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JCBA Negotiations and updates for AA Fleet. **New and improved 2.0 version**

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The healthcare is percentages paid.

LAA pays 21% of the total cost.

The lowest LUS pays is 14% of the total cost.

So no one is losing their healthcare, the percentage of cost is the issue.

LUS IAM percentage costs survived three rounds of concessions in two separate chapter 11 bankruptcies, A JCBA with HP and a stand alone Section 6 CBA in 2014.

There is no reason why the percentage can’t stay the same or meet in the middle.

This percentage stayed the same for the IAM, while. ALPA, AFA, CWA/IBT and the TWU at US all paid higher premiums than the IAM.

It seems your taking enjoyment if the IAM members have to pay more, I hope I’m wrong.

I believe the scope will be blended and it should increase work, not lose it.
Easy for you to say meet in the middle. Why would we have to meet in the middle....no reason.
At any rate, it gone. My guess is that mr baskett and the other bullchitters know this but i cant keep them from lying and claiming they arent giving up health care. Sito may not have informed them though.

The company will most definately start taking additional things off the table. The iam will lose alot of work if this goes to section 6. Half of phl is work being done outside our scope, and some clt work.
When the T/A comes out and whatever it contains I hope you will go through it with a red marker like you did with the UA agreements. Do you think the association will try using vague terms like “no involuntary furlough” like they did with UA and have people vote off a “highlights” sheet?

When the T/A comes out and whatever it contains I hope you will go through it with a red marker like you did with the UA agreements. Do you think the association will try using vague terms like “no involuntary furlough” like they did with UA and have people vote off a “highlights” sheet?

Yes I will. The problem that the association has is that Sito may be playing politics since he is aware of an upcoming election, with election notices most likely being sent out in october. He should focus on this contract though because we are goin to have election after election until the members voices are heard, according to my upholding of their rights to keep this going year after year until the members voices are heard.
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Yes. I will. The problem that the association has is that Sito may be playing politics since he is aware of the upcoming election, with election notices most likely being sent out in october. He should focus on this contract though because we are goin to have election after election until the members voices are heard, according to my upholding of their rights to keep this going year after year until the members voices are heard.

Comic books Tim.

Im really hoping that you stop destroying our negotiations. Alex worships and believes Sito as Sito plays Alex for a moron. Alex communicates with you and you need to tell him to leave the poo poo farm and start representing his members. Its so sad that it appears that Sito put fleet on ice just due to politics. I keep telling you but you dont listen. Most lus posters on here (those that are still here) are complete mor ok ns and its impossible for them to understand. You seem to have some brains and unfortunately conned the idiots into your agenda as a twu fella, but if Sito is playing politics then you and alex' agenda will backfire. I guess nobody can stop you. So sad.
Apparently, there is more money in creating one HERE!

You know instead of going through all the Theater of playing multiple parts for his one man play all he had to say is this.

“In the past at another airline the IAM presented a TA to be voted on that basically was only a highlight sheet and didn’t have all of the details put out to the Membership before they voted. I hope that would not be the case when we receive our TA. We need to have all the details to really consider the deal.”

Now even though I doubt that actually occurred and if it ever did of course that’s shameful but I’m sure nothing like that will or will need to occur here under our Negotiations.

I’m sure the first of the process will be to release a highlight sheet then followed by the full JCBA’s that need to be voted on with roadshows to explain the deals.
Im really hoping that you stop destroying our negotiations. Alex worships and believes Sito as Sito plays Alex for a moron. Alex communicates with you and you need to tell him to leave the poo poo farm and start representing his members. Its so sad that it appears that Sito put fleet on ice just due to politics. I keep telling you but you dont listen. Most lus posters on here (those that are still here) are complete mor ok ns and its impossible for them to understand. You seem to have some brains and unfortunately conned the idiots into your agenda as a twu fella, but if Sito is playing politics then you and alex' agenda will backfire. I guess nobody can stop you. So sad.

Is someone talking here? No, no one is listening. No one at all.

I guess nobody can stop you. So sad.
You know instead of going through all the Theater of playing multiple parts for his one man play all he had to say is this.

“In the past at another airline the IAM presented a TA to be voted on that basically was only a highlight sheet and didn’t have all of the details put out to the Membership before they voted. I hope that would not be the case when we receive our TA. We need to have all the details to really consider the deal.”

Now even though I doubt that actually occurred and if it ever did of course that’s shameful but I’m sure nothing like that will or will need to occur here under our Negotiations.

I’m sure the first of the process will be to release a highlight sheet then followed by the full JCBA’s that need to be voted on with roadshows to explain the deals.
You need to stop worrying about 1998, and refocus on redoubling your efforts on securing a fair contract. Instead of circumventing all your fine Local leaders id recomment that you stop all the hate and division you cause at your local. Granted, nobody listens to you at your local since they banished you because of your work ethic and tantrums, but Alex is circumventing your local and talking to you.
On Airline Forums all one can really do is try. Facebook is the only page with a true blocking feature.

But every time a fly lands on your food you do feel compelled to try and shoo it away as you think it’s pooping and vomiting on what you would like to enjoy.

Dude they finished their CBA a few years ago.

They are not negotiating, they havent fully implemented it.

Agree finish with the JCBA but the group has not done the Flight Attendant Operational Integration (FOI) yet

And other words Flight Attendant are not operating jointly still operating as two different groups

Sound familiar
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Agree finish with the JCBA but the group has not done the Flight Attendant Operational Integration (FOI) yet

And other words Flight Attendant are not operating jointly still operating as to different groups

You’d like to hope the Company can focus on more than one thing at one time. But the FA’s did get their deal a few years ago now and are consistently badgering for more improvements any time another FA group out there gets a dime or they continue to not be able to figure out how to get the itching powder out of their uniforms.

Frankly the APFA is duty bound to focus on the wants and needs of those they represent but I really don’t have any focus on putting them first when we’ve been waiting years now for our real true bite of the Apple.
Agree finish with the JCBA but the group has not done the Flight Attendant Operational Integration (FOI) yet

And other words Flight Attendant are not operating jointly still operating as two different groups

Sound familiar
It’s not like the former HP/US Pilot situation , pilots never reached a JCBA.

And the flight attendants are working under the same contract.
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It’s not like the former HP/US Pilot situation , pilots never reached a JCBA.

And the flight attendants are working under the same contract.

And in that case AFA-CWA ultimately honored the process and stepped aside. The LUS F/As have gotten substantial pay increases and now have more member focused representatives rather than a subsidiary of a big money AFL-CIO outfit that primarily serves workers in the telecom industry.

Why couldn’t the IAM do the same like they did after TWA and with FL tampers when they integrated into WN?

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