement. But that's a misnomer because it's not a no displacement agreement. Meaning if there is an overage in a city you will receive a layoff notice (Warn act) You will then have the ability to transfer in this system where there is a need for you to work. The agreement guarantees you a job in the system at your current rate of pay if you want to move.

The problem will be that many will chose not to move and then will "willingly" accept bumping down into the lower CARS classification or accept layoff (again now voluntarily) to not have to move away from the care of their families. Particularly I can see this scenario play out with Mothers with children.

You've been trying to (sell) on this thread that the CWA/IBT agreement is/was spectacular and now a reputable poster has come on here to tell you that you are in error.
BTW our negotiators are meeting with the company for the next two weeks, then have a week off and then will be meeting with the company for two more scheduled weeks.

Unless you believe the company mouth over your own negotiators there is no "stall" in talks. As has been conveyed the company has been offering lately the worst language of our two bankruptcy agreements and wants us to accept that. Our negotiators have also stated that they will NOT accept those languages with a company that made 7.2 Billion in profit last year and stand to make substantial profits this year as well.

The only way anyone can consider our negotiators to be "stalling" would be if they thought our guys should accept that horrible language and move on to get us to the quick money, (wages)

Taking the worst language between the two agreements on the Articles that are left would have profound effects on both sides when we are fully integrated. (They would be concessions) And those would be conditions we would be forced to live under for at least the next 5 years and probably longer with the way negotiations work, especially if the company has an agreement they feel benefits them and doesn't want to change.
Agreed,!but that's apparently not what DP has been telling you all in the Town Halls. Why isn't anyone calling the C-Suite out on that?
Kev3188 said:
Agreed,!but that's apparently not what DP has been telling you all in the Town Halls. Why isn't anyone calling the C-Suite out on that?
They have. But apparently some people think they can make a video and put it on the company computer to rebut what the company mouth has to say. We received a mailer from our TWU International President, a video message from TWU Local 591 President Peterson and this last update from our own Fleet negotiators.


There are more things planned if the company negotiators continue in the direction they've been headed.
WeAAsles said:
They have. But apparently some people think they can make a video and put it on the company computer to rebut what the company mouth has to say. We received a mailer from our TWU International President, a video message from TWU Local 591 President Peterson and this last update from our own Fleet negotiators.


There are more things planned if the company negotiators continue in the direction they've been headed.
Glossy mailers coming to people's mailboxes are generally not as effective as they need to be (especially w/r/t organizing).

That said, we have posters on here saying that DP is throwing shade on your NC. He has the ear of the entire airline. Why didnt the Association refute that loudly & immediately?
Kev3188 said:
Glossy mailers coming to people's mailboxes are generally not as effective as they need to be (especially w/r/t organizing).
That said, we have posters on here saying that DP is throwing shade on your NC. He has the ear of the entire airline. Why didnt the Association refute that loudly & immediately?
They did. You just find that response subpar I guess?

What is YOUR suggestion? Smoke signals, hot air balloons, Sky writing, robo calls or maybe personal sit down visits to all the members homes?

I just gave you three examples of an immediate response. If the members can't or won't accept those responses because their preferred avenue is to listen to the "company" mouth on the "company" computer at the "company" job site, then I'm sorry for those individuals who get their info from a source that is more concerned about the shareholders than he would be about the employees. (His job is to be more concerned about the shareholders/owners then it is to be concerned about us)
WeAA  I do believe the Association should be calling out DP and his b.s. crap more loudly than what has been said etc   If DP truly wishes we had deals...then why does he have to argue every lit item    if he truly wants it then give us the membership the absolute best flippin deal now   enhanced scope   best wages  no outsourcing..  🙂
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