JCBA Negotiations and updates for AA Fleet

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Anyone know what hotel the NC and EC are staying at in DC while they hammer out our contract this weekend?

Discount rate $38 Nightly. Room cleaning is an extra charge.

The Executive Negotiating Committee met face to face with American Airlines this week in Washington DC.

The Letters of Agreement that were reviewed and designated by the Association subcommittee, were presented to the company. An agreement was reached by the parties on what letters will still need to be discussed and incorporated into the JCBA, what letters will be retained, and what letters will be eliminated that are no longer relevant.

Discussions continued for MLS and MCT on Qualifications, Filling of Vacancies and Overtime procedures. Progress was made.

Agreement was reached to continue the Aviation Safety Action Program (ASAP) and to establish a Ground Safety Action Program (GSAP) program that will apply to Association represented ground personnel. These valuable programs help to promote a safer workplace while creating greater protections for our members.

In depth discussions began on the Scope Article for Fleet Service.

Discussions on Union Security/Dues Check Off for all groups were also held, we are close to a tentative agreement for that article. In keeping with being productive between negotiation sessions, an Association subcommittee will meet in DFW next week to finalize the Leave of Absence Matrix chart (to be put in the JCBA) that will reflect the previously tentative agreement of the Leave of Absence Article.

Negotiations are scheduled to resume December 11 in Dallas.

I am sure that the Union Dues Article is going to take many months to hammer out. I am also sure if we can’t get the LUS insurance that the association will cut us a break on our Union Dues.
I may be in the minority, but I think a representational vote would have made things worse.

The TWU side believes they would have won a vote because they are the larger group, but that is not a given. If they did win a vote, however, I don't think the IAM would just quietly slide away. They would fight for their medical and pension, and we'd be in a contract negotiation and at the same time, a card drive.

Also, the Company would be trying to get as much IAM language as they could, and this process would be much longer than it is now because there would be less chance in reaching a compromise on any given item as there is when the two groups have a say.
Not sure I could agree with you here, but I do understand your thoughts here. I would have to say that I would have believed the TWU would have won by mere numbers as you stated. The TWU would have been in charge 'full time' during nego's and SHOULD be trying to keep the better medical and pension of the IAM's. On the same token, I do believe your correct that the co. would fight for the outsourcing language of the IAM as it is much weaker than the TWU's. I would love to see another card drive fire up at AA again. Pretty sure most all the mechanics would be on board with a replacement at this point. Problem is too many fleet in same union. My opinion is, once this pathetic asso. was forced on you guys they now will never be able to get them out. You guys are now stuck with them for life. Again, my opinion.

Anyone know what hotel the NC and EC are staying at in DC while they hammer out our contract this weekend?
Why? You wanna send some flowers and candies in hopes of a done deal??
Next session is December 11th.
NY'er, I am glad you guys are still getting dates and meetings thru Nov and Dec. we have been sitting since our last meetings in Aug with no dates set for the rest of this year and no dates set for anything next year as of yet. It's time for the co. to move, until then we sit and wait with the current contract we have and "no relief" for the co. in outsourcing. Good luck. Look forward to an update from your side on these latest meetings thru this weekend...
NY'er, I am glad you guys are still getting dates and meetings thru Nov and Dec. we have been sitting since our last meetings in Aug with no dates set for the rest of this year and no dates set for anything next year as of yet. It's time for the co. to move, until then we sit and wait with the current contract we have and "no relief" for the co. in outsourcing. Good luck. Look forward to an update from your side on these latest meetings thru this weekend...

You're in Mediation?
You're in Mediation?
Yes. They said to the co. and the union that they had no dates available to meet until late Nov and Dec. However, with that said they both (mediators) said that they will not schedule anything until one of the two sides are ready to move as we hit a stalemate. The union is done moving and adjusting on giving the co. relief on certain issues. As the co. has not moved on any of the must haves they were demanding, it is time for them to move or we just keep the contract we have which will not allow them to do many of the maint. outsourcing they want and say "need" to do. So until they so movement (which they have at one time and yanked it off the table) then we will sit idle at status quo with current contract as "they" are the ones seeking relief in current contract language as well as maint in Hawaii, soooo, we sit and wait.
BTW NY'er, in the latest update from the asso., how bad do you think this part will get for you guys?

"In depth discussions began on the Scope Article for Fleet Service."

It sounds as if it is getting deep. And I feel this part will take the longest as most are hearing of a great deal of outsourcing being requested from the company's side just as in our case. Any thoughts???
Yes. They said to the co. and the union that they had no dates available to meet until late Nov and Dec. However, with that said they both (mediators) said that they will not schedule anything until one of the two sides are ready to move as we hit a stalemate. The union is done moving and adjusting on giving the co. relief on certain issues. As the co. has not moved on any of the must haves they were demanding, it is time for them to move or we just keep the contract we have which will not allow them to do many of the maint. outsourcing they want and say "need" to do. So until they so movement (which they have at one time and yanked it off the table) then we will sit idle at status quo with current contract as "they" are the ones seeking relief in current contract language as well as maint in Hawaii, soooo, we sit and wait.
Then you need to take a strike vote and asked to be released.
But weez! How do you explain this?

View attachment 12188
We no longer handle the mail at the docks. How can this be?

First Bob thanks for posting this since we have a Troll on the thread who is living in Disney’s Fantasy Land speaking over and over about Card Drives and all around just trying to annoy people.

TRANSPORT WORKERS UNION was Certified by the NMB on July 22, 1946. (71 Years ago)

Yes we can all expect a future successful Card Drive, LMFAO.

Second Bob did you look at the back of the Contract and read the LOA’s. I think I recall (Not researching today Saturday) the specificity on Mail being back there.

And our contract allows for us to do many job functions that Company has others doing through Legal agreement.
Then you need to take a strike vote and asked to be released.

Mr Talbert are you out of your mind. SWA Management would completely annihilate them. It would be total scorched Earth.

No they need to wait and someday many many years from now the Company will move on their position. (Not a dime of retro of course)
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