actually I dont' hate any of them. I get along with all of them. Period. Even my opponents in ORD, pretty good guys. But I'm not loyal to them not doing the job of enforcing contracts. Period. And I could no longer organize for the IAM after they screwed the first bunch I brought in. That said, the biggest single thing that YOU should be pissed about, but aren't, is the fact that WE don't have one damn Fleet service member in there for us. Only 2 mechanics. One thing we all know is that the Mechanics don't have our best interest in mind. Period! And it's proven that way with our 1998 agreement, and our first 2008 agreement that Tommy Reagan negotiated in which that clown agreed to leave in the seniority cleansing language. We had to vote his contract out, and I made that an issue on a campaign and we finally got it out of there after we gave Tommy the Boot. Well, guess who is in there again for us? That goof is in there to pull back our reins again in the interest of MX. You may disagree and you may swallow his talk, but there is a reason why Mr Baskett and others are prohibited from the executive team. They tried that with Gary Peterson but Gary is an independent mind and would have no part of that. We have no independent minds in Fleet.
You wanna know why we can say with certainty that LUS medical is now toast? Because we have ZERO LUS fleet on the national executive team.