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JCBA Negotiations and updates for AA Fleet

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Tim wanted to come back to this. You said you were glad I didn’t leave. Oh no I’m gone. After the Admins knocked off Tom Talbert on the “suspicion” that he’s the famous 700UW and leaving other people just as bad as him (some worse) here, I was done.

What I’m doing now is just a total goof. Including You (And me) there are some serious Mental cases on here. Swamt, Josh, NYer, Lu Lu, Larry, NoTaco, Coney, (Al’s gone), The Politically Obsessive Kooks up in the Water Cooler, A few sick and twisted Pilots (They’re cold) And (Add Oddball here)

Forums is almost dead. Look all over and you’ll see it. It was fun in its day though.
I never really followed forums on the American Airline thread. You were there? I did often see some post from Bob Owens, etc., who often would come on this forum. He seemd pretty level headed.

So anyways, Brian Parker is talking about getting some more picketing going. I support that idea but what good is it if half of the Association leadership stands down and refuses to support picketing?

The next year will be interesting. Management wants its Holy Grail, i.e., no-displacement language, so the question becomes, how much? Certainly, we just can't give it away with the AIG I saw. Maybe good for you, but not good for LUS. Nah, I don't even think it's good for you. Why would we want to give that up unless we got mega things back for it?

Let's hope I win the Grand Lodge election and Sito gets the boot because then I will be able to say with certainty that we aren't going to cough up health care or part time restrictions. The company is making BILLIONS, so let's stop the madness of any givebacks. Period. The conditions don't dictate anything but a serious wage and benefit booster!
I never really followed forums on the American Airline thread. You were there? I did often see some post from Bob Owens, etc., who often would come on this forum. He seemd pretty level headed.

So anyways, Brian Parker is talking about getting some more picketing going. I support that idea but what good is it if half of the Association leadership stands down and refuses to support picketing?

The next year will be interesting. Management wants its Holy Grail, i.e., no-displacement language, so the question becomes, how much? Certainly, we just can't give it away with the AIG I saw. Maybe good for you, but not good for LUS. Nah, I don't even think it's good for you. Why would we want to give that up unless we got mega things back for it?

Let's hope I win the Grand Lodge election and Sito gets the boot because then I will be able to say with certainty that we aren't going to cough up health care or part time restrictions. The company is making BILLIONS, so let's stop the madness of any givebacks. Period. The conditions don't dictate anything but a serious wage and benefit booster!

I left Forums for 4 years at one point when it got the way it seems to have become now once again. Ridiculous, argumentative and boring.

FYI. JCBA PT language was improved from what it is in both contracts currently.
I never really followed forums on the American Airline thread. You were there? I did often see some post from Bob Owens, etc., who often would come on this forum. He seemd pretty level headed.

So anyways, Brian Parker is talking about getting some more picketing going. I support that idea but what good is it if half of the Association leadership stands down and refuses to support picketing?

The next year will be interesting. Management wants its Holy Grail, i.e., no-displacement language, so the question becomes, how much? Certainly, we just can't give it away with the AIG I saw. Maybe good for you, but not good for LUS. Nah, I don't even think it's good for you. Why would we want to give that up unless we got mega things back for it?

Let's hope I win the Grand Lodge election and Sito gets the boot because then I will be able to say with certainty that we aren't going to cough up health care or part time restrictions. The company is making BILLIONS, so let's stop the madness of any givebacks. Period. The conditions don't dictate anything but a serious wage and benefit booster!

What is an AIG? What does AIG stand for exactly? And you didn't "see" anything. Be honest. You made most of it up. Because you can't show irrefutable proof. All you have is a facebook post that YOU wrote. You are trying to stir up your minions so they will support you by spewing your lies as "facts". You know you have no clue as to what the T/A will look like. You never will because nobody trusts you with any valuable information. All they give you is the MISINFORMATION to spew as fact. The funny thing is people actually still believe you. I hope you lose by a landslide, actually I hope you can't even get on the ballot and there is no election needed. Because you have absolutely no business being in any sort of leadership position. If things don't go your way you do a "scortched earth" campaign to avenge your perceived wrongs, and wind up burning the very bridges you would have needed in the future. Have you ever been tested for Bi-Polarism, because I truly believe you are bi-polar. With the way you go from rightous indignation, to being somewhat humble, plus the awful mood swings you have. With that said, Again, please show irrefutable, verifyable proof of what you claim to know that is our T/A. Also, kindly tell us who your running mates are from LUS. Why the secrecy?
Tim wanted to come back to this. You said you were glad I didn’t leave. Oh no I’m gone. After the Admins knocked off Tom Talbert on the “suspicion” that he’s the famous 700UW and leaving other people just as bad as him (some worse) here, I was done.

What I’m doing now is just a total goof. Including You (And me) there are some serious Mental cases on here. Swamt, Josh, NYer, Lu Lu, Larry, NoTaco, Coney, (Al’s gone), The Politically Obsessive Kooks up in the Water Cooler, A few sick and twisted Pilots (They’re cold) And (Add Oddball here)

Forums is almost dead. Look all over and you’ll see it. It was fun in its day though.
He's the only one complaining or saying the forums are dead. The only reason he says this is because the forums are not caving to follow his ways and agendas. The folks he listed are all folks that have proved him wrong in the past, or they have told the readers opposite of his thoughts. When he read the concessions that were being nego at the table he did in fact own up to the fact he was wrong and I posted that I respected that he did that, so yes, I do agree with you in that area indeed. T/A day is gonna kill him, that very well might be the nail in the coffin for him, the changes that are coming he will get sucker punched with because he is still being told lies and misinformation and he believes it all, at least until that last update came from the table. I do think that's when he started realizing, and even questioning some info. being spread. I could care less if he stays or goes, but, if he decides to stay it would be wise to reroute his efforts in "challenging" his asso. to get a better, improved and an ILC come T/A day not a concessionary one like they always do.
I left Forums for 4 years at one point when it got the way it seems to have become now once again. Ridiculous, argumentative and boring.

FYI. JCBA PT language was improved from what it is in both contracts currently.

Are you able to provide any details? It is ok if you cannot, but I am curious, thanks and happy new year.

What is an AIG? What does AIG stand for exactly? And you didn't "see" anything. Be honest. You made most of it up. Because you can't show irrefutable proof. All you have is a facebook post that YOU wrote. You are trying to stir up your minions so they will support you by spewing your lies as "facts". You know you have no clue as to what the T/A will look like. You never will because nobody trusts you with any valuable information. All they give you is the MISINFORMATION to spew as fact. The funny thing is people actually still believe you. I hope you lose by a landslide, actually I hope you can't even get on the ballot and there is no election needed. Because you have absolutely no business being in any sort of leadership position. If things don't go your way you do a "scortched earth" campaign to avenge your perceived wrongs, and wind up burning the very bridges you would have needed in the future. Have you ever been tested for Bi-Polarism, because I truly believe you are bi-polar. With the way you go from rightous indignation, to being somewhat humble, plus the awful mood swings you have. With that said, Again, please show irrefutable, verifyable proof of what you claim to know that is our T/A. Also, kindly tell us who your running mates are from LUS. Why the secrecy?
He can't. You hit the nail right on the head. It was simply a facebook posting by him, written by him. And if you read it carefully it says in there that "his info." "from his sources" and "they have told me" It's all verbal not in writing by any credible persons at the table. Even CB and Prez have countered to his and weez updates they keep trying to spread on here.
Are you able to provide any details? It is ok if you cannot, but I am curious, thanks and happy new year.

It’s not about being able to provide details. It’s about whether it’s right or wrong to take that ownership away from the people who did the work. And with so many people who are doing the work there are competing philosophies both for and against too much being out there.

In person I have informed some people of things I’ve been privileged enough to have been told. But mostly it’s to put out the fires of false rumors. Biggest ones being the CS/Swap Shift language and the OT changes.

But gulfport I will say we’ll still be working side by side with PT members in the future and there still are back to back restrictions unlike what Tim is trying to sell to steal an election victory.

Happy New Year.

What is an AIG? What does AIG stand for exactly? And you didn't "see" anything. Be honest. You made most of it up. Because you can't show irrefutable proof. All you have is a facebook post that YOU wrote. You are trying to stir up your minions so they will support you by spewing your lies as "facts". You know you have no clue as to what the T/A will look like. You never will because nobody trusts you with any valuable information. All they give you is the MISINFORMATION to spew as fact. The funny thing is people actually still believe you. I hope you lose by a landslide, actually I hope you can't even get on the ballot and there is no election needed. Because you have absolutely no business being in any sort of leadership position. If things don't go your way you do a "scortched earth" campaign to avenge your perceived wrongs, and wind up burning the very bridges you would have needed in the future. Have you ever been tested for Bi-Polarism, because I truly believe you are bi-polar. With the way you go from rightous indignation, to being somewhat humble, plus the awful mood swings you have. With that said, Again, please show irrefutable, verifyable proof of what you claim to know that is our T/A. Also, kindly tell us who your running mates are from LUS. Why the secrecy?

AIG as far as I know is an Insurance Company. Frightening to think Tim is running for office and doesn’t know that it’s AIP “Agreement in Principle”

Are you able to provide any details? It is ok if you cannot, but I am curious, thanks and happy new year.

No, he cannot. He is here to demand things "in writing," while not having to live up to that standard himself.

His job is being an apologist and trying to convince others the upcoming JCBA changes are positive. If he can't then he will call others names or change the subject and make these pages so unbearable that most just stay away and his point of view is the only one that survives whether it is accurate or not.
No, he cannot. He is here to demand things "in writing," while not having to live up to that standard himself.

His job is being an apologist and trying to convince others the upcoming JCBA changes are positive. If he can't then he will call others names or change the subject and make these pages so unbearable that most just stay away and his point of view is the only one that survives whether it is accurate or not.

For all the LAA agents on forums that are going crazy about Tim’s post. Remember, Tim has stated many times how he likes to fish. But he isnt always fishing for fish. For those of us that know him, this is no big deal. Nothing new that he is doing. In fact, it’s expected. I could literally write you a chart on what Tim will do next, I’ve seen it so many times. He sits back and laughs at everyone he can get stirred up. And yes, he can say anything he wants, because in the end, he doesn’t have to answer to anyone.

It’s makes no difference to the negotiating team what he says he knows, and what he says we don’t know: it makes no difference to the negotiating team, when he says a T/a will or won’t come out. It will come out just like our 2014 agreement did. When we all think it is good enough to present to the members for a vote as a leading industry contract. That’s it! Nothing else! Also keep in mind, He will only bring up in the future what he was right about. But anyone with half a brain can name 10 things about our contract and be right on 2 of them. So enjoy his post as entertainment, as I think most of you already do. As the old saying goes. If you tell a lie long enough, people will start to believe you. Tim also likes to feed on the people that don’t really know him. Once people figure him out. Common sense takes over. That’s all that is needed: common sense.
He can't. You hit the nail right on the head. It was simply a facebook posting by him, written by him. And if you read it carefully it says in there that "his info." "from his sources" and "they have told me" It's all verbal not in writing by any credible persons at the table. Even CB and Prez have countered to his and weez updates they keep trying to spread on here.
Must be election season. AGAIN!
For all the LAA agents on forums that are going crazy about Tim’s post. Remember, Tim has stated many times how he likes to fish. But he isnt always fishing for fish. For those of us that know him, this is no big deal. Nothing new that he is doing. In fact, it’s expected. I could literally write you a chart on what Tim will do next, I’ve seen it so many times. He sits back and laughs at everyone he can get stirred up. And yes, he can say anything he wants, because in the end, he doesn’t have to answer to anyone.

It’s makes no difference to the negotiating team what he says he knows, and what he says we don’t know: it makes no difference to the negotiating team, when he says a T/a will or won’t come out. It will come out just like our 2014 agreement did. When we all think it is good enough to present to the members for a vote as a leading industry contract. That’s it! Nothing else! Also keep in mind, He will only bring up in the future what he was right about. But anyone with half a brain can name 10 things about our contract and be right on 2 of them. So enjoy his post as entertainment, as I think most of you already do. As the old saying goes. If you tell a lie long enough, people will start to believe you. Tim also likes to feed on the people that don’t really know him. Once people figure him out. Common sense takes over. That’s all that is needed: common sense.
Common sense tells me it must be election season. AGAIN!
I never really followed forums on the American Airline thread. You were there? I did often see some post from Bob Owens, etc., who often would come on this forum. He seemd pretty level headed.

So anyways, Brian Parker is talking about getting some more picketing going. I support that idea but what good is it if half of the Association leadership stands down and refuses to support picketing?

The next year will be interesting. Management wants its Holy Grail, i.e., no-displacement language, so the question becomes, how much? Certainly, we just can't give it away with the AIG I saw. Maybe good for you, but not good for LUS. Nah, I don't even think it's good for you. Why would we want to give that up unless we got mega things back for it?

Let's hope I win the Grand Lodge election and Sito gets the boot because then I will be able to say with certainty that we aren't going to cough up health care or part time restrictions. The company is making BILLIONS, so let's stop the madness of any givebacks. Period. The conditions don't dictate anything but a serious wage and benefit booster!

Tim, Bob has been gone for several years now and I too miss his posts. He’s a very smart guy, holds the TWU accountable and often asked questions about the IAM and IAMNPF that 700 didn’t like.

Funny Weez is getting all hung up about Talbert, he was going on and on about Thomas Paine (another poster who was suspected to be a duplicate account, but never confirmed). It’s bad form to publicly call out moderator decisions and I don’t understand why WeAA continues to do so.

Happy New Year everyone.

For all the LAA agents on forums that are going crazy about Tim’s post. Remember, Tim has stated many times how he likes to fish. But he isnt always fishing for fish. For those of us that know him, this is no big deal. Nothing new that he is doing. In fact, it’s expected. I could literally write you a chart on what Tim will do next, I’ve seen it so many times. He sits back and laughs at everyone he can get stirred up. And yes, he can say anything he wants, because in the end, he doesn’t have to answer to anyone.

It’s makes no difference to the negotiating team what he says he knows, and what he says we don’t know: it makes no difference to the negotiating team, when he says a T/a will or won’t come out. It will come out just like our 2014 agreement did. When we all think it is good enough to present to the members for a vote as a leading industry contract. That’s it! Nothing else! Also keep in mind, He will only bring up in the future what he was right about. But anyone with half a brain can name 10 things about our contract and be right on 2 of them. So enjoy his post as entertainment, as I think most of you already do. As the old saying goes. If you tell a lie long enough, people will start to believe you. Tim also likes to feed on the people that don’t really know him. Once people figure him out. Common sense takes over. That’s all that is needed: common sense.

When Tim wins he’s going to put you in the Executive suite with the key to the liquor cabinet and assign Brother LeHive to be your personal valet and photographer.

And he’s going to fire me unfortunately from that JetBlue Ground organizing campaign unfortunately. Darn it, jeepers.
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