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It's Going To Be A Bumpy Ride

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WingNaPrayer said:
Dreamer! AA "screws over", as you put it, thousands of customers every time they misconnect and WON'T WAIT for passengers coming in on other misconnected flights, even by five minutes. That's time a pilot can easily make up in the air, hell most of them can make up a half hour if need be, but noooooooo, not AA, they won't wait.

So, customers of AA have been used to getting screwed for a very long time, this will be nothing new!
YOu don't fly to Chicago much, do you WNP? As a hobby, I'll listen to the planes at KCI. You can't imagine the number of times I've heard the tower tell the pilots bound for ORD about their "window" for departure...if they don't get off by that time, they will be delayed until another "arrival window" opens up for them. Sometimes that 5 minutes can translate into an hour. But I'm sure you'd have a solution for that, wouldn't you? Nevermind...I forgot you didn't have any solutions...only complaints.
TWAnr said:
The link is correct, it just does not say what you would have us believe it says. For your benefit, I posted the actual language of the law, which you can access at this site: California Law.

Oh, brother. you are now parsing your language. You are advocating that AA flight attendants call in sick, over the holidays, whether they are sick or not. That meets the legal definition of aiding and abetting in promoting an illegal job action. I know who you are. Others do too. Watch out, or you may find yourself terminated from your job for cause.
First: I think you're getting a PO'd that I have posted a link with the truth and details on UE in CA.

Second: You may think that you know who I'm, but I guarantee you're dead wrong! I know who you think I'm and you're incorrect, pal. AA can't do a damn thing to anyone who is an advocate or an organizer for a sick out, that hasen't happened. They can't do anything until it actually happens, if it does. It's not against the law to discuss it.

Third: I think you better get a refund on your "so called" law degree from the college you attended. They obviously didn't teach you the real deal.

Fourth: I know a certain f/a with AA that made you look like a fool on this BB about a year ago and you disappeared for months after it. Since that f/a was banned for life on this BB you have comeback.

Fifth: You're not an Attorney! How many phone calls do you handle at the front desk of the law office you work at? "Thank you for calling the law offices of Larry H. Parker, how may I direct your call?"
wrx said:
Fourth: I know a certain f/a with AA that made you look like a fool on this BB about a year ago and you disappeared for months after it. Since that f/a was banned for life on this BB you have comeback.
Thanks for confirming who you are.

Are you still stealing company property and using it to mix the crew juice which you drink on your layovers?

Now they have two just causes to fire you and deny your unemployment claim when the inevitable happens.
TWAnr said:
Thanks for confirming who you are.

Are you still stealing company property and using it to mix the crew juice which you drink on your layovers?

Now they have two just causes to fire you and deny your unemployment claim when the inevitable happens.
What the hell are you talking about? You have no idea who I'm and you never will. But, I do know who you're and I will get you for harassing me on this BB in court. This way I can see how your receptionist skills do for you in a court case.

You crack me up. Accusing someone of stealing company property, to try and get them in trouble, hmm sounds illegal to me.

If you think you knoe me, send me PM with all my 411. I bet you will not do it, because you don't know who I'm!

TWAnr law offices..Can he get you $2.1 million?
wrx said:
What the hell are you talking about? You have no idea who I'm and you never will. But, I do know who you're and I will get you for harassing me on this BB in court. This way I can see how your receptionist skills do for you in a court case.
You are correct sir. I believe it's right there in California Penal Code 3.4583.2 - Bulletin Board harassment. I think it carries a 20 year to life sentence.
Arnold is revoking all 20 tear to life sentences. If they do not behave he'll terminate them before their 20 year to life sentences are up. :up:
L1011Ret said:
Arnold is revoking all 20 tear to life sentences. If they do not behave he'll terminate them before their 20 year to life sentences are up. :up:

You have been terminated! My next target is TWnr and then KCFlyer.

KCFlyer said:
You are correct sir. I believe it's right there in California Penal Code 3.4583.2 - Bulletin Board harassment. I think it carries a 20 year to life sentence.
Close, but no cigar.

California Penal Code Section 653m, a misdemeanor punishable by six month imprisonment in the county jail and/or a fine up to $500, is the controlling law.

wrx said:
Wrong my friend. In California, you can file for UE even if you have been fired. That is the only state I believe that allows it. 😀
Didn't you live in Montana a few pages back? Or has this thread gone on so long that you've had time to move?...
Former ModerAAtor said:
wrx said:
Wrong my friend. In California, you can file for UE even if you have been fired. That is the only state I believe that allows it. 😀
Didn't you live in Montana a few pages back? Or has this thread gone on so long that you've had time to move?...
I never said what state I live in. I only said that I'm based in NYC. This whole deal regarding UE in CA is because I said a friend of mine who was furloughed lives in CA and was based in LGA. She is collecting UE from CA. TWnr said you can only collect in the state you're employed in. I proved him wrong and he got pissy.

For the record, no I don't live in Montana.
WingNaPrayer said:
Aiding & Abetting? Oh good gawd thank you! I haven't had a good laugh like that in a long time!

Advocating a sick out, or even instigating one, while it may be an infraction of the rules set forth by an employer, is NOT a crime, it is NOT illegal.
Don't be too sure about that. Under the RLA (Railway Labor Act) which covers flight attendants and the NLRA (National Labor Relations Act), job actions/work stoppages at a time when one's union is not in self-help, are in fact, illegal in certain industries. Those industries are ones which have a direct bearing on the USA's security or economic well-being. Airlines fall under this category. Also why workers at utility companies can not indulge in illegal job actions.

Oh, by the way, an illegal job action is whatever the company can get a Federal judge to call an illegal job action. Whether you happen to think so or not. This business of "whatever I want to do is my Constitutional right to do" has got to stop. "I have the right to smoke wherever I want and drive as fast as I want." It's ruining this country. (Well, that and the idea that anything bad that happens to me has to be someone's fault other than me, of course. "If I'm fat, it must be MacDonald's fault."
jimntx said:
WingNaPrayer said:
Aiding & Abetting? Oh good gawd thank you! I haven't had a good laugh like that in a long time!

Advocating a sick out, or even instigating one, while it may be an infraction of the rules set forth by an employer, is NOT a crime, it is NOT illegal.
Don't be too sure about that. Under the RLA (Railway Labor Act) which covers flight attendants and the NLRA (National Labor Relations Act), job actions/work stoppages at a time when one's union is not in self-help, are in fact, illegal in certain industries. Those industries are ones which have a direct bearing on the USA's security or economic well-being. Airlines fall under this category. Also why workers at utility companies can not indulge in illegal job actions.

Oh, by the way, an illegal job action is whatever the company can get a Federal judge to call an illegal job action. Whether you happen to think so or not. This business of "whatever I want to do is my Constitutional right to do" has got to stop. "I have the right to smoke wherever I want and drive as fast as I want." It's ruining this country. (Well, that and the idea that anything bad that happens to me has to be someone's fault other than me, of course. "If I'm fat, it must be MacDonald's fault."
Whatever happens, it will an interesting holiday season. It doesn't have to be a sick out to get pax to fly on other airlines. 😉
jimntx said:
jimntx smote the board with . . .
Don't be too sure about that. Under the RLA (Railway Labor Act) which covers flight attendants and the NLRA (National Labor Relations Act), job actions/work stoppages at a time when one's union is not in self-help, are in fact, illegal in certain industries.

Give me the cite and the allowable sentence, I'd like to look that one up.

Oh, by the way, an illegal job action is whatever the company can get a Federal judge to call an illegal job action.

Ok, so in other words, Judges write the laws? I was of the impression that judges only apply and enforce the laws, oftentimes badly, but they certainly don't write them. Any judge who tries to "make up" a law and enforce or apply a law that doesn't exist, especially because a company such as AMR has convinced him it's beneficial to them, is going to get overturned by a higher court, and is going to have a helluva time staying on the bench.

Whether you happen to think so or not. This business of "whatever I want to do is my Constitutional right to do" has got to stop.

Oh my, a Bush/Ashcroft apologist! They'll love your attitude at the white house. Jot that down on a hallmark and see if you can get a freebie in the Lincoln bedroom!

"If I'm fat, it must be MacDonald's fault."

Possibly, but if you're just plain a fat-head, it's nobody's fault but your own. 😉
WingNaPrayer said:
I highly doubt you're an attorney either, if you were, you'd have a much better command of your phraseology, not to mention legal terms.
You and WRX should have your knife and fork ready, crow is not finger food. :lol:
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