And I’ve come to expect your habitual 5 AM Robo hits by now. The other thing you wrote is nothing but pure garbage Company man.
if you know the answer, you should answer the question.
will the company be potentially opened up to sharing more profits? if so, it would behoove the company to pay us, get a contract and avoid a mediator.
if it will cost the company $39 million to get everyone on lus insurance, would it make sense to lose $80 million a year to profit sharing to 'punish' everyone with laa insurance?
No, they would not be "opened up to sharing more profits."
If you think mediators are going to make decisions based on what AAL can afford you are going to be disappointed...they will compare compensation to DL and UA
well, i never said anything about fair.
i asked if the mediator could/would potentially meddle with and start making suggestions about aa's billions in regards to comparing dl's/ua's/wn's profit sharing. one just said that a mediator would do exactly that.
if that is the case, why would aa risk ponying up more money, money that is their's. pure profit after paying everyone. why cut off your nose to spite your face?
NYer - i appreciate the answer...i'd ask, i don't see aa forced to pay everyone a 16% match with the 401k....but, your point is taken.
NYer - i appreciate the answer...i'd ask, i don't see aa forced to pay everyone a 16% match with the 401k....but, your point is taken.
You have a desk?BTW Bob it’s not called a TA when the Company gives an “offer” A TA is a “Tentative Agreement” If we get a TA to vote on and I don’t agree with it, I’ll thankfully have access to some of the guys that sent it out to me and will get the straight reason why it’s on my desk.
But right now this thing from the Company (The one that spend 10 Billion with a B, on share buybacks) is an offer. Nothing more.
No, they would not be "opened up to sharing more profits."
It would cost the airline substantially more than $39M for not having everyone in the LAA medical because that would open the door for other groups to want to leave the LAA medical as well.
You didn't join all of us on the backside of the clock just to respond to him, did you?
You mention the “part time cap” did they mention that in either their Jetnet print or the two videos they put out? I do not recal seeing/hearing it or what they were asking.Mediation is nothing more than marriage counseling. If you think mediators are going to make decisions based on what AAL can afford you are going to be disappointed...they will compare compensation to DL and UA...also a mediator won’t get assigned till way down the’s going to be awhile guys...neither side is moving off medical, part-time cap or scope anytime soon...
On another subject, in DFW, the financing for the extra heads for de-icing and BOC have never been approved despite being used for a couple of years now...close to 300’s the reason DFW numbers shine in winter more closing gates to get your de-icers...Insider says they may be hiring again this fall in DFW...DFW really needs its own financial model instead of shoe horning in those of smaller stations...never understood that...
They could/would make suggestions but it will most probably be in the items that cause the stalemate.
In this case it seems it would be outsourcing and the medical. Typically, their comparisons aren't advantageous to us especially if there are other gains within the negotiations.
NYer - correct...aa would also not be forced to put other work groups on lus' medical.
it works one way and not the other?
i also think that the pilots and f/as don't have to contribute anything and they still get 16% and 9%-9.9% sliding scale?