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Speaking of DAT days (Day off at a time) What is the opinion on that?

From what I understand at other Airlines people can exchange their extra Holliday pay for essentially more vacation time.

If a group has 10 Holliday’s at Double Time those can be converted generating 2 more weeks off per year.

Depending on restrictions I’d personally love to have that option.
We have that, I don’t use it but it’s a nice option for those who do

But then I’m a moron remember so who knows?
At US DAT days come out of your vacation allotment, not holidays.

Holidays you can bank 8 hours and use it later as a comp day.

So if you have four weeks vacation you can do the following:

1. Use all four weeks as block vacation.
2. Use three weeks block and one week (5 days) as DAT.
3. Use two week block and 10 DAT.

And if you get ten holidays you can get 10 comp days.
My problem with DAT has been it was subject to operational need-- in essence, it wasn't automatic regardless if one earned the day(s) off. Unfortunately, one wouldn't know until about a week before the date in question. Personally, I would rather have established relationships with other co-workers and just drop the days off or post to Workbrain.
At US DAT days come out of your vacation allotment, not holidays.

Holidays you can bank 8 hours and use it later as a comp day.

So if you have four weeks vacation you can do the following:

1. Use all four weeks as block vacation.
2. Use three weeks block and one week (5 days) as DAT.
3. Use two week block and 10 DAT.

And if you get ten holidays you can get 10 comp days.

Ok then “Comp days”

Can you or rat tell me exactly how it works to convert? Are the rules different depending on what Station you work in?

My assumption is if suddenly you want next week off you wouldn’t be granted it as it’s not giving the Company enough time to cover? And some weeks I’m sure are more desirable than others.

If you say you want to convert do you have to bid it at the beginning of the year?
My problem with DAT has been it was subject to operational need-- in essence, it wasn't automatic regardless if one earned the day(s) off. Unfortunately, one wouldn't know until about a week before the date in question. Personally, I would rather have established relationships with other co-workers and just drop the days off or post to Workbrain.

Thank you Jester. We were both writing at the same time.

If they refused to grant it to you unconditionally can you find someone to work for you and receive the pay?

We used to call them PV’s. They also came out of next years Vacation allotment. (Up to 5 days only)
This is from IAM CBA
Employees will receive straight-time pay for regularly scheduled hours worked on a holiday. In addition each employee on active pay status will receive holiday pay for holidays at his regular rate of pay or such employee may elect to receive compensatory time as provided for below and in Paragraph G. of this Article. Holiday pay is defined as follows:Compensatory time may be accrued up to a maximum of eighty (80) hours as described in Paragraphs F.1 and F.2 above. Requests for compensatory time off must be submitted subject to local policy and will be granted based on the needs of service.
We have that, I don’t use it but it’s a nice option for those who do

But then I’m a moron remember so who knows?
Don't feel bad Rat... EVERYONE is moron except that Bank Teller dude, and several other contrived characters!

The Membership is solidly behind the current team, and has been very patient and understanding throughout this entire process. The "process" is being explained in detail very well on here by Weez... CB... RacerX... Watcher... and others. I commend you Rat, for your careful observations regarding fact vs.fiction -- and reality vs.comic book scripts...

Believe me, you are no moron -- but someone would like for you to be!
On the maintenance side the DAT and Comp is allowed up to the vacation allotment.

If the allotment is full you can find someone to work a shift swap and you use a DAT or Comp to get paid and it doesn’t count against your swap bank.
Requests for compensatory time off must be submitted subject to local policy and will be granted based on the needs of service.

Our PV’s were also by request pretty much under the same stipulations. Some times of the year and certain days (Super Bowl Sunday) it was more difficult to get off than others.

We used to also be able to buy a Vacation week that came out of our allotment for the following year.

It was the stupidest purchase I ever made one year since all they had available was February which no one wanted. I never bought another one again.
On the maintenance side the DAT and Comp is allowed up to the vacation allotment.

If the allotment is full you can find someone to work a shift swap and you use a DAT or Comp to get paid and it doesn’t count against your swap bank.

I’d be perfectly ok with that arrangement. I don’t mind a little work to get the days off.
When the T/A comes out and whatever it contains I hope you will go through it with a red marker like you did with the UA agreements. Do you think the association will try using vague terms like “no involuntary furlough” like they did with UA and have people vote off a “highlights” sheet?

Regarding the United agreement, it really didnt matter what i said as the members honestly just wanted the bonus and cash. I made it clear to them that Mr Klemm was a liar, lying about United ground, full time commitment, unlimited pt, and loa9 when all jobs are gone.

Many on this page are complete idiots and will believe convenient lies by mr baskett. Lus health is gone. They will also gladly give up health care and pension again. Just idiots.
Even when i used to point out the facts, they got even more angry at me as they choose rather to walk off a cliff. I lose nothing either way. I will not be wasting my time putting out organized explanations of the entire jcba, just a focus solely on the iamnpf
The company can give a bonus, plus 6% raise and remove pt caps with a "fake full time commitment letter" and lose lus health care and even claim it wasnt a concession like at United....and the jcba will pass by 95%.
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Since you’re interested in facts maybe you should recognize the fact that the membership clearly doesn’t want you and your group this has been proven time again. There may need to be change in leadership at the top but the members Clearly don’t think you’re it.
Now quit wasting the DOL and the rest us time.

Now if you really want to have fun, use your flight benefits to fly down to Clt and refer to me as an idiot or a moron to my face
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