Our money is draining away. Look, weasle can pollyann all day long and explicitly claim we are getting $30.77 at dos and toss in $80,000 a year as well. But as uncle donnie said at his convention last week, such peeps cant deal with the truth.
The problem is that the iam is incapable of understanding how the rla works. When they were very very close to section 6 at united, they choked and agreed to a 90 day timeline that only addressed 4 out of 35 articles. Then, at american, where we arent close to section 6, the iam has the exact opposite and illogical strategy, ie., putting the hammer down and asking for the world at a time in which parker doesnt even have to negotiate. Nothing wrong with azking for everything but the problem comes in the exit plan and how you are goin to get it when you have no leverage of section 6.
While i dont think we have to concede anything, we simply arent in any short term position to expand every article and get our chicks for free. Parker is shaking his head because he made it very very easy by lobbing up a nice pitch, but these guys still cant close the deal.
Hopefully, they dont panic at the last minute and serve up concessions. Something bad is happening with the association and we have to fix it.
Contract Now. And if weasel is right about $30.77 and additional monies totally $80,000 then thats great! But so far weasel is draining our $950 a month fronting for these dopes as their primary spokesman.