most are crew chiefs...getting the c/c premium and sitting in a chair for 8 hrs/5-6 hr scam cs added on to their day. these guys want the stability of a contract.
when i talk about unions as a whole being weak, i'm talking about anything and everything is considered a job action and the unions have no real arrows in their quiver to force the company's hand. even the pilots' union (stronger than us) got a heavy slap and fine and bent over after the great sick-out of 1999.
personally, i can bend on an issue (medical, c/c language more restrictive cs policy) or two, but, i expect the company to reciprocate with compensation & scope that blows everyone else out of the water. the love they take is equal to the love they make; none.
1995 was a terrible contract. we lost a week vc and the wages barely moved up. the company argued backwards (bush recession, gulf war) but knew that everyone and their mother would be flying going forward. i think those that argue to accept to the company's proposals are set quality of work-wise and money-wise and are looking after themselves wanting the stability of a contract.