Just some FYI's.
No union should be in control of your pensions--PERIOD. Unions want the control so they can threaten the membership that they will lose it if they vote current union out and new union in (current situation at US).
The Pension at US has in fact started reducing benefits. Yea, 700, maybe not in the M&R groups yet but they have in fact reduced benefits and that will be just a start. We have all sat here and watched all the airlines squirm their way out of the pensions. US/AA will be no different when it comes time, and I will tell you now the pensions are more than likely gone at US. Do you really think AA will continue to fund them as they just ridded themselves of the AA pensions, or at least froze them? When it's all said and done and AA and US are considered one, there will be no more pension payments at AA. Therefore the US guys need not to be worried about changing unions. Plus as long as it's in the contract the new union (AMFA) would still have to honor said pensions as all they will do is INHERIT the current contract and still represent everything in the current contract as status quo.
I also do not agree with a union running the pensions as the international get's different payouts than the membership does, JUST LIKE, the international officers get different pay scales as the members. All this is dead wrong guys. With the international's wages not affected by the concessions trains, why wouldn't they agree to all the concessions since it does not affect them. If you guys were to tie there pay as well as the pensions the same as the members are it would illuminate most of the agreeing to concessions like we all saw at AA all the time. Don't get me wrong, international officers should get paid more, but a small % to reflect the work performed not 3 times the members wages, not 3 times the pension payout of members, that's way too much and draws nothing but money hungry representatives to the union not hard working, work related and member focused leaders, (I GOT MINE).
The teamsters pensions should have raised every ones eyes. Then AA promised to keep all the pensions as long as all the employees agreed to the pay cuts, job losses, and all the other concessions, just to later down the road trash the pensions, cut pay again and cut even more jobs and positions. WHAT MAKES YOU GUYS THINK THEY WILL HONOR THE US PENSIONS???
On a final note; You guys at AA and US need to get on the same page and rid yourselves of the industrial unions at both AA and US. Bring the union that allows the members to change leaders when they need to (this was done at SWA as proof that you are able to do it), It was done at local officers levels as well as done at the top National Officers were removed and replaced. The Membership CANNOT do that at any of the other industrial unions--PERIOD. Bring in the union that allows and encourages contract nego's as well as other nego's with the company, watch your union at work. Bring in the union where the membership will make the most decisions that affect the entire membership. Bring in the union that focusses on mechanics and related, and get all the other non-essentials off your coat tails. We've done it here at SWA many many years ago guys and we have not been more happier. Yes we were nervous at first but extremely glad we did it after just a short time we realized how big the differences were. I wish you all good luck at both AA and US. It's time for change, and I hope you guys get it done in 2014...