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JCBA Negotiations and updates for AA Fleet

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Now that was funny. Divorces are public.
Sorry weez but you will have to wait till at least June before a ta. In the meantime i suggest you listen to your Local Prez instead of Peterson's guarantees about getting a ta prior to january. At least your Local Prez isnt angry and rude at you and your attacks on him.

I actually like ya, and im glad i was able to persuade you to stay.

Are you Sexually excited about my Local President here in MIA or something? You seem to be a little obsessive about bringing him up.

Oh BTW are you going to post that AIP you keep clamoring about that many of Airline Forums posters have asked you to produce?

Now that’s a request you keep ignoring don’t ya.

Here's the problem... you win these battles, get new elections and for whatever reason, it changes nothing. It is tough to put a positive spin on your sizable election defeats and somehow claim it to be a victory. Don't get me wrong, our leadership should be following the laws, but your bravado of "great pain" or promising sweeping changes from election outcomes becomes somewhat over the top.

Maybe you should chill a little and consider as an alternative the Chicago Teamsters are now organizing pot workers and sample some of the goods? https://www.bizjournals.com/chicago/news/2017/12/26/teamsters-others-seek-to-unionize-pot.html
Just having fun with weez. As far as the district election, there has always been enuf support from Locals to have an election and i think thats the case this time as well.
Lets hope, for lus sake, that there is an election and Sito cant bring out a ta that gives up our health care. The elections themselves are interesting. All have been really close. Triggering democracy is necessary.
Are you Sexually excited about my Local President here in MIA or something? You seem to be a little obsessive about bringing him up.

Oh BTW are you going to post that AIP you keep clamoring about that many of Airline Forums posters have asked you to produce?

Now that’s a request you keep ignoring don’t ya.
I posted it with specific articles on this site. Anyone can read it.
I posted it with specific articles on this site. Anyone can read it.

Uh no. You did not post any “official” AIG that supposedly exists. What you posted was something you made up and wrote up yourself that came from your own mind.

It was creative yes absolutely but I used to draw and paint things myself when I was younger too.
Uh no. You did not post any “official” AIG that supposedly exists. What you posted was something you made up and wrote up yourself that came from your own mind.

It was creative yes absolutely but I used to draw and paint things myself when I was younger too.
Oh, you want the signatures. That isnt going to happen. Ill repost what i posted. Im ok if you dont believe it.
Oh, you want the signatures. That isnt going to happen. Ill repost what i posted. Im ok if you dont believe it.

I don’t want anything. I don’t give a chit. I’m not the one asking. It’s a whole bunch of others on here who have been for the last few days.

If you don’t have anything “official” (real) don’t bother.
I don’t want anything. I don’t give a chit. I’m not the one asking. It’s a whole bunch of others on here who have been for the last few days.

If you don’t have anything “official” (real) don’t bother.
You need to get it from Alex. There are only a couple official peeps. I think alex and sito or maybe GP as well on the union side. Not sure on the company side.
The most important date for you to focus on is february 10th. If 4 locals decide to endorse the challengers then you and your love buddy alex will be blocked from bringing out a ta. Sorry weez but i happen to like my lus health care.
You need to get it from Alex. There are only a couple official peeps. I think alex and sito or maybe GP as well on the union side. Not sure on the company side.
The most important date for you to focus on is february 10th. If 4 locals decide to endorse the challengers then you and your love buddy alex will be blocked from bringing out a ta. Sorry weez but i happen to like my lus health care.

That was the smartest thing you posted!

At the end of the day, just focus on February 10th. Not joking. If 4 of our District Locals decide to endorse the challengers then we get to keep our LUS insurance through June! It isn't much of a sacrifice for you to hold off another 6 months from your new pay raise. I mean, it isn't like Sito told me that he isn't going to hose us if there is an election, but I'm just guessing that he doesn't bring out a TA that coughs up our LUS health care prior to voting on officers in June. If he does, then I wouldn't think those officers will stand much of a chance of winning. LUS insurance is the holy grail that we want to keep Weez. There really isn't any reason for us not to. No reason in the world to lose it.

Again, remember, February 10th. I know you will be hoping that me and the challengers will not get 4 Locals at the District, and I don't blame ya because your contract blows. Sorry
That was the smartest thing you posted!

At the end of the day, just focus on February 10th. Not joking. If 4 of our District Locals decide to endorse the challengers then we get to keep our LUS insurance through June! It isn't much of a sacrifice for you to hold off another 6 months from your new pay raise. I mean, it isn't like Sito told me that he isn't going to hose us if there is an election, but I'm just guessing that he doesn't bring out a TA that coughs up our LUS health care prior to voting on officers in June. If he does, then I wouldn't think those officers will stand much of a chance of winning. LUS insurance is the holy grail that we want to keep Weez. There really isn't any reason for us not to. No reason in the world to lose it.

Again, remember, February 10th. I know you will be hoping that me and the challengers will not get 4 Locals at the District, and I don't blame ya because your contract blows. Sorry

100% Serious.


Here's the problem... you win these battles, get new elections and for whatever reason, it changes nothing. It is tough to put a positive spin on your sizable election defeats and somehow claim it to be a victory. Don't get me wrong, our leadership should be following the laws, but your bravado of "great pain" or promising sweeping changes from election outcomes becomes somewhat over the top.

Maybe you should chill a little and consider as an alternative the Chicago Teamsters are now organizing pot workers and sample some of the goods? https://www.bizjournals.com/chicago/news/2017/12/26/teamsters-others-seek-to-unionize-pot.html

The only thing I will say in all honesty is I wish the IAM/ District 141 would just do the damn thing right the first time and this guy wouldn’t be such a PITA that I’m not 100% sure in my mind it’s not affecting our talks to at least some “small” degree.

This chit is extremely annoying and again to be honest Tim and this crap is probably the biggest reason I have no interest in ever being an IAM member over staying with TWU if I can best avoid it.

TWU has its dysfunctional characters from time to time but this is just too far out there for me man.

Way too much BS for me Jester.
Oh yea. But hey, just think weez, if you can convince many LUS peeps to just endorse who they already have then Sito won't have that collar around him and you might just get your pay raise and hose us on our health care a lot sooner! So sad!

No interest at all. Good luck in your attempt to run again.

Aren't you a WN mechanic? Find one IAM employee post on here saying they are fed up with progress. What I see is a few AA fleet posts and a few more AA MX posts on frustration with the process. A total of 10-15 employees posting their frustrations isn't very telling. I am not saying a picket shouldn't occur, I am saying I learned of it on here. Not very good that I find out on here as opposed to someone reaching out to me. As for the pace, a lot has been accomplished since the executive NC came in and I expect a comprehensive package soon.

P. Rez

The company isn't too fond of continuing the IAMNPF but, to get a deal, I'm fairly sure the company would yield on that one as I can't see Sito signing any deal that doesn't include the IAMNPF continual funding for current participants, and forced participants for all new hires, regardless of TWU or IAM, and a choice for all TWU peeps who are currently employees.

The IAM medical has already been discussed as well. Formally, both Association members have already breached the topic with management. Not sure if anyone in negotiations knows but it has been broadly discussed. Company isn't too keen on having 30,000 leave its medical and join the IAM medical. Not sure how that one will go but I don't think it will be a deal breaker for anyone. LUS will get one more year under the current plan as I've been told that Sito will stall until at least the new enrollment to give some cover for the newly unexpected election. After that, who knows if the IAM medical comes to be. But Sito definitely is going to get rid of our current cost after that, regardless of what any AGC thinks or says. Remember, AGC's don't stand up to Sito. I mean they think they do, but not on the deal breaker stuff.
Who knows about the IAM medical? I mean, just like Blue cross, it depends upon the cost and insurability. Blue cross, Aetna, etc have hundreds of plans just like car insurance, so just beause something says "IAM Medical" doesn't mean squat, the plan could be good or it could be bad. I'll have to read the language as well. Wouldn't want to get on any insurability issues where things have to be whacked or increased like the pension if things go south.

Scope, I know the company wanted a snapshot, i.e. no new stations, regardless of flight activity. Yea, the party line is that they haven't talked about scope yet. lol. Believe me, the company, and the two association members know the deal breakers and the broad subject matter already framed. I don't see the Association taking the snapshot idea. In fact, I'd say that is prolly a deal breaker for the Association. Gosh I hope I'm right on that cuz we need more stations. Company doesn't want to be in the catering business but I gotta think that is a deal breaker for us {Man, hope so], so I think we will keep catering. It survived 2 bankruptcies so it ought to be grandfathered like all small stations that we have. No reason for any current work to be traded off.

The process has slowed. One thing significant is the unexpected success of my argument to get a rerun election. Thus, i believe, and i admit this may be biased, that our lus leaders were on the verge of collapsing our health insurance, knowing they were in office for 4 years. So i dont think its unexpected that lus bosses are more cautious with that trigger. In fact i think its the exact sorta thing i would expect, given an election around the corner.

He isnt in the room. Its all second hand info to fleet. Sito said.

Yes, that would be nice but Cbrown indicated (unless I misread him) that the TWU leadership in negotiations hasn't really taken that stand.

I realize it isn't a perfect world, but the Association needs to show solidarity. No matter what me and you think. Just looks real bad that Sito and Samuelson couldn't work on getting a letter of support.

From my sources, we will have a contract this fall after re-enrollment. And that Sito will hand over our insurance but be able to buy 1 more year due to re-enrollment. Our AGC's don't know this.
Seems the company has some cards as well since 40% of the work in PHL where we have 1,600 fleet service, could be outsourced at any time, and a % of CLT. And it would be easier for the company to play such cards if the TWU and IAM are divided.

At any rate, the IAM Pension will make a cut within 18 months if not 6 months, and any such cut I believe will involve the unreduced funding policies. In other words, anyone with an IAM Pension will have to wait until they are 65. That could affect any buyout plan if the timing becomes a perfect storm.

[edit: maybe the company has a hold of the IAM balls and told them to stand down on the picket otherwise it would twist hard? Notice, the company sent express workers to work [train?] on some of those embrair's in phl. We had union peeps go tell the union but the union told them last week that there is nothing the union can do if the company takes that work. For starters, that would be 800 jobs in PHL and a decent chunk in CLT]

A comprehensive proposal that is acceptable hasn't been presented yet but it won't be presented if the IAM doesn't support the TWU. Alas, Association issues.

The current position of the IAM, assuming it is standing firm on our health care, is consistent with negotiations at this time. Likewise, I'm assuming the company's initial proposal was a complete disaster last week. If WeAAsles is right that they will meet in the middle on health care and also boost vacations, pensions, sick time, holidays, shift differ, scope then the members may be allowed to vote on such a thing.

The TWU Intl isnt the problem. I assume it has to do with structure. Dunno.
If i had to say, i dont think they are giving weight to lus healthcare. If they continue being blockheads then THEY will be to blame of screwing their members. They just dont listen imo but i can assure you that they will feel great pain from their members if they dont learn from their miscalculations. See ya in section 6.

Ok Tim, here's your posts from July that had anything remotely to do with what you "might know from your sources".

Show me which one is the post showing what was in the agreement. This starts in early July and runs to the end of July, well past the proposal by the company.

Maybe you should dig up that AIG/ AIP whatever you call it , and repost for all to see once and for all.

I'll add this:
On July 5th P.Rez posted there would be a TA "soon".

I pressed him to specify what soon meant, he didn't.

Then on July 21st, P.Rez posted = "Zero chance of a deal by the end of summer".
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The name is Nelson, Tim Nelson. And I’ll have that Prune Juice shaken, not stirred.

Tim “Challenger” Nelson. (From his Public Facebook page)

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