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I did not admit that AMFA is trying to unite mechanics, Bob said that.
And the membership totally has a say in the direction of the labor movement. That's how the system is supposed to work but the members need to get involved, vote, write, etc...
Overspeed said:
"UAL's continued insistence on ignoring their excessive outsourcing damages the already strained relationship with UAL maintenance employees," AMFA Local 9 President Joseph Prisco said in a statement. In the statement, Prisco, whose union represents more than half of United's mechanics, said that since 2001 the number of "mechanics and related staff" has dropped from 15,000 to 5,600.
At UAL it started with the IAM and ended with AMFA. UAL members ousted AMFA and in came the IBT.
Wow, this reminds me of another famous quote ....
"...It's a simple fact that when a company shrinks so does it's workforce. Closing all those stations and bases makes sense when the airline shrank...."
Oh! thats your quote!
So its excusable when its the TWU but its not with any other union.  Hypocrisy at its finest.
BTW still waiting for you to back up your LIE that 80% of AMFA members lost their jobs.
UAL did not shrink by half nor did it buy tons of new aircraft and you know that. The IMC closed due to outsourcing, OAK was closed for..., and SFO AO was mostly outsourced as well. Not due to a shrinking airline.
At AA the airline bought TWA and had too many AMTs initially, shrank down from 820 to just over 600 aircraft, bought a bunch of new planes, and did reduce some overhaul capacity (AFW AO mainly) of about 2,000 AMT/OSMs directly as a result of new outsourcing.
MCI was shuttered down to a lack of needed capacity and AFW AO closed due to outsourcing. Those line stations closed DTW, MSP, CLE, etc... were no longer needed and that work is now done in the big hubs. Airlines normally open and close stations from time to time as flying changes.
Overspeed said:
UAL did not shrink by half nor did it buy tons of new aircraft and you know that. The IMC closed due to outsourcing, OAK was closed for..., and SFO AO was mostly outsourced as well. Not due to a shrinking airline.
At AA the airline bought TWA and had too many AMTs initially, shrank down from 820 to just over 600 aircraft, bought a bunch of new planes, and did reduce some overhaul capacity (AFW AO mainly) of about 2,000 AMT/OSMs directly as a result of new outsourcing.
MCI was shuttered down to a lack of needed capacity and AFW AO closed due to outsourcing. Those line stations closed DTW, MSP, CLE, etc... were no longer needed and that work is now done in the big hubs. Airlines normally open and close stations from time to time as flying changes.
How many times are you going to flaunt your ignorance about UAL in yet another pathetic attempt to slight AMFA?
"...Not due to a shrinking airline..."   you say?
Here is just one of many links available that prove you haven't the first clue as to what went on at UAL.
"...the airline has made one change after another since early in its overhaul.
It now has about 30 percent fewer employees (58,000), 20 percent fewer airplanes (460) and 20 percent lower operating costs (7.5 cents per seat per mile), excluding fuel, than it did when the bankruptcy began on Dec. 9, 2002. Labor costs are down by more than $3 billion annually after two steep pay cuts and the elimination of defined-benefit pensions. Dozens of daily domestic flights have been eliminated...."
30% fewer employees - 20% fewer planes but according to you its not due to a shrinking airline.
You are utterly clueless.
Throttle back. Your anger is blinding you, read.
In the statement, Prisco, whose union represents more than half of United's mechanics, said that since 2001 the number of "mechanics and related staff" has dropped from 15,000 to 5,600.
That would be AMFA Local 9 President Prisco stating how many members have been lost. That means UAL M&R lost more than 60% of its employees. Is Prisco lying?
Overspeed said:
Throttle back. Your anger is blinding you, read.
In the statement, Prisco, whose union represents more than half of United's mechanics, said that since 2001 the number of "mechanics and related staff" has dropped from 15,000 to 5,600.
That would be AMFA Local 9 President Prisco stating how many members have been lost. That means UAL M&R lost more than 60% of its employees. Is Prisco lying?
Pointing out your obviously flawed agenda isn't something that angers me, and it would seem you're the one blinded, maybe you should re-read.
Prisco is talking about the Mechanics
The article I posted was referring to the entire airline.
You can keep trying to making these absurd arguments,  you're fooling no one but yourself.
BTW still waiting for you to prove your LIE about 80% of AMFA members losing their jobs.
Overspeed said:
In a membership drive two years ago, AMFA signed up 9,274 American mechanics, 57 authorization cards short of the 9,331 needed to hold a union representation election.
"AMFA is not the major issue. The major issue is the labor movement itself," said Chuck Schalk, an American mechanic at John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York and a member of TWU Local 562.
Blaming the members...? Chuck, tisk, tisk.
Nice try overstuck,    The labor movement as in the AFL/CIO,Transport trades, TWU,IAM  etc...... failing to represent their members.    
Overspeed said:
Throttle back. Your anger is blinding you, read.
In the statement, Prisco, whose union represents more than half of United's mechanics, said that since 2001 the number of "mechanics and related staff" has dropped from 15,000 to 5,600.
That would be AMFA Local 9 President Prisco stating how many members have been lost. That means UAL M&R lost more than 60% of its employees. Is Prisco lying?
you fail to reflect that the IAM gave up INDY and Oakland which you calculate as an AMFA loss. good spin but not the whole story spinster
Chuck Schalk said:
you fail to reflect that the IAM gave up INDY and Oakland which you calculate as an AMFA loss. good spin but not the whole story spinster
Overspeed refuses to acknowledge that the IAM has lost the MOST airline jobs.
How many members were at NW when they got in? 9,500. How many were left when it came time to merge with DL? 800. The AMFA concept was professionals have more clout. The IAM rampers got hit at NW but there were thousands left to get better pay and benefits once joining up with DL.
Lets say that the cuts NW wanted were draconian but left 50% still working. Once the merger happened 3,000 would be making DL wages now with seniority. Smooth move AMFA, you "won" that moral victory for your members.
Look at the membership numbers of AMFA at peak, around 25,000 to now which is around 3,500. Where did they go? In the case of UAL they said time to kick AMFA to the curb.
I did state earlier that UAL M&R decline started under the IAM and bottomed out under AMFA.
Check out this article. Talk about prophetic.
"The company is the winner," said Terry Tindall, a machinist at Northwest's Atlanta maintenance base, when he learned that the Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association (AMFA) had defeated the International Association of Machinists (IAM) in a decertification vote.
It's funny how the AMFA mechs from NWA don't blame Amfa for what happen, but the guys from the TWU blame Amfa for everything, but then don't admit the TWUs short comings which totally discredits them.

Answer this Overspeed sense you destroyed a very good thread. Why did the TWU not save MCI and AFW. The TWU is suppose to represent everybody not just TUL, how many mechs has TUL lost or downgraded to OSM?
Overspeed said:
I did state earlier that UAL M&R decline started under the IAM and bottomed out under AMFA.
Check out this article. Talk about prophetic.
"The company is the winner," said Terry Tindall, a machinist at Northwest's Atlanta maintenance base, when he learned that the Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association (AMFA) had defeated the International Association of Machinists (IAM) in a decertification vote.
The entire fiasco at UAL was completely agreed to by the IAM.  Once AMFA took over the results of what the IAM agreed to had to be enforced while AMFA was there but it was all nego and agreed to by the IAM--PERIOD!!!  All the recorded dates PROVE this fact.  Now try to spin this one...
This exact same BS lies and mistruths will be told at AA when AMFA finally gets in.  Every single negative that has to be enforced AMFA will get the blame when they all know it was entirely nego and agreed to by the TWU at AA and the IAM at US.  Trust me, it happened here at SWA when we fired the teamsters, AMFA got blamed for all the outsourcing going out the doors AND overseas (El Solvador) when in fact it was the teamsters language that allowed outsourcing to go out of the country starting with Canada first.  You cannot blame AMFA at UAL for what the IAM nego and agreed to prior to AMFA getting in.  AMFA is only following the law and enforcing the existing contract in place once they did take over, that was 100% nego and agreed to by the IAM...
Thanks for laying out the plan for after AMFA gets in.
  1. AA outsources lots of work and thousands of jobs
  2. AMFA blames the TWU
Alrighty then, thanks for clearing that up for us.

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