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JCBA Negotiations and updates for AA Fleet. **New and improved 2.0 version**

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The IAM PAID OFF the TWU, bet you didn’t know that?

Your leadership back then sold the members to the IAM.

And even if the IAM stepped aside a JCBA, still would have to been negotiated and who knows how long or what it would have contained.

Reality, sucks when it gets in the way of your narrative.

That last sentence sure was a past quote from 700...
Original package was $20 million, Judge Lane rejected it.

Second package $17 million Judge Lane approved.

Both packages were part of AA’s POR and was approved by the Judge and the Crediors, all part of Chapter 11 Bankruptcy, he got his money.
Lol, get your facts straight, 17 million.
All I remember about 95 was all the old farts trying to get me to vote yes on it. I was in 5 months before it passed in October. Buyouts shouldn’t be attached to Contracts period.

if the buyouts were generous, why not? if the company offers ridiculously meager buyouts, then they should never complain about dead weight.

the company is offering 1 yr. pay to leave? 35-40 yr veterans will fall out of bed making $80+k with an easy shift. they aren't going anywhere. i'm thinking $125k, the constipation at the top of seniority lists will be alleviated.

i don't understand the company's logic, especially when buyouts can be written off?

Very passionate from Gary. He right. Now take that passion and pass it onto the IAM side at the table and get er done.

Why is it that Gary Peterson can put out a more informative and substantive update with a what appears to be a laptop computer and YouTube account than the IAM communications department with its bevy of overpaid communications staff, studios, camera equipment, journals touting UGE and McGee voluntary recognition schemes?


They could but like Bob said the NC does not want to release all the info to the members until T/A day is reached then all hell will break out. I blame the asso. as they are in full control of how the release of info is done.
When the new agreement drops I’m going up to putting 25% into my 401k.

that's a lot of money. if you can get by, more power to you.

fidelity manages my account and it warms my heart that a few guys that throw bags for a living beat fidelity by 2%-3% last year.
if the buyouts were generous, why not? if the company offers ridiculously meager buyouts, then they should never complain about dead weight.

Because many crusty geezers have been lingering around like wretched ghouls hoping the dangling carrot on the stick falls off so they can choke on it as it goes down.

They can offer a contract wiping us out completely and they’ll be geezers bugging kids like they did me in 95 to vote yes on it. Crema I just have this lingering distant memory of some old POS who bothered me when I hired on and didn’t know any better to vote to let him get out.

And I’m not really crazy on the idea of bonuses either and especially not a freakin lousy 3 Grand to carry the next 5 years. They can go piss themselves on that one too.
All changes for insurance started in 2005.

CWA approved their chapter 11 concessions and didn’t seem IAM medical.

CWA/IBT approve transition agreement with HP merger, didn’t seem IAM medical.

2011 CWA negotiates again, no IAM medical

AA/US merger CBA, again no IAM medical.

They had ample opportunities to negotiate for it.
Their insurance was pretty close to the IAMs.Still not sure you are correct
They did not pay the same percentage in premiums as the IAM did.

Been this way since 2005.

IAM members paid less and had better coverage.
Very passionate from Gary. He right. Now take that passion and pass it onto the IAM side at the table and get er done.

They could but like Bob said the NC does not want to release all the info to the members until T/A day is reached then all hell will break out. I blame the asso. as they are in full control of how the release of info is done.

Stand back everyone. It’s coming soon to a Theater near you.

...or a union like the IAM who has never met a concession they didn’t like or help the company achieve.

AS SEA where the IAM didn’t get the jobs back and now has that work performed by dues paying low wage McGee?

Multiple rounds of concessions at USAIS, UA, TWA, destroying careers of thousands at Eastern, SEA AS ramp, UGE, McGee should I go on?

Isn't that the truth. But, not knocking here just pointing out the truth as well, the TWU is also just as guilty as the IAM in bringing back or agreeing to concessions for the last 30 years plus. What is really bad is now these two unions are representing both carriers now after they combined the worst 2 unions out there, now that is sad. I know, I know, you guys didn't have a choice as it was rammed down the throats of the membership.

what did judge lane do to horton's severance? we also know that mr. johnsen is not the ceo.

anyways, what you stated is not in the realm of reality. this is aa, not lus. there is no way aa will file for bk in the near future.

Never say never. Maybe not the near future, but they did it last time with 4-5 billion.
that's a lot of money. if you can get by, more power to you.

fidelity manages my account and it warms my heart that a few guys that throw bags for a living beat fidelity by 2%-3% last year.

I’m at 22% now and I still have plenty of wiggle room.

I found this out the other day and posted it. The average 401k match is now 4.5% and even with it that low still 20% of the average workers don’t take full advantage. And all the Companies know those numbers.
Labor needs to stop looking the rear view mirror. ‘95, ‘03, SARS, BK- all of those are behind us. Has no one told labor leaders? Perspective is good; being handcuffed to it is not. Peace.
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