At delta, i would think they would get rid of most stations, if not all. Especially since there isnt a merger dispute that would limit it. sCo workers were smart and waited to get under the merger umbrella. As is they still paid a monster cost with the elimination of cargo and most of their stations. Pce got crushed. Prior to voting in the iam, sCo did most of their own res and did most of their own stations. Soon thereafter, most got wiped out insomuch that only a few dozen exist and i dont even think they do weez station mia. But, due to the merger procedures, i think it was morally sound to bring them under the union umbrella. The iam just did an awful job with them but so united ground can take over. In 2024, not one of their jobs is protected.
With no merger, i really can only see maybe atl ramp staying open, if that. And jetblue would end up like Republic, frontier, allegiant, spirit.
Remember, i think it was either ata or midway that the iam organized that all got contracted out. It isnt exclusive with the iam. When the ibt represented Republic ramp and ticketing, the company contracted out all jobs after it cut the deal with the ibt stews.. 100%.
To this day, the ibt still represents those crafts...but no workers.