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JCBA Negotiations and updates for AA Fleet. **New and improved 2.0 version**

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Maybe this is something Our Unions and the APA and APFA can work on together or at least enlist their support? They fly on the planes that are searched and deiced and I think they would want to make sure both are done properly.

I don’t think we’re going to lose Deicing frankly. TWU 512 ORD President Juan Elvira was a deicer before he just won his position and loves the job and no way Hughes accepts the crap either.
Actually it is all the IAM's fault. They should have stepped aside after the merger and allowed the TWU to be the only union on the premises.

Like the TWU did when US merged with HP!
The IAM PAID OFF the TWU, bet you didn’t know that?

Your leadership back then sold the members to the IAM.

And even if the IAM stepped aside a JCBA, still would have to been negotiated and who knows how long or what it would have contained.

Reality, sucks when it gets in the way of your narrative.
Why should LUS give up its healthcare when it survived three rounds of concessions in two different bankruptcies?

It survived the JCBA with the US/HP merger in 2008.

It survived the 2014 Section 6 CBA.

The healthcare survived the worst of times when US was on the brink of extinction.

Who cares what other groups have, the don’t negotiate for the Association and vice versa.

It’s a $6,500 hit for some on the LUS side.

It baffles my brain why the healthcare has to go when this company is posting record profits.

Wake up people!
I wonder how much it would cost for the whole company to go to the US plan??
Probably less than what they’ve paid that turd who blew up the negotiations last week
I wonder how much it would cost for the whole company to go to the US plan??
Who f-ing cares how much it costs' them... how much does it cost the Membership if they don't ?

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gulfcoast don’t let anyone convince you that you shouldn’t have the better/ lower cost medical.

Of course everything from the Medical to improvements in wages, retirement and other compensation areas including jobs has a price to the Company. But the Company to me can’t get away from the fact that they “chose” to divert 10 BILLION dollars since the merger to buying back AAL shares. And why I’m really not interested in striking any concessionary deal myself.

A birdy told me the cost to do away with the IAM Medical for their members comes out to a savings of 15 Million for the Company. And to extend the IAM medical out to all Association Members is a cost to the Company of 39 Million.

Again Management and the BOD authorized TEN BILLION DOLLARS of the Airlines cash go to Wall Street.
Weez the 15 million to 39 million ratio doesnt work mathematically. BOB HELP
Who f-ing cares how much it costs' them... how much does it cost the Membership if they don't ?

Because if its a reasonable cost it might be worked out.Not I got mine f@@k everyone else.Think you might have spat on your shoe
Others unions negotiated what the wanted and or agreed too.

None of them said a word about the extra raises they got and didn’t support you at all.

The IAM represented employees were the only ones to have this insurance. The other unions had several opportunities to negotiate for it and they didn’t.
Because if its a reasonable cost it might be worked out.Not I got mine f@@k everyone else.Think you might have spat on your shoe

Dude... have ever played poker? First... the Company reads and archives EVERYTHING we write here...
Why would you be speaking publicly in an open forum about what you may, or not be willing to accept in a finalized T/A?

This is not an f-inf private Union Meeting... thank God the Negotiations Committee doesn't reveal their strategy here for the Co. to use against us!

Because if its a reasonable cost it might be worked out.Not I got mine f@@k everyone else.Think you might have spat on your shoe

Al it’s not our Unions place or responsibility to negotiate for any of the other Labor groups on the property. Those Labor groups have their own Negotiators, Lawyers and Economists who work strictly for them just like ours work strictly for us.

I personally don’t see any of the other groups suffering at the moment.
I wonder how much it would cost for the whole company to go to the US plan??

They’re not plans. They’re expenses the Company chooses to charge us as compensation for Medical care. The Company is self insured and they pay a provider to administer the selections.
They’re not plans. They’re expenses the Company chooses to charge us as compensation for Medical care. The Company is self insured and they pay a provider to administer the selections.
They are "expenses" ONLY from the Company's perspective... from the Membership's perspective.... they are compensation, or benefits... PERIOD!

I wonder how much it would cost for the whole company to go to the US plan??
That is more than likely the biggest Hang up on the medical. The company knows that if the association retains the LUS medical then ALL other represented groups will come after it. It should not be held against us just because other groups gave in. But it is.
Not true, only the IAM, were the only group to have this insurance since 2005.

Other unions had several opportunities to negotiate it for it and chose not too.
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