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Overspeed said:
Nope...completely true. How did AMFA go around 25,000 to now around 3,500. Lot's and lot's of job loss mixed in with disgust for AMFA and going to the IBT at UAL. AMFA winning ways (sarcasm) sure kept them at UAL didn't they?
Face it, AMFA has permanently derailed AMT careers at NWA, AS, and UAL and we don't need AMFA doing anymore damage here at AA. Kilbane knows he doesn't have the cards and the NMB decision will most likely kill any chance for a vote. The US/IAM membership had EIGHT write ins for AMFA. What a joke.
Hey Overspin,
AMFA didn't cost me my career at NWA ...NWA cost me my career. That company spent millions on a mission long before negotiations even began to break our union with paying off the Bush cronies and the FAA to look the other way and training scabs with the help of IAM and other airlines management who did not want a militant mechanics union on their properties either. If I hadn't witnessed/lived it myself I would never have believed it. Did AMFA make mistakes? You bet! But one thing they did do is bring up the pay substantally for AMT's. There is not one airline AMT today that would be making over 30 bucks and hr if it were not for AMFA and thats a FACT! We raised the bar for the whole industry. Pretty sad when being non union is a better deal for AMT's then being in a union save AMFA. Even AA which is still at the bottom of the heap would be even lower if the TWU hadn't ridden the coattails of our NW AMFA contract. You look at the very bottom of pay and benefits for industry AMT's and IAM or TWU is representing them thats another FACT! I am at big purple and even these guys said they were not going to get a raise then when our AMFA contract came out their pay skyrocketed. Still amazes me that AMT's are still loyal to industrial unions that have destroyed their livelihoods. I guess there will always be sheep who will blindly follow. I would have had 28 yrs with NW now Delta if the strike had not happened and thats unfortunate. But I am making just shy of 110k a yr with NO overtime. Show me an IAM or TWU AMT who makes that other than a union official. I am glad to be out of this lunacy with the industrial unions. Carry on !
Show me any AMT pay rate for any airline, not a cargo carrier that makes "just shy of $110K" without OT.
Overspeed said:
Show me any AMT pay rate for any airline, not a cargo carrier that makes "just shy of $110K" without OT.
Damn Good Point!
But you just confirmed what he is saying.
The Industrial Unions represent ALL non cargo AMT's and there is not one making that money because of that fact!
You just ate your own crap sandwhich. You are much like a mite on a chicken's ass.
Overspeed said:
Show me any AMT pay rate for any airline, not a cargo carrier that makes "just shy of $110K" without OT.
A topped out AMT at AMFA represented Southwest makes about $95,000/year.
And UPS is represented by the IBT and they make $100K. Aren't the IBT and industrial union?
Overspeed said:
And UPS is represented by the IBT and they make $100K. Aren't the IBT and industrial union?
My God man! You are like a fish flopping around out of water.
First YOU are very specific to say "non cargo AMT", then you jump at the chance to include UPS once your ignorance is exposed. WTF is wrong with you? You on drugs?
Impossible to hold an adult conversation or debate with such a babbling fool.
Slow down there. I said...
Show me any AMT pay rate for any airline, not a cargo carrier that makes "just shy of $110K" without OT."
You did not point out one airline that makes more than $110K without OT other than to say that is, "The Industrial Unions represent ALL non cargo AMT's and there is not one making that money because of that fact!"
  1. AS and SW are represented by AMFA which is a craft union and they don't make $110K a year without OT
  2. UPS is a cargo carrier and they make about $100K a year and they are represented by an industrial union (IBT)
So there is no airline represented by a craft or industrial union making over $110K without OT. Regardless if the aircraft at cargo and pax airlines are the same the business model is different. Profit margins are bigger at cargo outfits like FedEx and UPS and they do pay more across the board.
Whatever you say overspeed.
Keep posting.
Everyone running in circles eventually gets tired and dizzy.
Everyone has a different bottom to reach removal of denial.
Just like many, you will eventually get there too.
Overspeed said:
And UPS is represented by the IBT and they make $100K. Aren't the IBT and industrial union?
"YES" But when the IBT meeting are held for the UPS guys they are NOT with the butcher/baker/candlestickmakers/cooks and what ever other group that the Teamsters represent.
Now at UAL and CAL that is not the case, every tom/dick/Harry are at the meetings and the AMT's at the airlines are just a small fraction of the group. So they get over run.
The Teamsters at UPS also will stick together and most of UPS business is in trucking.
The IBT is strong there as an industrial union. But as an ATD Union they are the worse of the three industrial unions just a bit higher than the TWU.
Its time for a change here at AA, no matter what you say. The TWU has failed the AMT's Long enough, The Scamming needs to just GO AWAY.
You are correct. UPS/IBT M&R have their own local. So do we with Local 591.
Overspeed said:
You are correct. UPS/IBT M&R have their own local. So do we with Local 591.
That is INCORRECT, the IBT at UPS has Local 2727 for ALL of its aircraft Mechanics.
throughout their entire system.
We have 514 and 591 and one other for DWH or what ever correct.?
The TWU ADT is the same for all workers covered by the TWU Fleet/stores/maintenance.
The pres, or local officials who go to the negotiations Don't actually sit with the company
they get article to discuss after the ADT talks with HR and the AA Legal team. At US the district Lodge guys do that job.
The United guys are lumped in with all the other job classifications, throughout the entire system.. The Local at LAX for united wants the Biz agent gone. Both CAL and UAL signed for that to happen but we will see. The state of Florida Local is run BY a Grocery Clerk. His name is Scott. 
The system is broken for the airlines mechanics and it needs a complete overhaul. The Industrial unions have had the chance to make a difference to lobby for changes to the RLA and for out sourcing of our work they have failed and now we want a change. Enough is Enough.
Yes we have three locals at AA. 514, 567, and 591 with some Title II in a few Fleet locals.
In the past I understood only one or two actual members of the committee went to meet with the company on a regular basis. That was when there was multiple line locals. I don't know if the bylaws have been addressed to deal with the new local system in the TWU.
Overspeed said:
How many members were at NW when they got in? 9,500. How many were left when it came time to merge with DL? 800. The AMFA concept was professionals have more clout. The IAM rampers got hit at NW but there were thousands left to get better pay and benefits once joining up with DL.
Lets say that the cuts NW wanted were draconian but left 50% still working. Once the merger happened 3,000 would be making DL wages now with seniority. Smooth move AMFA, you "won" that moral victory for your members.
Look at the membership numbers of AMFA at peak, around 25,000 to now which is around 3,500. Where did they go? In the case of UAL they said time to kick AMFA to the curb.
Is this your round-about way of admitting your earlier post, of 80% of AMFA members losing their jobs was a LIE?
TWU informer said:
Whatever you say overspeed.
Keep posting.
Everyone running in circles eventually gets tired and dizzy.
Everyone has a different bottom to reach removal of denial.
Just like many, you will eventually get there too.
It's part of the Razzle Dazzle.
They do it all the time.
Obfuscate, deflect, lie are their tools.
Overspeed said:
Yes we have three locals at AA. 514, 567, and 591 with some Title II in a few Fleet locals.
In the past I understood only one or two actual members of the committee went to meet with the company on a regular basis. That was when there was multiple line locals. I don't know if the bylaws have been addressed to deal with the new local system in the TWU.
By your statement here I see you could admit that the system of how the negotiations were done was Flawed. We were at the mercy of the Few ATD members. Now the Association will send 3 IAM and 3 TWU members, with Tom Buff, sitting at the TOP for the first two yrs.
Bylaws won't make a difference if the Association gets in since they have re-written a set of their own.
Unless the TWU backs out of this deal we the mechanics of AA and US will be screwed again.
What is the real shame, having any title 2 guys in a fleet Local, they are per the NMB part of our class and craft and should be assigned to a local of their peers. 
All the slogans they threw our way were just a JOKE. They Never had our best interest in mind. So there isn't any next time the TWU needs to go. You may not like the idea of that but 
The TWU system is flawed, the rif's have not been done the same or our stock equity, the Prefunding money, our Holidays, vacation, pay structure, Even days off and shift bids are all done different at many stations. We are all on separate pages and that works in the best interest of the company not the membership. The ATD benefited from our cuts they got rich and we had to live under the BS they felt we deserved. They pushed the contracts to get them passed by selling on single point each time.

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