WingNaPrayer said:
Aiding & Abetting? Oh good gawd thank you! I haven't had a good laugh like that in a long time!
Advocating a sick out, or even instigating one, while it may be an infraction of the rules set forth by an employer, is NOT a crime, it is NOT illegal.
Don't be too sure about that. Under the RLA (Railway Labor Act) which covers flight attendants and the NLRA (National Labor Relations Act), job actions/work stoppages at a time when one's union is not in self-help, are in fact, illegal in certain industries. Those industries are ones which have a direct bearing on the USA's security or economic well-being. Airlines fall under this category. Also why workers at utility companies can not indulge in illegal job actions.
Oh, by the way, an illegal job action is whatever the company can get a Federal judge to call an illegal job action. Whether you happen to think so or not. This business of "whatever I want to do is my Constitutional right to do" has got to stop. "I have the right to smoke wherever I want and drive as fast as I want." It's ruining this country. (Well, that and the idea that anything bad that happens to me has to be someone's fault other than me, of course. "If I'm fat, it must be MacDonald's fault."