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Is USAirways hostile takeover Of AA for Real?

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Revisionist resume as of 10:51 AM yesterday.

700UW Posted Yesterday, 10:51 AM 700UW
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Etc, etc blah, blah, blah

I really don't care about your so-called resume or it's recent revisions. I'm growing tired of your repeated thread hijacks.

My answer to you is on Monkey Business thread which is exactly what you do all over these boards.

One other thing, I would have responded to you on that thread but due to it closing unexpectedly after your parting shot, you get my parting shot here for the 700 Club. I have no respect for your hit and run tactics where you provoke and then hide after I point out the inconsistency and revisions of your own statements.
You are the one who came to this thread and repeated a post that got another thread locked on the US board.

You are the one who hijacked that thread and trying to do the same to this.

This is about US and AA merger and you posted a post about me and not the issue.
This is about US and AA merger .

If all of these interpersonal conflicts had some relevance to AA, then they might be mildly interesting - but I'm having a hard time understanding how US' intertribal warfare contributes anything to the discussion about AA.
US Airways wrote the book on how do screw labor in BK, and AA unions are nuttts to think they will get any kind of better deal with Parker..in light of the fact that US Aiways employees have never had such a thing.. just demonstrates the desparation in all these folks who have no protections whether inside or outside BK, whether union or not.

I think the labor unions over at AA must have been blinded by hatred for their management. Because if they had any idea of how Doug Parker operates they would not be nearly so eager to crawl into bed with him.

If this merger goes through, they are in for a RUDE awakening.
If all of these interpersonal conflicts had some relevance to AA, then they might be mildly interesting - but I'm having a hard time understanding how US' intertribal warfare contributes anything to the discussion about AA.
And the rest of the board is wondering why you constantly post about DL here, lol
And the rest of the board is wondering why you constantly post about DL here, lol
If nothing else, your criticism of what I post shows your hypocrisy since at least my participation in AA threads have some connection to the industry in which AA competes.

Tell me again how rehashing your decade old wars on the AA forum provides any insight to the discussion about AA?

Do these intertribal skirmishes still exist at US and if they do does that say something about the future of labor relations in a combined AA/US?

You just dont get it, go post all about DL on the DL board.

This thread is about US and AA, I bet you posted 100 times about DL in this thread.

And the merger is only seven years old, and I dont have a war at US with anyone.

At least I dont have an alter ego going around +1ing my posts.
You are here arguing about your credentials with people.

Yes, indeed the thread is about AA and US - and you have yet to tell me how your little spats w/ Pit et al having anything to do with it.

in my zeal to counteract negative votes from others, I forgot to vote down your posts.
There I fixed it....
I replied to a post about me, you on the other hand post DL this, DL that when no one is saying a world about DL.

I have no spat with PItbull, I know her in real life and we are friends, are you having comprehension problems?
Since DL has expressed interest in AA or its assets, it cannot be ruled out. If you don't want to read about DL w/ respect to AA, then you should probably not participate in the discussions on the subject until it all plays out.

Forgive me if I forgot who was shooting at who... The only point is that if the subject is AA and a potential acquisition, then there should be some connection between the mud slinging and AA on at least one side.

If you don't want to provide any justification for your mud slinging, then I certainly am under no obligation to listen to calls to not insert DL into the discussion, esp. since I'm talking about considerations that would come into play in a merger.

Now, what is your contribution to the potential merger discussion?
Then start a thread about DL showing interest, not hijacking every thread with your DL gospel.
The difference is I was replying to a post directed exactly towards me, and you werent.
but it still has nothing to do with AA.... do you have anything to contribute to the topic about AA and a potential merger or not?

this comment would be a good place to start:

The sacrifices given haven't translated to anything for labor except the "same old/ same old"...and the fat cats get richer, call the shots, and boldly go where no one else has gone with their arrogance.

And I haven't heard any plan of how AA-US will be any different or bring US labor - all groups - to industry average or better wages.
I have been following with interest the media reports detailing American Airlines bankruptcy and US Airways attempts to inject itself into the process.

US Airways is courting American’s trade unions and whispering sweet nothings about how a merger would benefit workers. But US Airways is a faithless suitor. Speaking from my personal experience at the bargaining table at USAirways, you can't even trust 10% of what they say. We too negotiated a restructuring agreement OUTSIDE of bankruptcy in 2002, post 9/11. And after giving them what they convinced us they needed to survive, and after all of labor signed, sealed and delivered ratified agreements, USAirways flew into bankruptcy (their first one). Once again, after they convinced us that they needed more to survive, and that if we didn't give them what they needed again, we would liquidate. And again, we gave them NEW ratified agreements. Eighteen months later, USAirways flew into bankruptcy again ( bankruptcy #2 for those of you who don't know our history).

AA labor unions need no further proof than the company’s track record in its relationship with US Airways unions. Thousands of us vividly remember 2005. That was the year US Airways labor groups ratified contracts that froze the pension plans, all in an effort to help the company achieve the cost savings it needed during bankruptcy. Just five days later, US Airways asked the court to terminate the pension plans, divorcing itself from employees and dumping pension costs on taxpayers. It was slap in the face to thousands of union workers who were committed to saving the airline. To add insult to injury, a year later, US Airways managed to find $11 billion, money that the company hoped to use in its failed attempt to purchase Delta.

American Airlines workers must stick together and not be swayed by empty promises.

Washington, D.C. May 9, 2006 – The Transport Workers Union of America (TWU), AFL-CIO, and the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM), AFL-CIO, today reached an agreement over the future representation rights for the close to 8,000 active and furloughed fleet service workers at the merged US Airways and America West Airlines.
As part of the accord, the TWU today is withdrawing its application with the National Mediation Board (NMB) seeking representation rights for the merged workforce, and has agreed to work with the IAM leadership on a seniority integration process to ensure a smooth transition of representation services between the TWU and the IAM.
The TWU has represented America West fleet service employees since 1999. The IAM has represented US Airways fleet service workers since 1994.
TWU International President James C. Little said that the TWU International Administrative Committee made the decision after recognizing that an NMB-conducted election would possibly result in no union for the merged workforce.
“I believe we have made the right decision for the members we represent at America West. Considering the current state of the airline industry, no workforce should be without union representation,” said Little.
“The IAM will work closely with the TWU’s International and Local 580 representatives to ensure a smooth transition into a single, unified workforce,” said IAM General Vice President Robert Roach, Jr. “The IAM and TWU have worked together for many years, and that relationship will continue.”
“A major part of this process will be negotiating a transition agreement with US Airways that covers all Fleet Service workers,” said Roach. “Current TWU Local 580 representatives from the former America West will participate in the transition negotiations alongside IAM District 141 representatives. The TWU representatives’ knowledge and experience will be invaluable.”
Little added that the two sides had explored other options to avoid an NMB election, including a Joint Council or a private election. “In the end, however, circumstances made it clear that only our withdrawal of our NMB petition would guarantee uninterrupted union representation for the merged workforce.”
Little also said that the TWU Administrative Committee was acceding to the wishes of the Local TWU leaders at America West that the union not become involved in protracted dispute with the IAM that could result in no union for the merged workforce.
“The TWU certainly hates to lose representation rights for this fine group of workers and union members at America West. But it would be far worse if the merged workforce was faced with a future of no representation,” said Little.

See J. Little and the boys making deals, what would be in store for US, if we mergeed with US Airways. As you can read Little does NOT want an election here at AA because the TWU track record is POOR. He's scared to be voted OUT..
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