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JCBA Negotiations and updates for AA Fleet

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Happy New Year's,

CB covered pretty much everything so I will be brief. When it comes to the CS policy, as in every topic, we debated the issue and discovered not only is the CS not covered in the TWU contract, it was a company policy. It was admitted that the company has tried to make it more strict on our TWU Brothers and Sisters in the past and that people would get their trade privileges suspended for a variety of reasons. Our CS's are contractual, and I might add, the ability for the company to take away, arbitrated and won by PAX service which makes it a right to have and can't be taken away by the company. Based on this, it was a no brainer to keep it in the contract. We have commuters in our stations and they seem to be fine with our language. I hope this helps.

BTW, the company did try to cut our CS's in our 14 CBA and in the JCBA.

P. Rez

What I’ve been trying to tell people. The CS on the TWU side was going to change regardless of any argument that could be brought forth against changes.

Happy New Year Rez.
Happy New Year's,

CB covered pretty much everything so I will be brief. When it comes to the CS policy, as in every topic, we debated the issue and discovered not only is the CS not covered in the TWU contract, it was a company policy. It was admitted that the company has tried to make it more strict on our TWU Brothers and Sisters in the past and that people would get their trade privileges suspended for a variety of reasons. Our CS's are contractual, and I might add, the ability for the company to take away, arbitrated and won by PAX service which makes it a right to have and can't be taken away by the company. Based on this, it was a no brainer to keep it in the contract. We have commuters in our stations and they seem to be fine with our language. I hope this helps.

BTW, the company did try to cut our CS's in our 14 CBA and in the JCBA.

P. Rez

BS! You didn't debate or discover anything. Its a well known fact that our cs policy has always been a company policy. And it's only been slightly altered once in the last 20yrs. One back to back 16 per week and not more than 16hrs in a given day. The fact that it was TA'd so early in the process tells us "in writing" was the most important component not content. What good is having something in writing if it's pure garbage?
BS! You didn't debate or discover anything. Its a well known fact that our cs policy has always been a company policy. And it's only been slightly altered once in the last 20yrs. One back to back 16 per week and not more than 16hrs in a given day. The fact that it was TA'd so early in the process tells us "in writing" was the most important component not content. What good is having something in writing if it's pure garbage?

lax if you read back NYer even said in the BK that the Company wanted to knock it back to 30%. And what you wrote is not true. I know cause 22 years ago I worked for a guy who only came in once every 6 months to satisfy the CS requirements. When the Company changed it many years ago that guy quit.

And I don’t know why on this issue you’re attacking the IAM guys? There is no argument IMO that can be won leaving it in the hands of even particularly worse an unfamiliar Management team?

Now of course in the spirit of the New Year go ahead and whack me.
BS! You didn't debate or discover anything. Its a well known fact that our cs policy has always been a company policy. And it's only been slightly altered once in the last 20yrs. One back to back 16 per week and not more than 16hrs in a given day. The fact that it was TA'd so early in the process tells us "in writing" was the most important component not content. What good is having something in writing if it's pure garbage?


Lol, how in the hell would I or any other LUS employee know that your CS policy was a company policy? I'm LUS, and when the topic came up, that's when I was made aware. It was debated and we thought the best option was to put in JCBA. Remember, policies change. Here's another tidbit for you, we have the same issues here as LAA does, people commuting, people with multiple jobs, single mothers and fathers, etc. When the JCBA comes out, read the language and vote accordingly.

P. Rez

Lol, how in the hell would I or any other LUS employee know that your CS policy was a company policy? I'm LUS, and when the topic came up, that's when I was made aware. It was debated and we thought the best option was to put in JCBA. Remember, policies change. Here's another tidbit for you, we have the same issues here as LAA does, people commuting, people with multiple jobs, single mothers and fathers, etc. When the JCBA comes out, read the language and vote accordingly.

P. Rez

As a negotiator you should be able to take an objective look at things and not only work in the interests of LUS and act indifferent to LAA. If you don’t understand this it’s no wonder the association hasn’t gotten an agreement when other works groups have YEARS ago. The transaction closed over FOUR YEARS ago in early December 2013 while the TWU and IAM have been fooling around the other workgroups have gotten joint agreements. Clearly Parker and Co are willing to take their checkbooks out the IAM has been too busy with Association and holding a prolonged reconciling period, yet you still come on here and act like you don’t know about LAA CS polices. I thought the prolonged reconciliation period was from mid 2015 through the exchange of openers?

As a negotiator you should be able to take an objective look at things and not only work in the interests of LUS and act indifferent to LAA. If you don’t understand this it’s no wonder the association hasn’t gotten an agreement when other works groups have YEARS ago. The transaction closed over FOUR YEARS ago in early December 2013 while the TWU and IAM have been fooling around the other workgroups have gotten joint agreements. Clearly Parker and Co are willing to take their checkbooks out the IAM has been too busy with Association and holding a prolonged reconciling period, yet you still come on here and act like you don’t know about LAA CS polices. I thought the prolonged reconciliation period was from mid 2015 through the exchange of openers?



Huh? I didn't say I found out about the CS policy at LAA recently. When we all got together during the reconciliation process, we learned about it then and debated and agreed to put it in the JCBA. It wasn't a decision made hastily. When we make decisions they are for the betterment of all, not a select few. I've been around Parker since the AWA days and know his cheapness. We are trying to get it right the first time, not come back multiple times and cry for more like some other groups.

P. Rez
I’m sure if I ever wanted to have another Political campaign this puts a crimp in that. But just for you NOTOK. View attachment 12385
Why are you so hateful antook is one of the great posters on here. I know why he hardly ever agrees with you. Anyone who dose not agree to you you call them mental. I can’t believe you took that photo at work where someone could have reported you. Right in front of the terminal dude you show no respect to our customers are the people you work with. You have a lot of hate pent up emotions and anger. You have made sexual remarks that are uncalled for on the forums here. That’s a rule 32 vilotion shooting the bird. And your sexual remarks. Look dude you have over 13000 post on here . You are rude and crude.
And BTW NOTOK copying my picture to throw back at me just shows how juvenile you are on these threads as well.

Oh yea you’re a shining bastion of maturity. Right.

Nuff said? (Marvel Comics)
Captain America avatar? (Comic Books)
If you had not posted much less taking that photo. No one could repost it. Antook is a grown up. You are the immature one getting mad and posting such hate at people who do not agree with. Just like the way you did his screen name that’s very childish you must have went to n700 how to be rude and a jerk class.
Why are you so hateful antook is one of the great posters on here. I know why he hardly ever agrees with you. Anyone who dose not agree to you you call them mental. I can’t believe you took that photo at work where someone could have reported you. Right in front of the terminal dude you show no respect to our customers are the people you work with. You have a lot of hate pent up emotions and anger. You have made sexual remarks that are uncalled for on the forums here. That’s a rule 32 vilotion shooting the bird. And your sexual remarks. Look dude you have over 13000 post on here . You are rude and crude.
Weez was promised a gig with the IAM to pick up where 700 left off. He also follows Gary Peterson. Yes, the same Gary Peterson who many supported when he challenged the Association at the NMB with a legal hangup that Weez claimed set the union back months. I think weez even blasted GP over it on here and claimed he was just an AMFA supporter. That said, I heard Gary cut the deal to stand down after Lombardo told him he would be a part of the executive negotiation gig and then a position on the Executive TWU council if Gary agreed to stand down. I guess he wished upon a star because it came true. Good for Gary, bad for his members. Yea, the same Gary Peterson who Weez followed into believing a new TA 2 weeks after Gary finally nailed down the really really tough uniform article.

Morons. We have morons on our team.

Huh? I didn't say I found out about the CS policy at LAA recently. When we all got together during the reconciliation process, we learned about it then and debated and agreed to put it in the JCBA. It wasn't a decision made hastily. When we make decisions they are for the betterment of all, not a select few. I've been around Parker since the AWA days and know his cheapness. We are trying to get it right the first time, not come back multiple times and cry for more like some other groups.

P. Rez

P. Rez, It would for the better to get the CS in the JCBA. Company policies can and will be changed at the stroke of a pen at any time they wish. Matter fact as iy currently is the CS policy could be completely wiped out if the company wanted it that way. I encourage getting CS into JCBA.
Why are you so hateful antook is one of the great posters on here. I know why he hardly ever agrees with you. Anyone who dose not agree to you you call them mental. I can’t believe you took that photo at work where someone could have reported you. Right in front of the terminal dude you show no respect to our customers are the people you work with. You have a lot of hate pent up emotions and anger. You have made sexual remarks that are uncalled for on the forums here. That’s a rule 32 vilotion shooting the bird. And your sexual remarks. Look dude you have over 13000 post on here . You are rude and crude.

You’re that little kid who ran to the teacher every time the cool kids picked on you, aren’t you?

You mentioned Rule 32. Go call HR you weenie. Did you report it to Forums Admins? I heard you do that a lot too weenie.

I DON’T know who ANY of you hiding weenies are anyway. (Internet Trolls, Nothing more)

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Weez was promised a gig with the IAM to pick up where 700 left off. He also follows Gary Peterson. Yes, the same Gary Peterson who many supported when he challenged the Association at the NMB with a legal hangup that Weez claimed set the union back months. I think weez even blasted GP over it on here and claimed he was just an AMFA supporter. That said, I heard Gary cut the deal to stand down after Lombardo told him he would be a part of the executive negotiation gig and then a position on the Executive TWU council if Gary agreed to stand down. I guess he wished upon a star because it came true. Good for Gary, bad for his members. Yea, the same Gary Peterson who Weez followed into believing a new TA 2 weeks after Gary finally nailed down the really really tough uniform article.

Morons. We have morons on our team.

Tim any chance you can stop with the stupidity now? There are already way too many stupid posters on here.

To your credit though at least you’re not a hiding weenie who throws your rocks.
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If you had not posted much less taking that photo. No one could repost it. Antook is a grown up. You are the immature one getting mad and posting such hate at people who do not agree with. Just like the way you did his screen name that’s very childish you must have went to n700 how to be rude and a jerk class.


Ok X Man.
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