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JCBA Negotiations and updates for AA Fleet

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Glad to see it. We need more small station perspective on here.

Can I have your pushback? We need one made this millennium. Lol.

Besides snapping pics?
Lehive does more than snaps pictures. He puts in the time for a lot of things that he carved out a niche for. Believe me, he showed his colors of being a jerk but he does good work for the members. Just because someone isn't politically aligned with me doesn't mean he/she can't serve the members. In organizing, I will utilize him.
Fair enough. I just remember a lot of hollow "we stand with you" nonsense when DL143 was fighting for it's life.

Coulda sworn he has an account on here, so maybe he'll chime in?
Can I have your pushback? We need one made this millennium. Lol.

I make no claims that I have any clue what that vehicle behind me is or that I am an Airline Employee for any N American carrier lest my middle finger gesture be misconstrued as a hostile act against any Employer.

As a matter of fact there is a small village in Indonesia where a menacing grimace and middle finger salute are considered to be a friendly greeting and a request to marry ones daughter.
Lehive does more than snaps pictures. He puts in the time for a lot of things that he carved out a niche for. Believe me, he showed his colors of being a jerk but he does good work for the members. Just because someone isn't politically aligned with me doesn't mean he/she can't serve the members. In organizing, I will utilize him.

Is Dave really someone who would make a pact with the Devil?
I'd be shocked if Build a Better Union doesn't get 70% of the vote in April. Not joking but time will tell.


Weez you have a new admirer. I understand why you don't want to post the info you have on some of the articles. You are welcome to DM me if you want. I promise I won't share it. It's ok if you don't want to do that either. I am curious about the CS's and Part Time articles. Happy New Year.

What is an AIG? What does AIG stand for exactly? And you didn't "see" anything. Be honest. You made most of it up. Because you can't show irrefutable proof. All you have is a facebook post that YOU wrote. You are trying to stir up your minions so they will support you by spewing your lies as "facts". You know you have no clue as to what the T/A will look like. You never will because nobody trusts you with any valuable information. All they give you is the MISINFORMATION to spew as fact. The funny thing is people actually still believe you. I hope you lose by a landslide, actually I hope you can't even get on the ballot and there is no election needed. Because you have absolutely no business being in any sort of leadership position. If things don't go your way you do a "scortched earth" campaign to avenge your perceived wrongs, and wind up burning the very bridges you would have needed in the future. Have you ever been tested for Bi-Polarism, because I truly believe you are bi-polar. With the way you go from rightous indignation, to being somewhat humble, plus the awful mood swings you have. With that said, Again, please show irrefutable, verifyable proof of what you claim to know that is our T/A. Also, kindly tell us who your running mates are from LUS. Why the secrecy?
Truth hurts doesn't it? Why the secrecy as to your running mates? Rumor is you found some gullible UA folks outta IAH to side with you. They jut don't know you like we do I guess. They will get educated quick, fast and in a hurry and figure out just how far gone you really are.
Truth hurts doesn't it? Why the secrecy as to your running mates? Rumor is you found some gullible UA folks outta IAH to side with you. They jut don't know you like we do I guess. They will get educated quick, fast and in a hurry and figure out just how far gone you really are.
I'm not sure I know what you are talking about? What exactly do I have to do with the District Election other than supporting candidates who are going to challenge? Am I running? Why do you think just because a group of members have decided to engage democracy and run for office that they can't stand on their own? I don't think you have all of the information but I guess nobody can stop you from sounding silly.

And what makes you think that you know me anyways? What have I actually done to you or the members that has been damaging? I have no problem if people dislike me but Id like to know exactly how have I damaged this membership? Because I can list a slew of things that I have been involved in at this district that has prospered workers.
Lehive does more than snaps pictures. He puts in the time for a lot of things that he carved out a niche for. Believe me, he showed his colors of being a jerk but he does good work for the members. Just because someone isn't politically aligned with me doesn't mean he/she can't serve the members. In organizing, I will utilize him.
Care to elaborate on just what Dave does besides walk around with a camera around his neck and shake a few hands? As far as I know, he was an IAM hater that was given position in order to silence him, which worked like a charm. Now he's a lover, and travels the county following around the Big Boyz with camera in hand. Not having seen the ramp in nearly 10 years, and living large on our dues.
Care to elaborate on just what Dave does besides walk around with a camera around his neck and shake a few hands? As far as I know, he was an IAM hater that was given position in order to silence him, which worked like a charm. Now he's a lover, and travels the county following around the Big Boyz with camera in hand. Not having seen the ramp in nearly 10 years, and living large on our dues.
He did a great job on my organizing team. He produces video field work that is necessary for organizing campaigns. I owe him nothing and he has been the biggest prick against me because he is so far up klemms arse, but ill have to build the union so i could care less where someone is politically if they do good work for what the members need. Organizing is where he fits.
I'm not sure I know what you are talking about? What exactly do I have to do with the District Election other than supporting candidates who are going to challenge? Am I running? Why do you think just because a group of members have decided to engage democracy and run for office that they can't stand on their own? I don't think you have all of the information but I guess nobody can stop you from sounding silly.

And what makes you think that you know me anyways? What have I actually done to you or the members that has been damaging? I have no problem if people dislike me but Id like to know exactly how have I damaged this membership? Because I can list a slew of things that I have been involved in at this district that has prospered workers.


That statement in BOLD RED says all anybody needs to know about you. Especially when it comes to the current JCBA negotiations and what you say will be in the T/A. BTW, you are not supporting candidates, you are leading them to a slaughter. I will give you, some may be able to stand on their own merits, but since your name is attached to theirs, your stink will stay on them forever. And you have a history of choosing very unqualified people. You ruined some good union people here at LUS, and at UA I would imagine, just because they bought your snake oil. I am thankful I wasn't one of them. So I will ask you again my two questions. Where is your irrefutable proof of what our JCBA will look like, and why the secrecy of your running mates?

That statement in BOLD RED says all anybody needs to know about you. Especially when it comes to the current JCBA negotiations and what you say will be in the T/A. BTW, you are not supporting candidates, you are leading them to a slaughter. I will give you, some may be able to stand on their own merits, but since your name is attached to theirs, your stink will stay on them forever. And you have a history of choosing very unqualified people. You ruined some good union people here at LUS, and at UA I would imagine, just because they bought your snake oil. I am thankful I wasn't one of them. So I will ask you again my two questions. Where is your irrefutable proof of what our JCBA will look like, and why the secrecy of your running mates?
That's what I thought, you dodge the question and carry on with a personal vendetta. I have no problem with your hate against me. But the question remains, how have I ever damaged the membership?
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