Prez = Bought man. He can't even admit that Martinez failed us with the IAMPF. When he can admit that the IAM pension trustees and President Martinez failed the members, then he may gain a bit of credibility. As far as me, I seek no credibility but I'm proud of being removed 3 times and setting the new record for how many times a District president removes me. It's all political. Shameful that the president of the district chooses to remove someone for hammering the IAM pension fund and the fraud within the district. But, I'll be here for 15 more years so it looks like I'll just have to have Klemm fired as I did the last 2 who removed me. No big deal.No, I don't make things up, and what gives you credibility? Hey, at least I never lost a Local election, and those that know me best, i.e, My local, always come through for me, EVEN in district elections where I kick United AGC arse as well being a American Air guy. You, on the other hand, are reportedly lazy and blow off flights according to the MIA peeps. Maybe if you actually had a work ethic, your local peeps would vote for you, at least more than 75 votes. So, until then, I recommend that you support your Local and your local peeps and stop with the ongoing "Barbie Tantrum". And I hope you don't cause us to lose our profit sharing as you incited these morons to stall for 14 months by doing damage control for them and busting NYer who told us that the stall was NOT in our best interest.Cripes, over the past 14 months you have been taking out your calculator and upping our pay raise after every new industry contract. One problem is that you have cost us $925 a month and we are still broke. Hopefully, management won't cancel the next round of negotiations as well.