The poor, poor, babies. Not sure how they'll be able to face their neighbors in "Better-Than-Thou-ville" after a net pay cut lke that.
I didn't expect any sympathy from anyone, especially you, Frank, but the fact is that people at all income levels live paycheck to paycheck.
I know one guy in management who wound up in foreclosure because of his pay cut. The value on his house took a 50% cut, and taking a job somewhere else as you suggested wasn't quite so simple as you make it out to be because there was no way he could get out from underneath his mortgage short of foreclosure. He's in another job now that the house was repo'd, but even though he's making more than AA paid, he won't be buying a house for another two or three years at best because of lending requirements. There are probably tens of millions of current and former homeowners who can well afford to buy houses today, yet are locked out of housing market because of the overall collapse in values.
Another guy I know with a six figure salary and six kids wound up in both foreclosure and bankruptcy because his wife lost her job, and that's how they were making ends meet.
Yep, it's all their fault for living within what their means were at the time, right?
There were some people who mocked the pilot and flight attendant couple in Southlake who were bemoaning in the newspaper the fact that the pay cuts in 2003 forced him to take his kids out of private school.
Laugh again now if you must, but the fact is that they were living within their means one day, and the next day, they couldn't make ends meet.
Doesn't matter what your pay grade is, disrupting your kids lives because of your income sucks.
Doesn't matter what your pay grade is, foreclosure sucks.
Doesn't matter what your pay grade is, telling your kid he's now on his own for college sucks.
I know, management pukes from Centerpork deserve what they get. Heard that message loud and clear from you and others for the past ten years or so.