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JCBA Negotiations and updates for AA Fleet

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So Tim, are you saying this has been discussed and those are each unions positions? And are you saying (crossroads) this is part of the hold up?
There is more contention than prez is understandably leading on. Not saying they are fighting but the final perspective is goin to end up alot different than what prez been saying. There are separate things that each union doesnt want to lose. It wont be as cut and dry as prez suggest. The company wont throw a perfect pitch. 
Also, this is about dues as well. The iam isnt as hellbent on the wages since the agcs make $120,000 regardless, and the iam dues is the same regardless. But the twu dues is twice hourly. 
Hopefully, we dont enter concession mode and these guys can work out their issues. 
i think we should have a poll on here to see who is the closet......Tim   or PREZ and the negoiating team....
Did NYer and WeAAsles hook up in Miami, duke it out and suffer forum preventing injuries...W especially.
Just been lurking in the background reading. No NYer still refuses to meet me for coffee, tea, orange juice, smoothies, or even to split a Boston Creme donut.

Yes Tim is totally full of BS. And he hasn't made any videos because the BS is so much now that it got in the eye of his camera and he's been using his laundry basket to haul it out of his 150 SF Studio apartment where he flops himself.

Let's see:

Tim Nelson = ORD Ramper, removed from IAM jobs and positions 3 times with a possible ax to grind. Makes goofy nonsensical videos sniffing and drinking alcohol.


P. Rez = Actual IAM negotiator who negotiated at least the IAM standalone agreement and is a part of our current negotiations.

Any questions?
Just been lurking in the background reading. No NYer still refuses to meet me for coffee, tea, orange juice, smoothies, or even to split a Boston Creme donut.

Yes Tim is totally full of BS. And he hasn't made any videos because the BS is so much now that it got in the eye of his camera and he's been using his laundry basket to haul it out of his 150 SF Studio apartment where he flops himself.

Let's see:

Tim Nelson = ORD Ramper, removed from IAM jobs and positions 3 times with a possible ax to grind. Makes goofy nonsensical videos sniffing and drinking alcohol.


P. Rez = Actual IAM negotiator who negotiated at least the IAM standalone agreement and is a part of our current negotiations.

Any questions?
Prez = Bought man. He can't even admit that Martinez failed us with the IAMPF. When he can admit that the IAM pension trustees and President Martinez failed the members, then he may gain a bit of credibility. As far as me, I seek no credibility but I'm proud of being removed 3 times and setting the new record for how many times a District president removes me. It's all political. Shameful that the president of the district chooses to remove someone for hammering the IAM pension fund and the fraud within the district. But, I'll be here for 15 more years so it looks like I'll just have to have Klemm fired as I did the last 2 who removed me. No big deal.

No, I don't make things up, and what gives you credibility? Hey, at least I never lost a Local election, and those that know me best, i.e, My local, always come through for me, EVEN in district elections where I kick United AGC arse as well being a American Air guy. You, on the other hand, are reportedly lazy and blow off flights according to the MIA peeps. Maybe if you actually had a work ethic, your local peeps would vote for you, at least more than 75 votes. So, until then, I recommend that you support your Local and your local peeps and stop with the ongoing "Barbie Tantrum". And I hope you don't cause us to lose our profit sharing as you incited these morons to stall for 14 months by doing damage control for them and busting NYer who told us that the stall was NOT in our best interest.

Cripes, over the past 14 months you have been taking out your calculator and upping our pay raise after every new industry contract. One problem is that you have cost us $925 a month and we are still broke. Hopefully, management won't cancel the next round of negotiations as well.
Tim Nelson said:
Prez = Bought man. He can't even admit that Martinez failed us with the IAMPF. When he can admit that the IAM pension trustees and President Martinez failed the members, then he may gain a bit of credibility. As far as me, I seek no credibility but I'm proud of being removed 3 times and setting the new record for how many times a District president removes me. It's all political. Shameful that the president of the district chooses to remove someone for hammering the IAM pension fund and the fraud within the district. But, I'll be here for 15 more years so it looks like I'll just have to have Klemm fired as I did the last 2 who removed me. No big deal.No, I don't make things up, and what gives you credibility? Hey, at least I never lost a Local election, and those that know me best, i.e, My local, always come through for me, EVEN in district elections where I kick United AGC arse as well being a American Air guy. You, on the other hand, are reportedly lazy and blow off flights according to the MIA peeps. Maybe if you actually had a work ethic, your local peeps would vote for you, at least more than 75 votes. So, until then, I recommend that you support your Local and your local peeps and stop with the ongoing "Barbie Tantrum". And I hope you don't cause us to lose our profit sharing as you incited these morons to stall for 14 months by doing damage control for them and busting NYer who told us that the stall was NOT in our best interest.Cripes, over the past 14 months you have been taking out your calculator and upping our pay raise after every new industry contract. One problem is that you have cost us $925 a month and we are still broke. Hopefully, management won't cancel the next round of negotiations as well.

Wow. You're going to have to work 15 more years? That will make you 70 years old won't it?

Sad, sad, sad. lol.


Tim Nelson said:
Just about. We cant all stay young like you weasel but most of us arent willing to blow off flights like you to do it.
You really should learn from the error of your ways and finally admit that NYer has been right all along.
But you keep telling everyone on here that you're so wealthy there Mr. Trump? It would stand to reason I think that someone that was as wealthy as you've said you are wouldn't have to continue working until they're 70 years old.

Tim you haven't been "lieing" to everyone on here now have you?
P. REZ said:
Fleet did negotiate the week of 12th for a couple of days and we did not put out an update. We are negotiating 5 of the next 6 weeks. We have 22 TA's and are currently working on 7 Articles that have been passed at least once which include vacations, holidays, sick, temp employees and a few others I can't recall right now. There are about 10 more Articles that have not been passed yet.
P. Rez
I just love reading "truth" ^^^^^^^^
Tim Nelson said:
There is more contention than prez is understandably leading on. Not saying they are fighting but the final perspective is goin to end up alot different than what prez been saying. There are separate things that each union doesnt want to lose. It wont be as cut and dry as prez suggest. The company wont throw a perfect pitch. 
Also, this is about dues as well. The iam isnt as hellbent on the wages since the agcs make $120,000 regardless, and the iam dues is the same regardless. But the twu dues is twice hourly. 
Hopefully, we dont enter concession mode and these guys can work out their issues.
I made this yesterday, but didn't have time to post. But here you go to Tim.

bob@las-AA said:
I made this yesterday, but didn't have time to post. But here you go to Tim.https://youtu.be/wpk9CgAI9oE
Bob he wants $$Money$$. He just admitted that he won't be able to retire until he's 70. I'll admit I'd want money too if I knew I was going to have to slog it out on the tarmac till I was 70. UGH! I mean he had money once. He was making over $100,000 as the Director of organizing for one year and he blew it because he doesn't know how to be a team player and respect whether he likes it or not that he had to answer to someone above him. So he stirred it up and was dumped (claimed he resigned, lol)

He's looking for what he thinks is the easiest fastest way to get to a large paycheck and he's wasted years spinning his wheels to try and get there. I remember hearing about his AGW (Allied ground workers) idea once back in DFW like 15 years ago. Never heard this guys name then and just shrugged my shoulders at the guy who mentioned his AGW. (Truth) Never saw a card and never heard another word about it until the Association idea started to float around after the merger.

Tim to get something for "himself" has to sell and push dissatisfaction. He HAS to say that everything is a complete disaster to hope to gain some support. He has no other way to do it. And he has to try to discredit people who come on here and can give out the truth cause it doesn't help his agenda. This isn't the first time either. He did it with the US standalone talks. Said he had an insider he called "Wikileaks" and claimed all sorts of terrors in those talks. When the TA came out EVERYTHING he said was total complete BS. Ask others on this board who were here. It wasn't that long ago.

What does he want? He wants to be able to retire before 70. He wants to move out of his Studio apartment. He wants to hire a maid to do his laundry.
bob@las-AA said:
I made this yesterday, but didn't have time to post. But here you go to Tim.https://youtu.be/wpk9CgAI9oE
Fair enough Bob. The videos with references are coming.
What do I want? Same thing as everyone else, i want it all.

As far as our union, ive never been an advocate of contracting out our union's representation to a 3rd party like the iam, twu, or any other Labor organization to service our union. These 3rd party groups could care less about us.
However, unlike our pilots and stews, the vast majority of us would seem to rather contract out our representation so ive worked inside that shell to make it better for all of us, even though i still think bringing our representation in house is much wiser than contracting it out.

I think we need to stay with this association, in the short term, even though it is a complete disaster. If key people among us evaluate and want to leave the association then imo it wouldnt make any sense to do so prior to a ta or january.

As far as bringing representation in house, labor laws dictate with elections prior to 1 year but any organization legally has to have a structure and interim officers. You can cross check that with UFAA right now (united stews).

I know few who are comfortable with the association but the question could be, who would be comfortable about firing the 3rd party? Putting together a group of key people to explore that possibility really would b a waste of time unless there was strong interest from within the craft.
Tim Nelson said:
Fair enough Bob. The videos with references are coming.
What do I want? Same thing as everyone else, i want it all.
As far as our union, ive never been an advocate of contracting out our union's representation to a 3rd party like the iam, twu, or any other Labor organization to service our union. These 3rd party groups could care less about us.
However, unlike our pilots and stews, the vast majority of us would seem to rather contract out our representation so ive worked inside that shell to make it better for all of us, even though i still think bringing our representation in house is much wiser than contracting it out.
I think we need to stay with this association, in the short term, even though it is a complete disaster. If key people among us evaluate and want to leave the association then imo it wouldnt make any sense to do so prior to a ta or january.
As far as bringing representation in house, labor laws dictate with elections prior to 1 year but any organization legally has to have a structure and interim officers. You can cross check that with UFAA right now (united stews).
I know few who are comfortable with the association but the question could be, who would be comfortable about firing the 3rd party? Putting together a group of key people to explore that possibility really would b a waste of time unless there was strong interest from within the craft.

When this is all over a TOS clerk/agent will be making roughly 80k in pay and benefits. If THAT'S when you think you'll be able to oust them and build your own personal golden throne you really are living in Never Never Land hanging out with the lost boys there Peter Pan.

You better begin to adjust and adapt now Tim if you're hoping to get out before you're going to need a walker and Metamucil.
WeAAsles said:
Bob he wants $$Money$$. He just admitted that he won't be able to retire until he's 70. I'll admit I'd want money too if I knew I was going to have to slog it out on the tarmac till I was 70. UGH! I mean he had money once. He was making over $100,000 as the Director of organizing for one year and he blew it because he doesn't know how to be a team player and respect whether he likes it or not that he had to answer to someone above him. So he stirred it up and was dumped (claimed he resigned, lol)
He's looking for what he thinks is the easiest fastest way to get to a large paycheck and he's wasted years spinning his wheels to try and get there. I remember hearing about his AGW (Allied ground workers) idea once back in DFW like 15 years ago. Never heard this guys name then and just shrugged my shoulders at the guy who mentioned his AGW. (Truth) Never saw a card and never heard another word about it until the Association idea started to float around after the merger.
Tim to get something for "himself" has to sell and push dissatisfaction. He HAS to say that everything is a complete disaster to hope to gain some support. He has no other way to do it. And he has to try to discredit people who come on here and can give out the truth cause it doesn't help his agenda. This isn't the first time either. He did it with the US standalone talks. Said he had an insider he called "Wikileaks" and claimed all sorts of terrors in those talks. When the TA came out EVERYTHING he said was total complete BS. Ask others on this board who were here. It wasn't that long ago.
What does he want? He wants to be able to retire before 70. He wants to move out of his Studio apartment. He wants to hire a maid to do his laundry.
WeAAsles said:
When this is all over a TOS clerk/agent will be making roughly 80k in pay and benefits. If THAT'S when you think you'll be able to oust them and build your own personal golden throne you really are living in Never Never Land hanging out with the lost boys there Peter Pan.
You better begin to adjust and adapt now Tim if you're hoping to get out before you're going to need a walker and Metamucil.
Please enlighten us exactly how i could build a throne by bringing 3rd party work in house, under existing labor laws?
As far as representation, the amount of money our craft makes should be irrelevant to the idea, but if we are going to be making $80,000 or $40 then isnt that a win win?

If contracting out with the Association becomes beneficial then why change?
Tim Nelson said:
Please enlighten us exactly how i could build a throne by bringing 3rd party work in house, under existing labor laws?
As far as representation, the amount of money our craft makes should be irrelevant to the idea, but if we are going to be making $80,000 or $40 then isnt that a win win?

If contracting out with the Association becomes beneficial then why change?

That 80k is pay and "benefits" Tim. Not just pay. Your contract holds a lot of economic value that you don't understand. To make it simple for you I'll give you just 2 items. Uniforms and employee parking. If we had to pay for those two items we would lose value out of our wages. All the little nickle and dime items can add up very quickly. Think of the .99 on every item in the store when you go grocery shopping. If every item you put in your cart was $1.99 and you thought $1.00 instead of $2.00 you're going to wind up being very confused when you get to the register and the cashier gives you the bill.

And that also explains why this is taking so long. Our negotiators are trying to keep OUR costs down.

On a side note Tim I think you need to transfer to CLT or DFW. Obviously you're paying a premium to live in Chicago. Maybe you're there to try to get leverage in your quest to get a position in 141 from the UAL peeps? But I think it's over for you now bro. You need to get yourself on a different road. Moving to one of those two places will allow you the ability to maybe shave 5 years off your retirement figure. I really don't like the idea of even you having to be stuck at this job till you're 70 years old. That's just horrible. You need to move to a lower COL city and start socking away a nest egg for yourself. Seriously.
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