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JCBA Negotiations and updates for AA Fleet

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Kev3188 said:
This just in: the sun rises in the east.

Tell me something I don't know, Dave... In the meantime, /right now/ there are 43.

So does AA really not work express flights in the line stations?
We do here at LUS LGA. They got rid of all the express people with the slot swap
Worldport said:
Meaning they could do they can do what they want without filing for bankruptcy.Again I work in the same building as DL and don't hear much bitching and I know some guys for 30 + years

Kev just told you. They treat people in LGA a little different than they do throughout the rest of the system where there basically is more of an anti Union mentality among the workers so they have less concern in the area of organizing.

Delta management are "brilliant" at understanding how to keep their workers just satisfied enough that they won't stage the full blown rebellion against them.
WeAAsles said:
Thanks Worlport. Well there's one.
Until there is a joint contract then I would imagine Eagle taking over.Technically that's another concession along with medical, scope and rotating days off wow the LGA LUS boys are really taking a hit..
Worldport said:
What, we barely got bulletin boards
The CWA was able to bring work in house even if it was at a lower wage scale with CARS. And that great station staffing as well. I think we can do better.


Other People's Pollyanna, Barbie, Cinderella.
WeAAsles said:
I'm not sure if we don't work any at all under contract of the TWU on the AA side? I had heard we did the work in very small stations that we still had staffed before the BK. MEM was one because my friend worked there. It was closed with the BK agreement. 13 people were staffed there.

BTW to say this again. My friend was willing to take a pay cut down to $17.00 per hour if he had been given that "choice" BUT he was not given that "choice" and WE voted to close his station down on him.
And people wonder why Glass & co. continue to bat labor around like a kitten with a ball of yarn.

An injury to one is an injury to all, right?
WeAAsles said:
Kev just told you. They treat people in LGA a little different than they do throughout the rest of the system where there basically is more of an anti Union mentality among the workers so they have less concern in the area of organizing.
In this case, it's a little less sinister; exponential growth in flight activity, high cost of living, and high turnover...
Kev3188 said:
And people wonder why Glass & co. continue to bat labor around like a kitten with a ball of yarn.
An injury to one is an injury to all, right?
Glass did not handle our BANKRUPTCY. And yes I personally would have voted to give HIM his "choice" since HE was the one (and the other 12 people) being directly affected.
Kev3188 said:
In this case, it's a little less sinister; exponential growth in flight activity, high cost of living, and high turnover...
A mix of it all IMO.
The international iam executive board is completely divided. The convention is going to be brutal and guest arent allowed this time. Our talks are on stall to better coincide a ta with the intl election. Nominations start in january so unless we put pressure on Sito to stop "rope a Doping" we will continue insanity.
Tim Nelson said:
The international iam executive board is completely divided. The convention is going to be brutal and guest arent allowed this time. Our talks are on stall to better coincide a ta with the intl election. Nominations start in january so unless we put pressure on Sito to stop "rope a Doping" we will continue insanity.
If we read or hear enough of the same thing sooner or later we begin to believe what we hear or read whether it is true or not.

We grow up hearing about getting and educations and getting a good job because that is what everyone says to do.

We go to work for a company that tells us what they want us to believe regardless of how they treat us or the customer. Over time we become numb to the truth and fearful of speaking up.

The media repeats stories of interest and reports the so called facts about the story and we all believe it whether it is true or not.

We are told what we can and can't do enough times that we believe it even when we are capable of doing more.

We read and hear the wonders of social media then we go and share what everyone who says they are an expert has said to do with social media.

Like a mantra for meditation we repeat our own stories over and over and become what we repeat about ourselves.

We've been trained to believe things that are repeated over and over whether they are true or not.

The Power Of Repeating Things

Hitlers primary rules were people will believe a big lie sooner than a little one; and if you repeat it often enough people will sooner or later believe it. He convinced millions to believe these lies.

George Orwell's novel Nineteen Eighty-Four refers to the Big Lie theory on several occasions. The Big Lie theory is based on::

"The theory is based on black white. Like so many Newspeak words, this word has two mutually contradictory meanings. Applied to an opponent, it means the habit of impudently claiming that black is white, in contradiction of the plain facts."
Using doublethink: Doublethink is the act of ordinary people simultaneously accepting two mutually contradictory beliefs as correct, often in distinct social contexts. Doublethink is related to, but differs from, hypocrisy and neutrality. Somewhat related but almost the opposite is cognitive dissonance, where contradictory beliefs cause conflict in one's mind. Doublethink is notable due to a lack of cognitive dissonance — thus the person is completely unaware of any conflict or contradiction..."
Then we begin to speak out saying different things that we believe are true and a crowd gather to support what we say. Then the crowd grows in significance and influence and a shift in beliefs begin. The new beliefs create a shift in influence, power and information. Repeating the same thing over and over until it is a belief of the masses continues to be the theory whether what we believe it is the truth or a lie.

The difference today is when a lie is discovered it can no longer be hidden rather revealed to the masses.

Written by

Jay Deragon
Jay Deragon
Management Consultant, Strategic Innovator, Author, Speaker, Life Long Learner
Tim Nelson said:
Our union proper is not the iam twu or association. We are the union. We chose to hire the iam and twu to represent our union. Sorta like a lawfirm that you can fire or hire. The pilots and stews havent hired any outside labor agents to represent them, they decided to represent themselves and then hire professionals as needed without giving an outside constitution power of attorney over them. In actuality, 85% of all unions dont hire 3rd party agents (twu, iam etc).
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