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JCBA Negotiations and updates for AA Fleet

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WeAAsles said:
You're just one guy. You and I are not "the members". And even if the TWU agreed to a cross utilization with your group the company would probably only pay us a percentage of that 28%. Cross utilization is not the only thing they want.

So let's say they're willing to pay $2.00 for that. Well now we (TWU) just gave the company any and all bargaining power we have. We just blew the entire load. That would be VERY STUPID!!!!!!
Agreed, but if they gave us all the $$?
WeAAsles said:
80% Yes vote. Exactly why my Union told the company as they say in England "Sod off"
Your union? I thought you were on the IAM payroll. You have Tim's old payroll number
Tim Nelson said:
It means the present way isnt working but more importantly has been exhausted.

The twu apparently is ready to resolve things but the iam is holding to positions that only come from section 6 and years of negotiations.

One way or the other, we should get a deal as we may lose our profit sharing if there is no ratification prior to january.

I believe parker over prez cuz parker has already proven he will negotiate in good faith with 80,000 other employees. If the association is on stall and damages our profit sharing in january then we also have to consider getting these bums out.

They better not screw up our profit sharing.

The twu is ok with $30 but 15 flight cap, the iam wants 8 flights but that will only mean $27. $3 less will mean 15,000 subsidizing a few hundred jobs. Its all about the dues. The iam wants extra dues payers, the twu wants higher wages (due to wage x 2 system). For instance, in ord, the twu will lose around $100,000.

Parker basically doesnt want to negotiate against 2. He wants One union prepared and not infighting. If the iam and twu have another in house Biatch fit cat fit then expect another "time out" to be installed.

Oh dear.
No disrespect Tim, but if you are only working 20 hrs a week, you will get some bucks from profit sharing, but not enough to get excited about.
Worldport said:
It was $28 yesterday now it's $27 I love it. You must be on your 7th wine cooler keep the momentum going
$27.50. Lmao.

Look, i sat here and heard prez play his violin how parker was stalling but you really cant help but believe Parker when he said that nobody can maintain a straight face and say he is stalling.
Parker wrapped up fair contracts quickly for 85,000 other people and prez wants us to believe we are parkers red headed step child. I dont care what our membership believes but it really does mean something when parker references our association as plural.

Parker +1
Prez -1
Weasel -2
No disrespect Tim, but if you are only working 20 hrs a week, you will get some bucks from profit sharing, but not enough to get excited about.
Can the association screw up our P/S?
I don't believe this 27 or 28 horsechit for a minute sorry I don't
Tim Nelson said:
$27.50. Lmao.

Look, i sat here and heard prez play his violin how parker was stalling but you really cant help but believe Parker when he said that nobody can maintain a straight face and say he is stalling.
Parker wrapped up fair contracts quickly for 85,000 other people and prez wants us to believe we are parkers red headed step child. I dont care what our membership believes but it really does mean something when parker references our association as plural.

Parker +1
Prez -1
Weasel -2
What does judge Judy say of liars  "they always change their story" Most of your points are good  and the Association  fksup on it's own you don't need to embellish. They provide plenty of Ammo for you
Worldport said:
Agreed, but if they gave us all the $$?
The company will also NOT do that. If they did that then what motivation would our guys have to come to a deal with them? Both sides need to hold some cards to keep this moving.
WeAAsles said:
The company will also NOT do that. If they did that then what motivation would our guys have to come to a deal with them? Both sides need to hold some cards to keep this moving.
Worldport said:
Do you think they looking for another way because it's hopeless in negotiations?
WP, this is my honest opinion, I could be 100% wrong, but here you go.
I think Parker has been told by Kirby, Isom, the BOA or even Glass that he cannot give $30 plus without getting something back.
There is no way in hell Parker will give us the best of both contracts and $30, just ain't happening.
Mr. Parker may tweak it a bit to see if he can satisfy both the TWU and IAM, aka Association, but not sure he will have any luck.
While Parker deserves much of the blame by not being truthful early on, the Association is a huge problem now. While I can appreciate
both unions trying to look out for their members, unfortunately and eventually, someone will be hurt, based on what they have contractually right now. Doug will try and find that medium, but it's gonna be tough. Obviously, if we did not have the Association, we would have a $30 plus job today...but yes, there would have been someone hurt (contractually) then too. So bottom line, the pain someone will suffer eventually could have eased by now, especially with the raise if we didn't have two competing unions. Again as stated earlier, this Association was no benefit when formed, is no benefit now, and will be no benefit in the future.
Worldport said:
AANOTOK do you have deadbolts on your doors?
LOL, Bob is OK. He believes what is say's and even if he is 100% percent wrong (not saying he is) a conviction and honesty is all I seek!
Unlike Parker, I believe I could shake Bob's hand and that would be as good as a contract.
WP, this is my honest opinion, I could be 100% wrong, but here you go.
I think Parker has been told by Kirby, Isom, the BOA or even Glass that he cannot give $30 plus without getting something back.
There is no way in hell Parker will give us the best of both contracts and $30, just ain't happening.
Mr. Parker may tweak it a bit to see if he can satisfy both the TWU and IAM, aka Association, but not sure he will have any luck.
While Parker deserves much of the blame by not being truthful early on, the Association is a huge problem now. While I can appreciate
both unions trying to look out for their members, unfortunately and eventually, someone will be hurt, based on what they have contractually right now. Doug will try and find that medium, but it's gonna be tough. Obviously, if we did not have the Association, we would have a $30 plus job today...but yes, there would have been someone hurt (contractually) then too. So bottom line, the pain someone will suffer eventually could have eased by now, especially with the raise if we didn't have two competing unions. Again as stated earlier, this Association was no benefit when formed, is no benefit now, and will be no benefit in the future.
Well right away I know I'll be hurt with the LAA medical plan. It sux.... Okay I moved on lets go. What else, rotating days off sux.... okay l moved on. We are all going to have to accept change that's what a merger is. I want to be 20 years younger too but...
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