What is an AIG? What does AIG stand for exactly? And you didn't "see" anything. Be honest. You made most of it up. Because you can't show irrefutable proof. All you have is a facebook post that YOU wrote. You are trying to stir up your minions so they will support you by spewing your lies as "facts". You know you have no clue as to what the T/A will look like. You never will because nobody trusts you with any valuable information. All they give you is the MISINFORMATION to spew as fact. The funny thing is people actually still believe you. I hope you lose by a landslide, actually I hope you can't even get on the ballot and there is no election needed. Because you have absolutely no business being in any sort of leadership position. If things don't go your way you do a "scortched earth" campaign to avenge your perceived wrongs, and wind up burning the very bridges you would have needed in the future. Have you ever been tested for Bi-Polarism, because I truly believe you are bi-polar. With the way you go from rightous indignation, to being somewhat humble, plus the awful mood swings you have. With that said, Again, please show irrefutable, verifyable proof of what you claim to know that is our T/A. Also, kindly tell us who your running mates are from LUS. Why the secrecy?