"I don't think you have all of the information but I guess nobody can stop you from sounding silly". That statement right there from you to me says it all. You sound silly when you say you "know" what will be in our T/A. When you say you "know for a fact" that the LUS insurance is history. Maybe you should take your own advice when speaking on what you think you know about our T/A. You say these things to drum up interest in your ticket for the upcoming election, and you know it is just a lie to further your political gains. So when you ask what you have done to "hurt" the membership, spreading all of your lies and misinformation does just that, it divides us. It also gets the membership mad at the entire NC because you make this crap up. And you are the king of dodging questions. You non answer and misdirect to aviod answering. That is why you have no business being in any sort of leadership role, PERIOD! And the hate comes because you bring it on yourself. It has to be tim's way or the highway. You do not and cannot play well with others, especially when they dissagree with you. So now that I have answered your question, answer mine. Show me irrefutable proof of what you claim to be true regarding the JCBA, and kindly share with us your runningmates. I bet you will not do either. With the first, you cannot and you know it. All you got is a facebook post you authored, and with the second, you simply will not. Why, I have no idea. So bring on the non answers, the spin and the misdirection. It's your forte'.