Overspeed said:TSH,
Nope...completely true. How did AMFA go around 25,000 to now around 3,500. Lot's and lot's of job loss mixed in with disgust for AMFA and going to the IBT at UAL. AMFA winning ways (sarcasm) sure kept them at UAL didn't they?
Face it, AMFA has permanently derailed AMT careers at NWA, AS, and UAL and we don't need AMFA doing anymore damage here at AA. Kilbane knows he doesn't have the cards and the NMB decision will most likely kill any chance for a vote. The US/IAM membership had EIGHT write ins for AMFA. What a joke.
Hey Overspin,
AMFA didn't cost me my career at NWA ...NWA cost me my career. That company spent millions on a mission long before negotiations even began to break our union with paying off the Bush cronies and the FAA to look the other way and training scabs with the help of IAM and other airlines management who did not want a militant mechanics union on their properties either. If I hadn't witnessed/lived it myself I would never have believed it. Did AMFA make mistakes? You bet! But one thing they did do is bring up the pay substantally for AMT's. There is not one airline AMT today that would be making over 30 bucks and hr if it were not for AMFA and thats a FACT! We raised the bar for the whole industry. Pretty sad when being non union is a better deal for AMT's then being in a union save AMFA. Even AA which is still at the bottom of the heap would be even lower if the TWU hadn't ridden the coattails of our NW AMFA contract. You look at the very bottom of pay and benefits for industry AMT's and IAM or TWU is representing them thats another FACT! I am at big purple and even these guys said they were not going to get a raise then when our AMFA contract came out their pay skyrocketed. Still amazes me that AMT's are still loyal to industrial unions that have destroyed their livelihoods. I guess there will always be sheep who will blindly follow. I would have had 28 yrs with NW now Delta if the strike had not happened and thats unfortunate. But I am making just shy of 110k a yr with NO overtime. Show me an IAM or TWU AMT who makes that other than a union official. I am glad to be out of this lunacy with the industrial unions. Carry on !