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JCBA Negotiations and updates for AA Fleet. **New and improved 2.0 version**

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AA was the only one attain through the bankruptcy process.

UA outside of BK when the company was posting modest profit amidst a rising tide in the industry

US: 2008 agreement abandoned small stations; in 2011 US contracted out BUF before the CBA became amendable 11/2011

I forgot what they dId to Buf and what Alaska did to the IAM.But 700 said they won the arbitration but they are still out of work
I just can’t stand that people don’t just talk straight in this World. Always got to beat around the damn bush.
No Weez with an airline this size you do need a union.But unions arent an answer to everything in this case DL and Jeblue are better off without.I cant stand when people think they work for the union not the company

I missed that. Are you seriously asking me what good are contracts Al? Seriously?

How many contracts have you signed as a homeowner? How easy would it be for you to just get out of those contracts?
No Weez with an airline this size you do need a union.But unions arent an answer to everything in this case DL and Jeblue are better off without.I cant stand when people think they work for the union not the company

I say the Workers determine if they’re better off and they have every right to advocate to gain a Union for their entire career if they want. From the stories I hear and read no I don’t think DL and JetBlue are better off. And JetBlue FA’s are going to vote in the TWU cause they don’t feel that way either. I absolutely don’t feel I’d be better off without a Union. (The CBA in particular)

I KNOW I work for the Company Al. But I work for the Company under contract. They have their rights and I have mine and I expect both of us to respect that.

But an elected representative when he’s in that role does work for us. (The Union)
So just say it Al. You wish you had no Union and no contract and would be much happier with the Company having all the control.

Why can’t you just say that?
I have a suggestion for people like Al, if you wish to be part of an unrepresented work-group in the "employee at will" arena, simply LEAVE your position.
Either attempt to go into management with your current employer, or better yet... seek employment with another company where there are no union contracts...

This would be a very simple solution compared to spending countless hours on here arguing with those that ARE (and wist to be) represented, that being non-union would be more advantageous.

Unless of course... there is a more sinister, and less obvious reason... turncoat perhaps?
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I forgot what they dId to Buf and what Alaska did to the IAM.But 700 said they won the arbitration but they are still out of work

AS SEA was farmed out 08/2005. The arbiter ruled AS evaded the CBA but didn’t require the work come back.

I think 700s famed contribution was on outsourcing of (then) newer Airbus aircraft but again the work never came back yet his answer is “the language was tested”,

I have a suggestion for people like Al, if you wish to be part of an unrepresented work-group in the "employee at will" arena, simply LEAVE your position.
Either attempt to go into management with your current employer, or better yet... seek employment with another company where there are no union contracts...

This would be a very simple solution compared to spending countless hours on here arguing with those that ARE (and wist to be) represented, that being non-union would be more advantageous.

Unless of course... there is a more sinister, and less obvious reason... turncoat perhaps?

PIEDMONT Al hired on with US when I was 13 and I always come back to give him respect for that. He has a right to his opinions. I don’t like it when he does it with mockery though sometimes but then again I do live in my own glass house.

So I’m not into the guy should just quit line that’s thrown back and forth in both directions. But I am always curious why people who aren’t fans of being in a Union don’t go into Management? That’s a job where you don’t lose your time in the Company and have to start from scratch AND they give you a raise.

I think deep down I know why they don’t go Management though, lol.
Weez if the LLCers were unorganized they probably would be in a better place than the IAM acting in the interest of their organization over the membership.

Weez if the LLCers were unorganized they probably would be in a better place than the IAM acting in the interest of their organization over the membership.


You REPORTED me the other day because I put up a funny picture of your stupid “”””FAKE”””” Josh name.

You REPORTED me!!!!!!

You REPORTED me!!!!!!
You REPORTED me the other day because I put up a funny picture of your stupid “”””FAKE”””” Josh name.

You REPORTED me!!!!!!

You REPORTED me!!!!!!
That's because he ain't no Bank-Teller.... he's a Rank- Feller...
I forgot what they dId to Buf and what Alaska did to the IAM.But 700 said they won the arbitration but they are still out of work
BUF was slated to be outsourced in Jan, and the company removed the FSAs a bit earlier than they were supposed to be. It had something to do with the company fearing that they would sabatoge the operation during the holidays. I believe that they got some back pay along with the fair amount that they were shorted in their pension contribution as well from being let go earlier than they should have been. IND along with a few stations on the West side all got chopped at the same time due to the weekly fight minimums increasing per the CBA on a given date.
AS SEA was farmed out 08/2005. The arbiter ruled AS evaded the CBA but didn’t require the work come back.

I think 700s famed contribution was on outsourcing of (then) newer Airbus aircraft but again the work never came back yet his answer is “the language was tested”,

At delta, i would think they would get rid of most stations, if not all. Especially since there isnt a merger dispute that would limit it. sCo workers were smart and waited to get under the merger umbrella. As is they still paid a monster cost with the elimination of cargo and most of their stations. Pce got crushed. Prior to voting in the iam, sCo did most of their own res and did most of their own stations. Soon thereafter, most got wiped out insomuch that only a few dozen exist and i dont even think they do weez station mia. But, due to the merger procedures, i think it was morally sound to bring them under the union umbrella. The iam just did an awful job with them but so united ground can take over. In 2024, not one of their jobs is protected.
With no merger, i really can only see maybe atl ramp staying open, if that. And jetblue would end up like Republic, frontier, allegiant, spirit.
Remember, i think it was either ata or midway that the iam organized that all got contracted out. It isnt exclusive with the iam. When the ibt represented Republic ramp and ticketing, the company contracted out all jobs after it cut the deal with the ibt stews.. 100%.
To this day, the ibt still represents those crafts...but no workers.
Btw, weez still hasnt come up with any historical evidence to support his stance that jetblue workers would be better off with voting in a union. Weez is pro labor organization but anti worker. So sad.
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